Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 206 Building Design

Meng Qian did not expect to hear such an answer, and even if the Qin Mo smiled and came, "I opened a joke."

From the beginning of Kenmer, Meng Qian did not find that there was a joke on Qin Mo, but his joke is not entirely a joke, because he is the next sentence, "I am at home, I am used to call her."

"It's really a small name." Meng Qian said, then watching Qin Mo, his face is full of contradictions and complications, which also makes Meng Qian probably understand why he will say this, because He is still hesitant to say this.

As for what, Meng Qian has almost guess. At this time, I will always feel a bit unsuitable. If I don't ask, Meng Qian does not dare to cultivate a person who is completely unknown.

Just when Meng Qian was two difficulties, Qin Mo took a drink again. At this moment, he has a mentality that needs to be explained to Meng Qian, but it also wants to find some mentality to tell why the object is Meng Qian, he is not Knowing, perhaps, this time the contact made him feel that this person is good.

Maybe, just rush.

"My wife I have been found two years ago. I have been supported by the previous income and family deposits. So I have to change a job that can make more money, of course, I have thought about the sea business, just I am now There is not much power to take risks. "

Since Qin Mo said the most important point, Meng Qian asked his other doubts, "What are you doing? You have a lot of power to be in the two-year sales Exercise, even don't have to have two decades. "

Qin Mo has some helpless mouth. "Meng always thinks what I did before?"

Meng Qian said his own guess, "Maybe related to investigation?"

Qin Min was thinking of a few seconds. "There is a little relationship, but it should be different from the profession of Meng Mong, I am a criminal psychological counselor."

"Criminal counselor?"

"Well, very cold door." Qin Mo gave himself a glass of wine, "mainly responsible for providing some consulting services to the police, and will also give some criminal counseling."

Meng Qian stunned, "So you are not junior high school degree."

Qin Mo smiled, "I graduated from Yanjing Normal University."

"According to you, your work is not low."

Qin Mo shakes his head. "The salary is really not high, but all kinds of benefits are better, and the more old, the more you eat, if you don't need to use money, this is really a decent work that you can do, but this work It is worthwhile to support a rich disease. "

"I didn't think about borrowing money? You have such a job, I can always be on." Meng Qi wants to sick his wife should be 99 years, the trust between people and people is still relatively strong, general I know that relatives and friends have such a thing to have a lot of money. After all, the emergency is not rescued, which is obviously anxious, let alone Qin Mo has such a good job, everyone will be more assured to lend him.

"Borrowing." Qin Mo has been stopping in the wine glasses, and his eyes will be a clear anger, "but was put on."

Meng Qian is sinking, it seems that this Qin Mo has encountered a continuous tragedy, but this is life, it is encountered, no luxury, bad people will have basic pity, if there is, there will be so many every year The hospital sneaks the thief of life.

"Then why do you want to conceal your own degree, you can add a score when you find a job ..." Meng Qian was afraid to reveal the question of Qin, but he said that he was very bad about himself. .

Why is the Diploma of Yanyin Normal University to conceal, the details will understand, the people in Qin Mo can take a university is very difficult, graduated, there is such a good job, if hanging This diploma will go out to find sales, inevitably face this problem, why do you want to change?

This means that if Qin Mo doesn't want to lie, he will have to open his scars over and over again, and doing sales is for his wife, this is a responsibility, but Qinmer is really willing, he Really want to do sales, he really wants to make a quick money, maybe for him, the job is not only a good income, but also a sense of accomplishment.

Can help the police arrested the prisoner, can make psychological counseling for the prisoner, some accomplishment is not the money, so it is better to bring your own degree.

And think of this, Meng Qian once again thought that he was more difficult to stop, some words were the psychological response of people, he felt that his wife is more difficult, but it is more likely his wife, but also more It is a good man with a good man, but it must also experience the psychological torture, people have selfishness, very normal.

The next consciousness looked at Qinmer's eyes. Sure enough, in addition to anger, there was a lot of irritability, Meng Qian was busy again transferring the topic. A variety of talents, you need quick money now, I feel that I have the ability to sell two years, and if you have more appropriate positions, you can apply for your job.

And if you can really make a score in the sales post, you can apply for our big disease loans after year or two. If the nephew disease needs long-term treatment, our policy should be good for you. "

See Meng Qi to work, Qin Mima converges incentive, put forward the core questions, "I am really grateful to Meng Gong to see me, but I still want to know if I now enter the wind group, have the opportunity to be short Do you touch your customers in your time? "

"Your ability, I am really recognized, just your understanding of our industry, but you can rest assured that our company has a perfect newcomer assessment system, in-service training for a week, then someone will take you, work for a month. They will have an assessment. According to your assessment, it will determine your next positioning and customer allocation.

I am the boss of the company, it is impossible to change the company's rules and regulations for any person, but you only have a good results, in a month's assessment, you can of course come into contact with big customers in a short time.

The Great Wind Group is a place to weaken the frame box, everything is speaking with the ability, attitude, and grades. "

Qinmer said, and finally expressed his heart in the most simple way, "Thank you."


Early the next morning, Meng Qian took He Yuting to Hang Hang in Hangzhou, and the sales manager came in a few days to divert the big and housing industry.

At noon arrived in the company, He Yuting took Qin Mo to apply for entry, Meng Qian returned to his office, and called Fu Yiyi.

"Is the design plan for the company's building?"

Fu Yiyi took out three programs to Meng Qian, "This is the three programs of our screening, and Meng always has a look."

Meng Qian looked at it and was quickly attracted by one of the programs, because in this program, the shape of the architecture can make people first react to Len Xing. This is a kind of Huaxia Wind show that Meng Qian is very like, which is to integrate the Chinese wind to the design, and achieve the effect of it.

In the architectural style, the entire building gives people a majestic feeling, which also emphasizes this profile design.

After being attracted, you will see the eye design of this building: Silent Art Studio, Wang Tree.

"Wang Shu?" Meng Qian looked up and went to pay, "Is it the king tree you said?"

"Yes, it is him."

"Isn't he refused?"

Fu Yi Yilu said that it is equally unexpected, "But he participated in our campaign, I don't know what he thinks."

"Which is your favorite design?"

"The design support rate of Wang Tree is the highest."

"I also tend to be more, this, you have to contact, more and more people, I hope that the building can start as soon as possible, in addition, the big and housing industry in Neon, I promised them, will let them build our building, Design aspects they will be based on our solution, you have recently taken a time to dock it with them. "

"Well, what is the budget limit?"

Meng Qian recalled, remembering the future generation of the city's building in Yanjing, it seems to be more than a dozen billions, but it is the price after more than ten years. "This way, according to our previous demand, three billion or less of your team To turn control, more than three billion, come here to apply. "

"it is good."

After paying, Meng Qian handled the document for a while, driving to Jiang Da.

After two days, it was a ceremonial ceremony of the Jiang University Computer College. Meng Qian was invited to step to say a few words. Results The Dean of the Executive Building, I just entered the computer school, Meng Qian saw an acquaintance just standing at the position of the door, "Ji teacher?"

"Hey, Meng Jin is coming."

Soon, the leaders in the office came with Mengqian, but Meng Qian still couldn't help but see the Ji Kai, "How did the teacher are here?"

"Hey, I said, I am a teacher of Jiangda, the new college founded me to see it?" Ji Kai smiled, then went to two steps, "But there is something to say just talk to you."

"what's up?"

"After two days, you speech at Jianglian, and Tajimadi will have a speech."

Meng Qian's eyes move, "Wet lithography technology?"

Jikai nodded.


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