After the real wood downstairs, arranged a person to stay in the back to see if there will be a big wind group.

After Nikon, I came to Meng Qian, not Canon, but Panasonic. However, Panasonic seeing Meng Qian's purpose is pure, that is, it is to buy.

They contacted Sony yesterday, but the Sony attitude is very tough, and it is necessary to limit Panasonic, so Panasonic has to come to Meng Qian.

And when Panasonic said that Meng Qian did give Sony after the sales rights of neon countries, there was no matter what cooperation, he went back.

From noon, the Canon representative came to the Great Breeze Group. As for why they were so late, mainly, their meeting did not end so quickly, and there was a longer inside.

After all, like Canon presents almost 200 billion soft sister coins. The Great Wind Group will only have the opportunity to have a chance to 20 billion, and the large enterprise will always think about it, and it is necessary to consider the results. Consider the face.

But Canon can't do anything, the wind group has cooperated with Sony, if you cooperate with Nikang, especially in the lightning machine, in case, this company will make any amazing move, Canon may It is necessary to squeeze by Nikon and Sony.

It is now, he is most afraid of a wind group, he is afraid of Sony and Nikon.

And this is also the psychology of Meng Qian.

Canon's representative Yumi is also a sensor's thing. It doesn't have any difference with Nikon and Panasonic. When Yishian knows that Meng Qian does not care about neon sales, this starts to talk about cooperation, Canon has no architecture Things, but in the opening of the investment.

After getting Meng Qian clearly refused, Jingtian also pulled the topic to the momentary moment, Canon and Nikang came to have been investigated in detail, the wind group is now the most lack of things, they can provide the lightning machine technology.

Moreover, the wind group is a wet light moment, everyone is competition and complementing each other, in case the immersion photolam is really good, they have nothing to do with this cooperative relationship.

Meng Qian's efforts through more than 2 years, with practical products and the potential to make people's potential, so that Canon and Nikang who have wanted to cooperate but there is no way to actively find their own cooperation.

"In fact, I am not very worried about Asa." After the opening of the opening, Meng Qian will say it is ready, "I have seen the details of Asak's shares, the penetration of rice capital is extremely serious, and the Netherlands this The state lacks enough scientific foundation to maintain the status of Astrol. "

Well-Tianxian sensitive looks at Meng Qian, "Meng Gong's meaning?"

"The essence is seen through the phenomenon, and Asci will become the United States, and my opponent is not asomery, but the number of dried machine companies in the rice country.

Then, Mr. Jingtian should be very clear. If it is just a competition with Ascet, it is good to compete with rice, but it is not so simple.

Of course, the strength of the Great Breeze Group is very firm. We will never sell rice country for self-insurance. As for all theies, like Mr. Yu Tian said, I should look at the neighbors, just ... now resistant to the lightning of the Tielectric pressure. Enterprises, only the market foundation of Nikon has been established. "

Yitian did not think that Meng Qian would say so clear, and then thought that Meng Qian had seen the real wood. Yi Tian's emotions appeared some fluctuations, but as a older negotiated past year, he had a good control, but he went back The words and deeds are destined to be affected by Meng Qian's direct attitude.

"Since Meng Chu knows that Asa is gradually selling rice countries, the Meng always knows why Nikon's market share is so high?"

Meng Qian did not understand the expression, "I don't want Nikon and I am selling rice."

"That's not, but Mr. Meng can learn about a data, Nikon's market in Omei, especially Intel, using Nikang as a single supplier, but our Canon's lightning machine customers are in Asia, in our neon country Our Canon's market share is higher than Nikon. "

"The result is not the market share of Nikon, what happened?"

"The problem is in Asample, Intel will express the first time I will purchase a Aself engraving machine this year. This is the first moment of engraving machine manufacturer since the cooperation of Intel.

