Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 194 Hargesccal Globalization

This updated hyperin has a lot of change, first of all, the interface is updated again. The interface of the meeting in 2002 is the four or four squares, and the color matching and design of the interface will have an inexplicable. Thickness, even if it is in the West, this is caused by the background and technical restrictions.

Interface design is a technical breakthrough of consumers. Many people think that there is not much technical content of interface design. However, the optimization of the interface is very difficult, how to match the color, how to distribute the sector to give users better visual feelings, how It can give users vision, this is a university.

Especially to break through the aesthetics of the times to achieve some optimization, it is more difficult, Apple is in front of the world, in fact, many internal employees have denied Jobs's design ideas.

The new interface is first complied with the three principles of interface design, and the designs are under the control of the user, reduce the user's memory burden, maintain the consistency of the interface.

On the details, the changes in the hymths include that the entire interface is used to use a single column rather than multi-columns, combined with repetition, highlighting the function comparison, reducing links and increasing functional logic, in the process of user use Add recommendations, etc.

Many new users have experienced a few feelings in this year, the registration interface is clear, simple, background comfort, and a comprehensive understanding of the production through simple guidelines, and in the previous friends Based on the recommendation, it is recommended to increase the recommendation of the user.

After the registration is completed, the features are particularly clear, chatted, making friends, games, this time, this concept is still streamlined with a new plate: hot search.

After entering hot search, there is hot search news, there is hot search topic, and users can use hot search range, including global hot search, domestic hot search, city hot search, friends hot search.

When the user starts attempting to publish a message, the obvious comparison has occurred. One reason for the face pressure over MSN and ICQ is that the user editing interface of the two is very bloated and uncomfortable. This world MSN and ICQ have still existed.

In contrast, the editing interface after the hymths is simple, the input is convenient, easy to modify, easy to revoke, easy to insert, if it is wrong, edit it after the revocation, you can choose to call out The previously entered content to modify the wrong word.

Even the size ratio of the picture nine-rich and text is particularly comfortable.

The things on a series of details make users touching the experience.

Thanks to the construction of the server directly, the content is stable and efficient. All the way to play MSN with ICQ, and before the competition of the Asian competition, there are many innovations, but this time I can't converge it, because the West, especially Mi, can always Looking for a reason to drive the hand, you must quickly occupy a certain market when the other party is not too late to react, and the purpose of achieving itself.

Of course, the wind letter on the West is also guided by the real name of the user. It is a world-famous social platform, and the real name can be convenient for everyone.

Many people can find the goddess goddess in their hearts through the name.

In addition, this updated hymths have further optimized online games, and the contents of the wind card game sector are greatly rich, and the traditional game is turned on, including chess board games.

At the same time, the wind has created a large number of online game friends competition, such as the wolf kills the global college contest, and Lianliankan Learn the Global College Competition, and the newly launched card game "The ancient myth" in this emotion, is "God Biography" A card game launched by the game character card, and the content play will give a certain extent of the "stones".

To participate in the competition, you will be outside to a platform: Kyushu battle platform.

In addition to the game competition, Hualic Letter has launched a new event: the global university technology contest.

This activity is naturally founded by Great Wind, through the promotion of hyacinth, global college students can register through hypersin, including mathematics, physics, chemical competition, first place The bonus is 1 million soft girl.

All optimizations have gradually harvested new users in the West, and a new round of market development is also started in Asia.

The new version of the new version of the new version updated on the 11th is the new spring theme interface.

The strong and clear Chinese Spring Festival elements are inserted in every corner of the hymth, and the Great Winds has also launched dozens of new spring themes in costumes and space dressings.

However, a thing of the most work-in-law created in this move is that it is more natural, not too Tang, don't be too straightforward as much as possible.

More only through the Chinese Spring Festival element, such as a year of fish, dumplings, reunion rice, to show a peaceful, reunion, and festive atmosphere.

Moreover, these elements are integrated with some of the elements of foreign countries, integrate with anime characters in neon, with anime, integrate with stars, in Omi, some of the local buildings, classic roles, etc., can make different countries. People are better to accept these Spring Festival elements without thinking that the wind is very stiff to make cultural input.

At the same time, after the update on the 11th, the wind launched a new year game. By collecting dust, post the Spring Festival couplets, explodes of bamboo, eat a round meal, over-the year five new year cards, you can get a new year red envelope.

This small game is not very tempting for Westerners who have just contacted hybrids, but for users in China and users in Asia, they are very attractive.

For a time, millions of users participated in this card game, lively.

Plus the hybrids have achieved a wide range of interoperabilities around the world, and many people want to add a foreign friend, and the hammer is rapidly climbing this day.

At 6 o'clock in the evening of the 11th, my parents who came back to the old family and had a meanton driver who had a dinner, and after 12 hours, the user's active user activity continued to grow.

In the hot search list of the hymth, the Chinese Spring Festival rushed into the first position.

And this first is really not a big creation, because the world is really peaceful, there is no special explosive incident, and the Chinese Spring Festival has the attention of the Natural users of China and the attention of some of Asia. Thermally naturally came up and lasted all night.

But on this issue, I exposed a problem with the hymn, and Meng Qian decided to be a lot of objections when they had to do global hot search. That is the language problem.

The global interoperability is the same as the twenty, support multi-country language, but everyone has sent their own native language, which leads to the global hot search for convenience, after all, English is a global language, Chinese Obviously not.

News written in Chinese because language restrictions are certainly less prone to too many global attention.

But Meng Qian is somewhat insisted on this issue, because at least, although this evening is in the language loss, but under the advantage of the user base, the Spring Festival will be on the top of the hot search top. And there is a translation function after the update, although the translation will definitely have various problems, how much is always able to play a certain role, so that people in other countries can understand a little Chinese news.

Moreover, if it really feels that the global hot search is not very good, canceling is, just say that the operation failed, the control of anyway is in his own hands.

At this hot topic, it shows the various, warm and lively reunion rice, full of hot meals, children playing on the streets, and the face is full of happiness and happiness, twelve bells. Next, the temple is devout, the fireworks on the shackles of the Huangpu River, the enthusiasm of the couples, there is still failed to go home, in the same place, a scene of the Chinese Spring Festival, through the wind letter showing global before.

Many people say that there is nothing to understand where the 2008 Olympic Games is. It is because they don't know how Western media reported in Huaxia, poor, no food on the road, and there is no smile on the road. Those, this is a confusion, no freedom, no democracy, and there is no tragic country with happiness.

In the early years, the Chinese people living in foreign countries have seen these descriptions.

Which country will work with such a country? Which company will go to do business with such a country, which one will go such a country to travel?

In 2008, the Olympic Games is also good, to create a business card in Shanghai, everything is, in order to let the world see more real Chinese, let the world can see even in the Western public opinion control, and see even a little bit of Chinese, On the real, as performance as possible.

And the letter is doing today, the same thing is the same, but the hymths can not afford the money, can't be shocked like the Olympics, but at least Meng Qian can pass the platform, let more people know, Huaxia People eat, the Chinese children have a smile, the young people in Huaxia have their own attitude, and the streets of Huaxia is full of cars, Huaxia's Huangpu River is tower.

China is still in the development stage, even if there is still a lot of problems, we are very free, very happy, don't worry ...

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