Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 225 drives industry

In the next two days, Meng Qian met the representatives of other camera brands, including Olympus, Pentax, Ricoh, Casio, etc., the purpose of these companies is to purchase, but no one will raise anything to cooperate or acquire things. .

Of course, there are some companies that don't plan to find the wind group, such as the Neon of Fuji, such as Kodak in the country, they all decided to catch up with Meng Qian.

As for magnesium light, it is more clear that Sony publicly expressed the accuracy of data, and magnesium light opened an emergency meeting, requiring R & D personnel to understand the principle of candlelon and make better OS graphics sensors than candlelon.

In order to surpass the wind group as soon as possible, the company directly puts 500 million meters.

There is also a batch of business practices, which represent companies are Samsung, Samsung came to Great Breene Group to the Great Breene Group on the 18th.

And what they do this is after internal discussion, they determined this is a technology revolution, and this technology now only has a big wind group to master, then they feel that this is a big chance.

In Samsung's view, a wind group supports the OS graphics sensor 100 billion-level market? Samsung gives the conclusion is impossible. So they are ready to buy the architecture, study, then, I want to jump out of the patented barriers of the wind group, and I have the same architecture that belongs to their own, and then take this market through Samsung's status and influence.

They firmly believe that the products that have just come out have not been there to have a patent, and if you want to jump out of the patented barriers of the wind group, and the wind group is a small company in their eyes, and it is very easy to suppress the patented rogue. How, Samsung is not the first time.

Through this method Samsung does not know how much startups have been made, this is an international giant that is stacked by white bones.

After the Samsung represents, on August 18th, Meng Qian took the plane to Yanjing, and the things of the camera company were temporarily handed over to Xiao Bo, because he would come to participate in an especially important event, world mathematics Home conference.

2002, the World Mathematician Conference is held in Yanjing, China.

The reason why the reason is here, because Meng Qian, I will visit a company, Tsinghua Violet.

Like Tsinghua Violet and Tsinghua, the company is Tsinghua Holding Enterprise, which is the most leading enterprise mentioned in the domestic image sensor mentioned by Qu Tao.

In view of the cooperative relationship between Shanghai Micro, the cooperation between Tsinghua, Meng Qian successfully saw the president of Tsinghua Ziwu at this time.

Just met, Zhang Zheng showed enthusiasm. "The old man listened to Feng Ke, today, it is finally seen, and there is a table talent."

Fengke, Zhang Zhengkou, is the person in charge of Tsinghua 's microelectric department in Shanghai.

"Hahaha, old von can not want to be your noble, he wants to be your old man."


"Who, Lao Feng didn't tell you? His little daughter has just passed the Tsinghua this year, he can think about it as his son-in-law. Hahaha."

Zhang Zheng gave Meng Qian's first feeling very cool, and the opening of the gossip, it was kind, and even the thing is Zhang Zhengxian, "Meng Hao is this for the image sensor?"

After the simple opening, Meng Qian probably felt that Zhang Zheng wants to convey his recognition for himself, but also want himself to put down more business negotiations, this is the way of communication, talking is more direct. "More accurately, it is for the field of the camera."

"Qu Tao let you come to me?"

"No, the song is always with me, it is the leader of the domestic image sensor, and it is the forerunner of the domestic camera industry, so I want to visit Zhang Zong."

"Well." Zhang Zheng didn't seem to think about it, but speaking is still straightforward, just like old friends, "Let's talk about it."

"Digital era, domestic camera brand has not been to the world in the world, but I have realized that our foundation is not bad, and the song tells me that many companies in our domestic have their own advantages, enough to be in international The advantages of competition, just like the optical anti-shake technology of seagulls, many consumers don't know, the stability of the seagull may be better than Canon.

Since we have the foundation, I feel somewhat pity, especially this time our big wind group has successfully developed candlelong sensors, I think what can I do, let our domestic camera brand towards the world. "

"You want to learn the set of microelectrics in Shanghai, combine domestic power?" Zhang Zheng directly opened, see Meng Qian's expression proved his guess, could not help but smile, "this should be Qu Tao The guy said. "

"Is it, what is the problem?"

"Is there any problem, Meng always doesn't know?"

Meng Qiao smiled, or Zhang Zhengkou, "the light moment is no one, you combine everyone's strength together, and of course, there is no problem, and the lighting machine is also a national strategic product.

