In the evening, I got me in Osaka at night, but the mountain made Meng Qian to stand Meng Qian, because he will fly back to Hangzhou from Tokyo the next day.

After dinner, Shangye arranged the driver to send Meng Qian back to Tokyo.

Then to Tokyo is 11 o'clock in the evening, the hotel downstairs Qin Mo is already waiting.

Looking at the complex expressions of Qinmer, Meng Qian proposed to drink two cups of wine house on the side of the hotel.

"I heard that you have done the two customers, how emotions are still so low." Meng Qian took the initiative to give Qinmer, and He Yuting drink is a drink.

Qin Mo did not hide, straightforward, "I have to go back tomorrow, but I still don't want to understand the problem before Meng Yong."

"What are you talking about industrial software?" Meng Qian touched the cup of Qinmer.

Qinmer did a glass of wine, some helplessly nodded.

"In fact, there is nothing special especially, just like you said before, neon industrial companies will do industrial software themselves, which is also the characteristics of neon industries, and everything they do.

However, many of them are tested to meet domestic demand, do not participate in external competition, and neon industrial software is a classic field, and their industrial software is not harmonious, but they just take it because they I feel that my core is in the industry, not in software sales.

Another reason why they have this kind of thinking is self-policy, they are afraid that they are being held in the neck, so they will not grab our technology, they just want to steal our technology.

They steal our technology, the purpose is to use and do not be restricted by us, so do not affect our industrial software overseas competition, this time, it is best to sell, just like you are selling Like the rebate, all the allies should always give the benefits other than the contract.

Especially this benefits that affect yourself or have a little influence, you can give it a little, one employee, four thousand oil water, he will feel that this work is good and there will be an inexplicable accomplishment, but if you Directly gave him eight thousand but sealed all the opportunities of all his earnings and even happhously and even more condemned him. He instead once again.

Many truths are all. "

Qin Mo didn't help but laugh, "I didn't want to understand this so much."

"So ..." Meng Qian's lazy eyes suddenly seriously, "should you not do this? Are you in order to enter my company, a lot of things that temporarily understand?"

Qin Mo smiled nodded.

"Then you don't need to feel negligent or how, understand a industry, you always need to be immersed in an industry for a while, and you have also helped me."

"I? Can I help me?" Qinmer did not comfort my expression.

"You help me confirm the relationship between Sony with big and housing industry. I will dare to get better. I am very strange before, how Sony just let me come to neon, big and housing industries to openly compete, this is There is no way to don't want to think more.

Later, some information you got to find, let me react, I have always considering the development of industrial development in China, especially as private enterprises, I need to build allies here. Circle, this consideration is more from my angle.

But in fact, neon companies should also want to find suitable allies. You must know that they are born by the lives of rice, will they be willing? And they were just after being dried by rice, the foundure is there, they really didn't think about it? "

"Neon country is always a big country." Qin Mimi has a hateful expression, "With their national characteristics, it is unlikely to be really willing, before the neon, the neon is threatening to buy New York."

"So, they just have to hidden, they must also seek ways to break, this time Sony shouted me to neon, it is likely to try me."

"The words" said that the meanto does not mind, the wind group is just a case, the overall technology level of Huaxia is so backward, Meng Zheng really can achieve a wide range of alliances in neon countries? They really feel big wind Does the group have this qualification? "

"The wind group is indeed a case, but our appearance is a surprise on the surface, but the deeper meaning is the bridge.

Yesterday, when I chatted with the big and housing industry, I cracked the words, I mentioned that we have a common opponent, I mentioned that I want to touch them more companies, at the same time, I also hinted that he can Help him have a larger market in China.

It's too complicated between our relationship with neon, in China, and what you said in China, and what you said, our overall is too late.

But his ultimate attitude is still further working, there are many factors, including them really hope to find the right ally, including the Great Breeze Group itself will increase again with this business software incident, including Huaxia again Not good, at least two natural advantages of natural resources and markets.

What's more, our Huaxia has been dragged down for a long time. There are many neon people to understand, so from Sony to the big and housing industry, their current attitude is a positive signal.

It is to use your own international status to make a good bridge, with more external power to facilitate the development of the country, of course, all of them are very subtle, and it needs to be cautious. "

Qin Mo took a drink for a drink, "Although it is a bit unwilling, neon is really the best object."

"Oh? Why do you say this?"

"As far as I know, there is a certain difference between the development of the Eastern and Western technology. The West relying on historical deposits. Now the eight industrial countries, Germany Sweden is all from the cottage, but their cottage has long, and persevere, this A cottage is a decades, and naturally, the cottage is a large country.

However, the Oriental countries are generally industrialized, and more efforts, talents, and speculation are developing. Only neon countries are different, the neon industrialization begins very early, and at the same time, it has both efforts and talents of Orientals. Therefore, the industrial development of neon countries has the foundation and has space.

If it is limited to international relations, the industrial level of neon countries will be terrible. Confused alternative to several other industrial countries, development is floating, including Gao Li, is also the same, India will not say it, a trick enlightenment is enrolled in the source of the source. It is not put on the foundation.

We are now looking for allies, can't ran to the west, so there is only neon. "

"In fact, you don't have to feel unhadiment." Meng Qian touched the cup of touched the Qinmer, and his eyes suddenly cold. At the light of the wine house, there were even some seepage people. "Cooperation is just a beautification of each other, why There is a separate title of allies, that is, because some people can only do allies, never be friends. "

Qin Mo immediately understood Meng Qian's meaning, once again dried a cup of wine, silence.

"Talk about your things." After the two were silent, Meng Qian took the initiative.

"my business?"

Meng Mong did an agenious expression. "I want to recruit a staff, I should always know his resume?"

Qin Mo has some fragmented. "I am so general this time, even if I entered the wind group, I estimate that I have to do what I want."

"What location do you want?"

"I want to contact the qualifications of big customers."


"I want to make money."

Meng Qian expression is confused, "With your ability, you should not make money."

"I am a half-way home." Qin Mo smiled, "I didn't have a few years, I wanted to go to the big business, no one wants me, I will continue to learn in some small businesses, but I can't make too much money until See the recruitment information of the wind group, I really want to try it. "

"Why do you make money so? I see you are not like a very high-aspiration for life." Meng Qian joke, "You don't have to give gambling, watching it is not like."

"Of course, I will not gamble." Qin Mo shook his head, silenced for a long time, "But I have a more difficult thing to stop."



Meng Qian, "???"


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