Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 211 Product Development

The average person is hard to find, I like we will recommend it to your friends.

At noon, the leaders of the computer college have a meal. Meng Qian in the afternoon, I went to Kaikai, and then two people chatted with the development of their own lightning machine (love Qíng), waiting for the news on the side of Tyeling.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Jikai's school brother, is also the case of Jiang Jianming, which represents the publicly speaking on the public, and organizes the (love qíng) situation on the Taiwan Power, and has passed down.

Meng Qiao followed the content of the content, and then Meng Qian consulted the view of Jikai.

"From today's disclosed content, Lin Benjian's views on wet process are only in theoretical level, and what he now means to find partners to verify his theory."

"But from the attitude of speaking, it feels very definitely."

Jikai is some self-deprecating. "This is our confidence in our own, if we don't believe in your own theory, who will spend effort to verify our theory?"

Regarding this topic, Meng Qian smiled, "What is the teacher thinks about his theory?"

There are a lot of professional things in Meng Qian, I can't understand, I can only ask the Jikai, "Basically consistent with our research direction, just some details, there is no research, but we started more early. Looking back, Lin Ben is coming, you can talk well. "

Speaking of this, Meng Qian couldn't help but shook his head, "Ji Ji really feels that Lin Benjian will come?"

Ji Kai did not understand, "Jianming is not said that Lin Benjian will come to the microelectronics in Shanghai after a while?"

Meng Qian pointed to the document, "According to the feedback of Jiang teacher, he and Lin Benjian mentioned our Shanghai microelectrics. Lin Benjian is all kinds of touches. He also said to be very interested, he said we said we The product, he also said very interesting, telling him that I went to visit him, he actually said that he came to visit us.

But when will I come to visit? He waited for him for a while. Teacher's very few people who exposed to business (love qíng) may not understand, doing business is most afraid of what is said, then talk about it again or let me think about people think about it. "

"I understand, I will go out to buy clothes. I really look at it. I will always pay back, if I don't seem to, I have said (quite tǐng)."

"Yeah, we have no contact with Taiwan with Taiwan, how can he impressed us so good, the company's two years all achievements are on the software, and the previous experiment is also secretly carried out. He is too powerful. ? "

"So he is just a top customer (set tào), and is perfunctory."

"Well, I am now probably guessing, I don't have to make a business in the door. I don't think of the minimum face. But think about it. From the past performance, Lin Benjian is an ability and ambitious person. Since his theory Teachers are so recognized, then he will definitely try to do every way to sell his theory to the leading character. "

"Nikon." Jikai, "Then we will do it next, if you are as you think, I want to work with Taiwan's power."

"It's also a good teacher, let us lead, you will be old, I will do the worst plan from the beginning, I will deal with this thing (love Qíng). Tailor electricity I am afraid that this time is really unable to stay. "

"Well." Meng Qian's performance has long soon to let Jikai's habit (sex xìng) trust in him, he said he has intended that Ji Kai believes he can handle things (love qíng).

For a while, Meng Qian basically did not go out of the distance, and stayed in the company, the center of gravity of the work was moved to the development of the database and the research on the other technology, and the way in the next paragraph (Japanese rì) A lot of domestic old brand software company boss came to the wind group.

With the wind group and the large-price contract of large and housing industries, more details are gradually exposed, such as Meng Qian's various post-world concepts and technologies.

In view of the good reputation of Meng Qian in the mall, many domestic software companies although everyone belongs to competitive relationships, but also to find Meng Qian for the development committee (body shēn).

Of course, Meng Qian is the common development of the national enterprise. He is naturally very happy to pointers one or two. For many philosophy, Meng Qi has no retaining, but some technologies, Meng Quan will properly charge the license fee, after all, can not .

And this time, the company also took place to acquire some software companies, although it is not large, but also strengthens the company's team.

As for the big company, Meng Qian did not touch their shares. The main wind group has a very important place this year. Meng Qian can't take the money.

In addition, after this time I returned, I got a formal contract. In general, Meng Qian is still satisfied with her three months, because she didn't take himself as a mix, he noticed that He Yuting has been there. Learning management, learning social.

Most importantly, she has done a thing that the secretary of Meng Qian (love Qíng), she is gradually learning to think about the problem.

For Meng Qian, the secretary is not a short-drying tea, but to help some of the "miscersions" of the business behavior. For example, some people have to see Meng Qian, Meng Qian doesn't want to see At this time, he does not want the secretary to consult what you should do, let yourself have to share this kind of thing every day (love Qíng), but directly help yourself.

To do this, the secretary must know the mind of the boss and have the courage to take responsibility.

Meng Qian never afraid that employees have made mistakes, they are afraid that the courage of employees has made mistakes. At this point, He Yuting still makes Meng Qian very satisfied.

The time to work (body shēn) is always very fast, and the turn will be in mid-April, April 20 (Japanese rì) this Saturday, Meng Qian is often staring in the company in the company (love qíng " , In the afternoon, He Yuting came to the Commercial Software Development Department, "Meng Zheng."

"what happened?"

"They come back."

"Good." Meng Qian (body shēn), bringing Ding Mingyuan to welcome.

Today is previously stayed in Sony's industrial software team to return to China (Japanese rì), they will stay in China a week and then continue to work back to Sik.

Of course, Meng Qian will spend a day or two to work with them, the rest (Japanese rì) will give them a holiday, after all, I haven't returned to China for so long.

See Meng Qian personally greeted, everyone is still very warm, after entering the company, Meng Qian let them go back to the industrial software department to take the old colleagues, after an hour, I will call them into the conference room.

From the perspective of the report, industrial software has been mature, and the company's industrial software has been used in actual use on Sony's mid-end products and handed over a perfect answer.

And Sony is indeed (quite tǐng), providing a lot of data to the company's industrial software, this thing can not buy money, and the threshold of industrial software development.

The overall reaction is good, and a stone in Meng Qian is also falling. At this time, he called the person of the system development into the conference room.

After all people are situated, Meng Qian habits (sex xìng) knocking on the blackboard attracts everyone's attention, "the company's industrial software has also been developed for a while, and now it is, the system development department is also grinding. For a long time, no matter how experience, ability, or teamwork has been significantly improved.

Since all things, then from today, the company will open a new product development. "

"Know that this thing will raise your hands." Almost half of people raised their hands, of course, people from Sony raised their hands. "Is Sony?" Some people in the team from Sony came back. "It seems that it is not." Another person is also not very determined. I should really understand this thing very well, Meng Qian directly gives the answer, "It was the act of the photoos image sensor faucet in November last year, but 2002 this will not Sony." Although the leading business is not Sony, but just like Sony, it is because Sony is indeed in this field to compete for the leading businesses, and in the CCD image sensor era, Sony has begun research. Research on CMOS image sensors. This is also one of the reasons why I want to open this project, we have not developed hardware, but Sony has. Sony just wants to grab the leadership of this market, then if we can push Sony, it can continue to consolidate the relationship with Sony, and help future our product promotion and product status. So you should guess what I want to do? "The result is still silent, Meng Qian helplessly, it seems that everyone is indeed not familiar with this year, I have to give an answer again: the new CMOS image sensor chip architecture design. ....

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