Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 210 This is the best era

In a short period of time, there is a wonderful phenomenon on the Internet. No one commented, the world seems quiet ...

After a while, there were several comments under the news, including some rebuttures, similar to:

"There is always someone to see what you can do, you can do something, and I have always seen how my parents are useless."

"You (shaknn) is not engaged in technology, you can only show yourself, not a problem with the country."

"If the country really doesn't pay attention to technology, you will not think so comfortable to sit in the country."

"Say, those who sell iron to sell the child, I beg you to go abroad, I really miss the money, my child is abolished in China, I don't know, you stay in China, I I feel that the country is unbearable! "

Of course there are some more straightforward encouragement and support, similar to:

"Great wind group cattle ((forcing bī) bī)!"

"Come on, don't take care of those neuropathy."

"This is a company that should be respected."

However, in this news (hot rè) is not very high, at least in a short period of time (hot rè) is not very high, but it is before the country, degrading domestic technology enterprises (hot rè The degree also went up.

Because many people run to the previous comments below, and everyone's reply is, hahahahaha.

The Internet is really a magical thing, often there will be some unexpected netizens react, and some behaviors can quickly spread and form a consensus in a short time, then become (hot rè), this is the Internet is very strange but Very powerful strength and phenomenon.

I saw that those who have fallen below this will be brushing. Hahahahahaha, there is no refutation, no argument, only laughter.

At this time, there is no sound, but after this behavior is magnified, the killing is more than refuting, I don't say anything, because you are really ridiculous, you can only want to laugh.

Of course, some people can't stand this attitude and will be issued separately.

"Isn't the wind group won a big order, what can be blown, take the scientific level of the whole country to compare with neon, is it? Is it a grade?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha."


This time the network is still recorded soon, and it is called a full network laughter event.

Meng Qian has been reminded by He Yuting, who has been reminded today (love Qíng), spent some time to understand the cause, Meng Qian felt interesting, "I feel that the netizens of this era are very wise."

At least in Meng Qian, this kind of counterattack is more comfortable than the people who are quarreled with those people. They express their opinions on their speech, and they have no meaningful argument, because there are more and more people in the later generation. A truth, people arguing with different people, it is difficult to fight.

People who like to eat Xiang can have a firm reason for him (love ài), many times, controversy will only give yourself not happy, but also wasting your own time, the best counterattack is to use action to face.

But today's thing (love Qíng) once again brought Meng Qian back to the serious environment of Chongyang, which was a serious environment in this year. This will be more serious than in 2019.

"Some things, I am far away."


I saw a few speeches in the evening, Meng Qian made himself sleep as soon as possible, and the next morning came to Jiang Da.

Jiang University computer college is formed by three systems of computer science and engineering, digital media and network technology, and industry design system, so today's three students are present to participate in the founding ceremony of the new college.

The ceremony is very traditional. First, the host introduced the leadership, and then the new school garden leaders opened, summing up the future, and the next is the teacher's speech. The original computer system will talk, the next one is round to the students.

The host has just reported the name of Meng Qian, and there was a applause under the stage. Now the wind group is not as unleaned in two years ago, plus yesterday (hot rè) so many, everyone is the legend Students hold a certain curiosity and respect.

Coupled with the college, Meng Qin will come to participate, and some of the students with the college, there is no shelf, and the private reputation is also quite good.

When Meng Qian was on the stage, he took a deep bow in the applause, then started to speaking, his speech today has a total of three paper content, the first two sheets are more standardized, as a student, express the school Thanks, the expectations of the new college and some personal feelings.

Until the third paper, I finally got to Meng Qian's most important part. "Because I watched the same, I also had another (body shēn) in the student, which is this (body shēn), let me Have the opportunity to observe this world from more angles.

Yesterday, the Great Breeze Group went to the new high-priced order in neon, maybe everyone saw it, maybe many people will doubt, is our competitors at the time really similar to Microsoft, Oracle's rice giant companies? Today, I am standing here, I can tell everyone, yes.

So we defeated the top-top software companies in the world, can you rely on?

The answer is actually not complicated, because we know innovation because we adapt to the new era.

I believe that you will be confused in the ivory tower, don't know what your future is like, I don't know what I use now, I don't know how the future will develop.

I only represent personal opinions but really I really want to tell you that this era is experiencing a giant change, the development of the Internet, the change of communication technology, and the popularity of personal computers, mobile equipment intelligence, automated industrial production iteration, software technology optimization All this is concentrated in these years!

And all changes are full of unknown, so the next global technology development will have unlimited possibilities. Today, the wind group grabs the sky price software orders from Microsoft, tomorrow, may have another Huaxia company from IBM Strive for server business, even the day after tomorrow, maybe there will be a Chinese company to take the chip market from Intel hands.

Everything is possible, because the times make the technology market again chaos, so that the opportunity will be dense again, if you have Wang Hou will be ambiguous, if you have a bumpkique, you will know the ambition of the rumor, if you have a big husband Also a lot of arrogance, then I think you can let go of hard work, fight hard.

I don't know any other industry, but for the technology industry, we are in an unlimited possible stage in one as long as you dare to do dare.

British writer Charles Dickens has a sentence in "Double City", called this is the best era, and the worst era.

But I want to tell you that this is the best era for the technology industry! "

University, is a person who has not been protruding the role of the society, is a person with a sense of ambition. It is an old man who is not afraid of a person.

Meng Qian is today, if you say that the three or forty people listen, may only harvest numbness, but for college students, especially for high-profile students who can take Jiang Da, the inner small universe will not hold down.

And Meng Qian did not lie to them, because the next year is really an important turning point in the technology industry, especially in this world, this rebirth is trying to travel to the domestic scientific industry.

When Meng Qian stepped down, many students' phlegmes are constantly circulated in Meng Qian.

This is the best era!


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