The specifications of this conference itself are not low, but the media influence is far away than the previous conferences of those enterprises, and the previous companies' conferences are gathered in the global media, and now this release 80% of Huaxia Media, the remaining 20% ​​is basically a neon country.

Moreover, part of these neon media is to sell the wind group face, part of the Sony face. Before Meng Qian gave Xiao Bo to Sony to do it, that is, clearly telling Sony to develop a meeting. Of course, Xiao Bao's attitude is very good, no one is going to face.

So this time Sony has had to express it, or it is really turning his face, or I will bear this, and I will help it.

Finally, Sony chose the latter, the reason is also very simple, the wind group is now so good, in order to really turn his face, the current point is indeed unfair, in a while, put the wind group to the competitor, Sony Loss Big big.

What's more, Sony is a level of CMOS image sensors that Meng Qian's CMOS, this thing is not fully controlled, and it is absolutely unable to fall into the competitors.

In fact, Meng Qian didn't know that Sony this release did not introduce his CMOS image sensor, because he felt that there was Meng Qian's base card in his hand, but he didn't expect Meng Qian so uneasiness.

Of course, in order to presence Sony, Xiao Bo knows Meng Qian sent a new contract to Sony, the core affiliated industrial agreement. In the agreement, Sony's core industry or the related industry of some core industries, which naturally includes CMOS image sensors, and the Great Breeze Group will give Sony's absolute second voice and lifetime unrestricted system.

Of course, this thing is very useful. In fact, it is an iconic supplement to the previous cooperation agreement. Further confirming that the wind group will never be Sony's restrictions, even if you do the same industry, you can eat meat together.

This kind of thing is a statement. Everyone always makes it step, after all, Sony doesn't turn face, Meng Qian still has important things to help.

And Sony also puts forward their own needs, doing business is not afraid of advancing, the other party can feed the demand.

Sony is now the most reliable sales power, so Sony wants to further ensure the rights of Sony in the sales rights issue, and finally, Meng Qian promised Sony at least in neon, he could not grab this thing with Sony. . As for Sony in other countries, don't worry, after all, Sony is not too much, this is so fixed.

Just don't know at all, he worried that Meng Qian cooperated with other neon companies through sales rights, and Meng Qian really wants to cooperate, never neon companies, nor Omei companies, but they are now looking at it. Huaxia business.

After the meeting, many media found this release of the Shanghai Gull and the wind group. The launch conference began, and Qu Tao personally came to the stage, and he was very valuable to this time.

In fact, this is true, because he is very clear that this conference meaning.

There are three cameras released, and there are three major technological innovations. Finally, the new CMOS image sensor mentioned in the previous publicity. In the release of the first two new cameras, Qu Tao carefully shared the three major seagulls. Technological innovation.

The first is a single molecular film self-assembly technology, and seagulls can have better light transmittance than ordinary coating coating through monomolecular membranes, and can also increase the mechanical strength of the glass surface.

The second is that the autofocus system is now not a digital camera that can do the autofocus system, but the seagull did it.

The third technological innovation is also a very important technological innovation, that is, optical anti-shake technology. It is mentioned that the optical anti-shake technology of the camera is filled with the speech of domestic brand optical anti-shake technology.

Indeed, most of the camera companies in Huaxia can't do optical anti-shakes. After the low generation of this technology, everyone is all other people's technology, but does not include seagulls, and seagulls have been done early, and they are independent, 2011 At the time, the seagull was the first super anti-shake technology on the basis of the original optical anti-shake technology. It belongs to the lead in the world.

Of course, in 2002, the seagull has no super anti-shake technology. The seagull uses the lens anti-shake technology. The world's first enterprise that realizes civil lens anti-shake technology is Canon, in 2002, the world can achieve this technology There are only two companies, which are Canon and Nikon.

Now there is a third company, it is a seagull.

As for why the seagull can do, because there is a key term is civil, in fact, in the military field, the seagull achieves the lens optical anti-shake technology in the 1970s, has not been civilized, mainly cost, etc.

But now in order to cooperate with Meng Qian's sensor, the seagull decided to take out the home.

When Qu Tao said with two cameras After finishing the three major technical advantages of the seagull, the atmosphere of the scene was different, especially those from the neon, and everyone was a bit perfunctory attitude. spirit.

Although the seagulls have a gap in their opinion, at least a potential business, it is still a bit powerful, and it is not the same as they imagined, which also makes them have a sensor that the propaganda said. Nodded.

In everyone, the third camera, the seagull 509 appears on the screen.

Sure enough, with single molecular membrane self-assembly technology, auto focus technology, optical anti-shake technology, which is a high-end product for the technical advantage of seagulls, and then the CMOS image sensor has appeared on the screen.

"About this CMOS image sensor, let us applause welcomes his designer, the Great Breeze Group's Meng has explained our explanation."

Qu Tao gave the stage to Meng Qian. Meng Qian is not very warm in a very warm applause.

Simple and greeted, Meng Qian also did not waste, press the control pen, the picture appears on the screen, and then appears in the sensor, two words appears below the sensor: candlelon.

"This is the new CMOS image sensor of our strong wind group independently designed. We named him as a candlelon series. Why is it called candlelon, understanding the friends of the ancient myths must know that the ancient gods candlelon open your eyes is daytime, close your eyes. It is night.

This is like our sensor. "

There was a little scattered applause on the spot, because some people feel that this meaning is very new.

"Next, we will take a look at the performance of the first generation candlelon image sensor. Our candle dragon image sensor has built a built-in modulus converter in the industry.

It is well known that when an external ADC sensor transmits data, the signal generated by each column will be transmitted through the noise reduction circuit, and then the external bus is transmitted to a single or several ADC.

The candlelong sensor has a separate ADC per column, which can complete the analog to digital conversion on the chip, and finally transmit it through the digital bus.

Therefore, since the number of ADCs in the candlelong sensor is very large, each ADC can run at low frequencies, only to the KHz level, far below the MHz level of the external ADC used in the market, effectively reducing noise Also facilitates high-speed reading.

Moreover, our candle dragon image sensor outputs digital signals, anti-interference, easy to wiring. "

Meng Qian said this, the appearance of a blanking on the stage, he waited for a little pause and then continued, "In addition, we have adopted a new chip structure, the back-like structure, under the back, light, no longer blocked, The signal-to-noise ratio is greatly improved, which allows us to use more complex, larger-scale circuits to increase the sensor read speed, so that the S / N ratio is 25 times, which can realize the high quality of the CMOS image sensor.

Moreover, our back-like structure uses the pixel structure of the L-web door, so that almost all of the electrons are completely transferred, achieving the output of the no-trap image signal, which is still very good to solve the power consumption problem, our power consumption is only 15MW It is currently the same size image sensor at the world's power consumption, and our pixels can reach, 16 million. "

After Meng Qian's series of data, the reporters in all industries were forced in a short period of time, because their majors, so they all know that if Meng Qian said all this is true, this is not Is the technology revolution? !

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