But civilian cameras is just a consumer product, everyone is doing, have their own brands, how to combine? Who is the brand after combining? "

"I also doubt this matter, but the seagull is one of the leading companies in this industry. I can always give me such suggestions. I always feel that this should be there I don't know, so I will visit Zhang Zong. I also want to figure out this problem. "

"That's because of the person of Qu Tao, the company is very special. You go to see the history of the seagull and Qu Tao, this is a company that can donate for the country, and Qu Tao's heart is not in civil On the camera, the seagulls are willing to spend more and thinking on the consumer-class civilian camera, the international name can also be more than one Chinese brand. "Zhang Zheng's eyes are regrettable and respect.

"It's really this." Meng Qian's body is a bit, and he has had such a guess, but it is just uncertain.

Looking at Meng Qian's look, Zhang Zheng smiled, "Meng Gong also does not have to be discouraged, you want to integrate resources, not only the mode of micro-resistance in Shanghai."

"Does Zhang do?"

"It is said that you have just acquired five chip design companies in front of Taiwan to spend nearly 2 billion?"

"Well, there is such a thing."

"If you can take this kind of capital strength, fully enough to acquire a group of domestic camera companies, and now I want to sell the company very much."

I thought Zhang Zheng will say anything, the result is the acquisition, Meng Qian smiles, "Zhang always said that I have also considered it, but I think about it, I am willing to sell the company, I can't operate, I want to participate in international Competition, need to integrate core technology, acquire some companies that are not operating, there is no significance to me. "

"The core technology is not in the head of Meng, the most advanced image sensor in the world is the wind group, as for the lens, the lens of the microelectronics in Shanghai can be made, I will I don't believe that Meng Mong has not considered the import of civilian lenses, or the wind group should not work with Daguang.

Hold the two major core technology of the two major cameras, do you have any courage to fight? "

Meng Qian's eyes have a doubt. Consider thinking that Zhang Zheng is still active, and then I will ask the doubts. "Zhang always cultivated competitors to himself?"

"Meng always does not often do this thing?" Zhang Zheng suddenly stared at Meng Qian, "Deliberately put good game concepts, deliberately authorize software technology to peers, recently want to license the chip architecture low price For domestic enterprises, Meng always has always been to cultivate competitors.

To be honest, I can't understand what Meng wanted to do anything at the beginning, but now I am probably understanding, Meng Gong has never disdaining with domestic business competition, Meng's general heart, abroad. In this case, what can I worry about it? Anyway, Meng always comes to compete with me.

Meng always doesn't want to do camera, what is the greater reason is to let this market give domestic companies? "

"Zhang is always high, I just took some things I have some things from others." Meng Qian denied.

"Meng Chuan does not recognize it, but I can tell you clearly, if you really hope that domestic camera brands can go to the international stage, you'd better listen to my suggestion, I am in violet, so I am very clear. The problem encountered by the camera industry, we are not only technical issues, but also some historical issues, it is difficult to break, but the wind group is not subject to historical restrictions, you can do this. "This moment It looks very serious.

Meng Qian can faintly feel that he is the same as Qu Tao, and he is sad for domestic camera brands. As for the historical problem of Zhang Zheng, Meng Qiaoxin also understood why each technology revolution will have the collapse of the giant enterprises in the previous technical age. This is the history of history.

And Zhang Zheng's words also made Meng Qian's inner hesitation began to determine. Regarding whether to do the camera brand, Meng Qian naturally considers that although Meng Qian from the later generation has gradually declined from the introduction of the mobile phone from 2010, it has fallen directly to 8 times in 2019, but even so, the camera market It is always a hundred billion-level is the market, and the highest year has reached the trillion market.

Meng Qian's hesitation is also really because if you can pull up a group of domestic companies, then he doesn't work, these companies get up, it can help the overall development of the domestic hardware industry, they will focus on the chip, one Annual selling can also earn billions.

But from the seagull to the purple light, the situation of the two industry faucets make Meng Qian realized that the problems of these companies were more complicated than they imagined, the seagull put too much energy on the military camera, the civilian camera is too small, purple light It seems that there is a problem, Zhang Zheng speaks very straightforward.

In this case, Meng Qian knows that his responsibility is bigger, "Miss Zhang believes in me, then I don't have to ask, if the wind group really does the camera, can the teaching skills can be authorized?"

"As long as the wind group can supply it to the purple light and authorize the technology we want, the purple light is naturally willing to exchange equally."

"That is said, I can remember it in my heart."

Meng Qian got up and extended his hand, Zhang Zheng was obviously hesitating for two seconds, "Meng He, a industry is indeed driven by a company."

Meng Qi really looked at Zhang Zheng, "Zhang Human's mind is admired."

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