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Like almost all companies, the camera should wait for the second year to be officially launched, there is no bragging BI at the end of the conference), but also have to know the second year, but in this era, the consumers of large enterprises are not very Doubt, this is a word-of-mouth problem. This is a bit a bit of a little exaggerated at the press conference. It is understandable, but some core things must not be deceived.

You said 16 million pixels, when consumers buy only 100,000 pixels, it is not to be, although many mobile phone manufacturers in the future are so bad.

However, the era is different, the industry is different, and most of the high-end SLR is now a professional photographer. It's too bad, and the corporate reputation is destroyed. It's more twice, and everyone will not be again. I believe this brand.

So this year's camera does not have similar running points, but consumers are still very high on the data trust available at the press conference, and after the news of the seagull is spread, the question is on the Internet.

A lot of photographers in foreign countries jumped out.

"It is definitely fake, 16 million pixels, spike Koda? Is the consumer fool?"

"The 1.3.5 million pixels of Kodak I have doubt it now. What is the wind group?"

"I don't believe in the anti-shake technology of the seagull. Don't say what candlelon sensor, Huaxia Enterprise really has this kind of thing, I can't hear a Chinese brand in a lifetime."

"A sensor design R & D takes 2 to 3 years. It takes a lot of senior designers. It is only 2 years of the big mad group? And I have never heard of the mad group to acquire which sensor company."

"There is a semiconductor design enterprise in several provinces, and then the candlelon sensor is the world, and you are amazing."

"Asian countries don't like bragging, a Chinese, a Indian, really funny, and the more poor, more and more."

"Yes, anyway, it's okay, it's okay, maybe it can be cheated."

Of course, this question is actually extremely extreme in foreign countries. Most foreign users are simply questioning, propose questions, reserved opinions, and seek anyone who can verify the true and false, after all, this is really a bit for everyone. .

Compared to all kinds of untrusted abroad, there are very few people who play photography in China, and those who know this thing is less, so there is no trust in various angle analysis, but also said No professional things come, the overall network environment is pure.



"Sharing people!"

"The demagogy!"

"I know Buff Bi)."

"This world is watching our jokes, there is a disease!"

If the question of the main atmosphere of abroad, the main atmosphere in China is negative. As for why, Meng Qian has always been known why, but this is a very interesting phenomenon. As long as the domestic science and technology is more than foreign countries, it is blowing BI), even if this phenomenon still exists, and later information Tong smooth, many people will use several professional nouns to pull high BIs.

For example, as long as there is a breakthrough in the semiconductor field, there will be a bunch of people to jump out and say that Buff Bi), then pull out a lightning machine, industrial chain, can ridicule domestic technology companies, you can see yourself before people Very cattle BI).

I believe that many people remember Huawei 5G just came out, the domestic negative and questioning voice were covered, how many people said Huaxiu Buff Bi), said Huaxia Buff Bi Bi), when Meng Qian remembered very clearly, many people said Huawei 5g What is the same as Qualcomm, what YY strong countries, can be seen everywhere.

Until, Omi will continue to advertise Huawei. These talents have found Huawei 5G seems to be true cow bi), I have to slow down and start attacking the Hongmeng system, attacking Huawei mobile phone.

Anyway, the network environment is that domestic companies want to exceed foreign countries in the field of science and technology? It is impossible, unrealistic, no.

In the face of this phenomenon is the right way to keep their faces, but I want to do keep face, who can do it.

After returning to the company from the press conference, Meng Qian opened the computer to see the reaction on the online, as the basics he thought, since I have already thought of this result, Meng Qian naturally prepared, he and the seagull in International There is no credibility, then find a platform for the international credibility.

And this goal is also very obvious. Natural is Sony, before Meng Qian retired, now the turn is back to Sony.

However, after returning to the company, I haven't contacted Sony. Because he discovered a strange thing on the Internet, a person named light shadow is crazy in the major forums. people.

"Candle Sensor is definitely false."

"The products don't come out, what do you deny the wind group?"

"Didn't look at foreign media, what image sensor belongs to high-end chips, how can a domestic company lead to the development of high-end chips?"

"Why don't you have a domestic matter? Why can't you lead the era?"

"The foreigners said, our Huaxia has no related foundation, unless the miracle is, or this is absolutely impossible."

"How many miracles have created by the wind group, you didn't see it?"

"Don't dream, foreign media say that Meng Qian is lie, must be lie."

"Meng Qian will not lie! You don't have to believe in the mouth! You know how Meng Qian is working hard with the people of the wind group. What eligibles you have to deny their efforts!"

"Waiting for the product, it is not good. What is the benefit of you in a hurry?"

"Why don't you know foreign abroad? Is it necessary to be authority? How do foreigners can't judge wrong? I haven't seen the malicious comment of the product, just because they are foreigners, so I believe?"

"If we don't believe in themselves, who will come to believe in us?"

"Meng Qian is not the kind of selfish person, you don't want him!"

"If you don't want to encourage Meng Qian, you can't hurt him, he is really not easy, do you know ?!"

Online covered part of the Great Wind Group, but also with this ID paving the "".

Meng Qian can't help but turn around.

Another refute, Meng Qi is in mind, in these words, Meng Qian has seen weakness, it seemed helpless, but also able to feel a power, a power of Meng Qian.

I don't know, the night is coming, Meng Qian looked at the personal home page of the light and shadow, I can't help but sigh, "fool."

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