Early the next morning, Meng Qian normal to the company's work, and found a good news when he read the newspaper.

The state clearly points out to speed up the construction of broadband networks, and promote the full 2 ​​megabyte network construction goals and start testing 4 megawayband networks. For Meng Qian, this world's network speed is very important in advance, after all, his development of the Internet is simply impossible to get away from the Internet.

It is good to have a point of voice, plus Zhang Shuxin and other votes, domestic ally, everyone repeatedly refers to this matter in front of the relevant departments, it is finally the importance of the country to the network more than that of the world. .

In 2002, if you can drive a comprehensive 2 megabytes, many products and functions have gradually launched in China.

After reading this day, Meng Qian opened the company's management system to see the company's recent development.

The progress of the development center is in the plan, there is no big problem, and the development of hyacinth is also very stable in overseas, after the end of the first wave of eruption, now the new users overseas will steadily rise. In addition, Xiao Bao is in a few people to continue to open up new national markets.

As for MSN and ICQ, there is nothing to respond temporarily. It is completely expected, this change is not so fast.

"Look, I should bomb up in a short time in the short time." Meng Qian also paid attention to the feedback from the other side of the country. I haven't seen any action in the Miogan official. I will generally have some movements. of.

Look at the game, "God Biography" has changed in overseas market share, and there is no good response in Oimi, but "God Biography" has risen in China, mainly During the past two years, there will be a lot of new Internet cafes and new netizens every year.

And "God Biography" did not have any amazing results, but it has developed into a stable cash cows, and the time of clothing and small gift packages from time to time have reached more than 700 million global sales last month. Deduct abroad and various costs in China, and the gross profit should have nearly 2 billion.

It is unexpected that it is originally thought that the "God of God" in the Goroma is very fire, but it is in the neon national fire.

"It's really like heavenly said that fighting games eat incense in neon?" Meng Qian saw some report from neon countries, and it feels that things may not be as simple as it.

Because in neon national fire is not just "the battle of the gods", there are networks, after the network comes out of the country, there is also average response in Gao Li, Singapore and other countries, but in an instant fire in neon countries.

Plus the first batch of comics began to warm up, the next month will start serialization, and there is a wave of waves in neon, according to the report of neon, there are many neon countries. Some people are in the role in COS "God Biography" and "Battle of the Gods".

It can be said that the cultural output is achieved in neon. It is always a variety of layings and inputs that don't spend Meng Qian.

However, in the entire game field, the most fascinating thing is not the "God of God", but "Jedi Survival" is fry.

In just two months, "Jedi Survival" not only became the most popular game of shooting games in China, but also a domestic game that is currently in Omei Anghu.

I have to say, the penguin seems to have a strange copy of plagiarism + innovative cheats, Meng Qiao is actually told them some interesting games about the "Jedi survival" of the later generation, and did not say too much. After all, this is more than ten years later. , Say more, I don't know what will, I can't do it.

The game's style, the details of the game, the characters of the game, these are all kinds of penguins to exploit their own games, and then combined with Meng Qian's game innovation, create this game.

And from whether it is domestic or Omi's player's feedback, the gameplay is an attraction point, but many details don't do it more than half-ended, which is completely research, it doesn't matter to Meng Qian.

After the development of the game, Meng Qian opened an approval interface, which is an approval document for the application to carry out domestic game events.

Meng Qian's application was carried out through the event of the "Battle of the Gods", and then contacted the penguin, let them prepare the "Jedi Survival" domestic event.

Finally, I watched the microelectrics on the Shanghai. A large number of overseas talents resigned in the New Year. After year, the company added 50 people, which is only incorporated into the Shanghai microelectronics, not those returned to China. To the Changlu, 45, and those who have been invested in major colleges.

In 2002, the lightweight machine will enter a comprehensive sprint phase. After understanding the situation, Meng Qian approved a list of equipment procurements.


On this day, Meng Qian has been working in the company, and on the network, there is a message that is in Weibo hot search.

As Pan Yun said, Meng Qian signed a big contract with big and housing industries has already got a neon media, but the media will publish this thing, not because the software provider is a Huaxia company, but because of the big and big and The housing industry is recently in the tip of public opinion.

His internal corruption thing, although the company is interested in concealing, but in a cruel market, some people can't wait for your mistakes and shortcomings, so this will have a lot of chaos in the neon state, and the seven-eight guessment of the big and housing industries.

This time I suddenly spent such a big price to buy a software, I naturally be eye-bearing, so the media reported in order to step on the large and housing industry, basically ignored the existence of the wind group.

Therefore, when some people in China know this matter, they will go online to share, because the final contract price does not know, the neon media has written 10 million yuan for the head.

In 2002, a set of software sold 10 million yuan, for many ordinary people, I want to be shocked, especially for this economic backward country in Huaxia, the result is not the global hot search, just The news of the neon is hot, but the news is in the country.

In fact, this phenomenon Meng Qian has recently noticed that since the opening of the hot society Intervene.

Hot search title is: a set of software 10 million gold.

If you go in, this will have no more multimedia to settle, more individuals, and then you can see some of this era.

There is no more comparison, such as a new set of companies for a new set of software spent 10 million gold. Domestic enterprises use piracy, and several large companies in China have been invested, and thousands of employees are still using the pirated version. Management software.

Then I called ERP, what is CRM, showing these well-known boiled, and then continue to step on, not only say domestic companies use pirated technology, but also say that domestic software company is not ridiculous, don't say 10 million yuan The 100 million gold system can not do it, and there is an international software company ranking. Huaxia companies can't even catch up.

It also screwed to the national economic development level, the company's long-term development and other issues, putting the country, enterprises, and domestic software industries.

More interesting is that in this era, this content is inexplicably attractive.

"A high-tech in the country, a new skin in the country."

"Foreign talents are rampant, the domestic scams are rampant."

"Nothing is very surprised, foreign technology leads us for a hundred years, what is better than what we are enough,"

"At this time, where is the Haiwei, Sohu, and the wind group have to go? Domestic media blows every day, heart is not guilty? Is it a technology company?

"Is there a software in China? It seems that there is never heard of someone to do this."

"Domestic is a bunch of hanging sheep and selling dog meat, I don't really engage in technology. We don't have that capabilities at all."

"Really, I have the opportunity to go out and see, I know how backward behind Huaxia, especially in the field of science and technology, we have no difference with the primitive."

"The country has never attached importance to scientific and technological development, what is more than scientific and technological levels, people are thinking about scientific and technological development, human development, our country is thinking, the Chinese people are selfish."

"After the child grows up, it is to let him go abroad, stay in China."


Some of the netizens on the Internet are more and more, hard-ease of this neon thing is on the hot search of China in China. Take advantage of the past and now, there is no shortage of books that you can't see the truth, you can't see the truth.

Today's hot work is Meng Qian, because I haven't paying attention, but because I have to go to Jiang Gong on the next day, I will send a message in the portal of the Horses today.

At 12 o'clock, when the publicity of the premiere is really hot, a news appeared:

"The Great Breeze Group won the neon national and housing industry million orders."


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