Before Milano, I chose Nikon because the company's companies were still in technology, but as you said, Miki is crazy to acquire Asci shares and control Asa, that is because they look like Asa The potential, once Asa wheat, they will not hesitate to kick off Nikon.

The biggest danger of Aswhera is that he is not only chasing us on the traditional dry lightning machine, but also began to develop immersed lightning machine, regardless of the immersion-free lighting machine, such as Lin Benjian, this behavior Some situations have been explained.

The Great Breeze Group is now immersed in the immersion camera. Do you have absolutely better than Asa? If you can't, even if everyone is flat, how do the rice will choose? Meng Mong must have an answer. After you are separated from the rice market, how much is Nikon's market share? "

Yitian shows his concerns about the immersion photolithography. It is also unconfident in the gambling of the immersion lightning machine. If Canon cooperates, Canon can also give Meng Qian's desirable, but also give Meng Qian.

In the case of you clearly say that I want to find a breakthrough point and pain without denying my own awareness, for the negotiation ability of Jingtian, Meng Qian is still very appreciated. "If you cooperate, what Can I want, Canon What can I give us? "

"Details things we can slowly talk, I think the most critical is that we have more similarities, this is our natural cooperation advantage."

Meng Qian is thinking about it for a while, "Can Mr. Jingtian gave me a little time, I went to visit Mr. Yucian."

"Of course, I will wait for Mr. Meng." It seems that Meng Qian is said to be herself, naturally not pressing.

At noon, Meng Qian invited Nikon's real wood to come to lunch, but in the evening, Meng Qian shouted in Yingtian to have dinner. Meng Qian has conducted further mediation through two meals.

But it is here, can't continue to mediate it, now I have a lot of help, still need a lot of help, can't do things too ugly, and send people to monitor both sides.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Meng Qian called Xiao Bo and Ding Ming to the office asked their opinions.

Ding Mingyuan first published the opinion. "We are here to die, if Asa wins, we haven't lived, so the reincarnation of Canon said is not big for us."

"But even if Nikon works with us, is our Omei Market we move? This is the foundation of Nikon."

"Core technology is in our hands, this is not that Nikang wants to decide, we just have enough meat to eat."

"Nikon is more like a technical reserve, I think, from the technical level to tell the truth, it is similar to Nikon, and from the second round of conversation, Canon can give us something more."

Seeing Xiao Bo literally with Ding Mingyuan, Meng Qian is thinking about He Yutang when he is considering, can't help but ask, "He Ya Ting, if you choose, how do you choose?"

He Yazing, who is sitting on the side, suddenly asked for a few seconds, then put a hand, "I don't affect your ideas."

"Brainstorming, say."

Meng Qian insisted that He Yuting knew that Meng Qi was serious meaning, so he replied with his judgment, "I will choose Can I."

"Why?" Meng Qian kept a calm smile, "said."

"Because I listen to the two sides today, I feel that the opponent in Nikon is rice, and the opponent in Canon is Nikon."


"Meng Mum is not said that the company that cannot cooperate will become a rival, playing the game, there is a saying, the monster is very cool, more cool is the best equipment obtained after the monster. "

Xiao Bao and Ding Ming have changed, and the brush is brushing to He Yaxing.

He Yuting was shocked, Meng Qian was busy, "continued."

"Nikon's advantage is in the moment, and the advantage of Canon has gradually extended to more fields. This year's camera conference can also be seen, but the status of the king of the lightweight machine must be our wind group.

With Nikon, he is hard to help us get Canon, but he can help us with Canon, he can help us with the Nikang, and after the Nikon falls, as long as we strategic, you can acquire Nikon. "

I have been staring at He Yaxing's Xiao Bo and Ding Ming he listens to her, and then it is not about the same time, then look at it.

"Xiao He looks like the problem, I will enter the wood three points." Ding Mingyuan did not have a prize.

He Yuting is busy, "No, I said."

See Ding Mingyuan's statement, Meng Qian is the way, "that we will settle it."


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