Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 226, River Attitude

Since I decided to do my own camera, Meng Qian did habits to the wind, immediately started the layout, when he was very "nothing", he was very "not to face", which company is more likely to acquire, which companies are more likely to acquire, which The company has a relatively core technology, which companies have any special cases, Meng Qian asked a clear two.

I have been in violet, I have dinner, I will continue to dig deeply. His strength is to let Zhang Zheng more understand why this young man can make a strong wind group.

After the meal left, Meng Qian contacted Xiao Bo in the first time and explained his own way to do the camera. After a few days, Meng Qi has to participate in the World Mathematics Conference in Yanjing, so he let him let Xiao Bao is immediately started.

As for several target companies in Yanjing, Meng Qian will take a time to visit.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Meng Qian, who was completed, felt that the stomach was hungry and decided to find some food, and the result was found that Yanjing street has patrol people.

The reason is naturally the 2002 World Mathematician Conference will begin tomorrow. The World Mathematian Conference is the highest level of mathematics in the world. Every four years, and the only world mathematician conference participants held in Huaxia in 2002 have reached more than 4,000. More than 4,000 People, personnel involve 101 countries around the world, is the largest in the history of the World Mathematian General Assembly.

This is a very favorable exhibition of Huaxia before the 2008 Olympic Games. It is only very small in the field of mathematics. Therefore, the people's influence naturally has no Olympic Games, but the international influence in the relevant field is not small. Many people also have met Huaxia.

The opening ceremony of this conference will start at 3 pm on the 20th, in the afternoon of the 20th, Meng Qian came to the opening ceremony of the General Assembly in the General Assembly in advance in advance, and with Meng Qian It is Zhengjiang President Pan Yun.

Meng Qiao this can be qualified to participate in the World Mathematic Conference. On the one hand, it is the recommendation of the principal of Jiang University. On the one hand, it is the development status of the microelectrics in Shanghai. There is an important reason is that he has become this The only non-mainstream propaganda media of the World Mathematics Conference will push 8 * 24 hours to push this consecutive conference for eight consecutive days. Of course, Meng Qi has played a role in the performance of Kyoto University.

Under the cause, Meng Qian got such a ticket.

Even two hours to the conclusion in advance, the door has also populated, Meng Qian has experienced a "highest specification" search, entered the General Assembly Hall, there is a special person to introduce Pan Yun and Meng Qian to his seat, at this time It has been coming to a few-thirds of people, everyone is very advanced.

"How many days before Hawk, a circle in Jiangda?" After the seat, I saw a circle, Meng Qian did not see anyone who knows, and chatted with Pan Yun.

"Well, say, why don't you come?"

"I don't know, no one knows me." Meng Qianhu pulled, how can he not know that when the last life of Hohn is a speech in Jiang University, Meng Qian still goes, but Huo Jin's speech Meng Qian has experienced once If you don't have to listen again.

After two people chatted, I immediately talked about it. Pan Yun took some voice slightly, "I still think about it now."

"Of course, I have been waiting for the school's news." Meng Qian came with Pan Yun this time, a purpose is to chase this matter again, so long has passed the river has not responded, Meng Qian is not good Urging.

"Joint scientific research, you can do it, but Jiangda's shelving project is much more than you think, there are some no such meaning, let you have so much money, we don't advocate.

The idea of ​​our present thing is that the research center of Great Fengchuang is also founded for some time. I believe that you have a lot of ideas for the company's research project. If you don't mind disclose the company's privacy, we can put the scientific research projects on both sides. See if there is a project that is common, we start working with these projects.

Of course, the school will sign the privacy regulations, not only just orally confidential, as for the final patent belong, just as you have said, we discuss according to each other, but my personal suggestion is, we can use a total patented model, Share ownership and use rights. "

A total of patents are also very common. Two companies work together to develop patents. If they want to go back, they will take a total of patents. If they are legally, they can only have a total of patents, they are inevitable in their own use. There will be some contradictions. In particular, the wind group and Jiang Da are relatively independent, so last time Meng Qian didn't take the initiative to mention this.

However, since Pan Yun mentioned, Meng Qian always responded, considering the longer-long cooperation, Meng Qian's rapid response, "A total of patents are a way, but the wind group is a company, Jiang Da is a company. School, we may have some differences in the direction of the patents ... "

Meng Qian did not talk about it, but Pan Yun failed to understand, this is actually a little unfriendly, this is the impact of the patent to take the public or excessive secondary development after worrying about Jiang Da. The interests of the group, but for the company, Meng Qian as a boss sometimes sinner, this is something that can't, a boss is good outside, and finally damage is not the company, is not the company's employees.

"You can rest assured." Fortunately, Pan Yun is not angry. He is really understanding that Meng Qian's difficulties.

Meng Qian has a lot of heart, "It's my heart, then when can we start?"

"After waiting for the school, I will let the colleges organize the project shelves on her college. When they come to dock it with you."

"Okay, I am standing here, then our strong wind group's research project ..."

"You this guy." Pan Yun can't help but smile, "I have been working together. If you have any projects this, if we gang it, we will arrange it as much as possible."

"Too good, Pan Presidents are relieved, I will never treat the master and classmates of the alma mater."

"I hope you said it." Pan Yun still put a shelf.

Meng Qian is in line with the way. "After this time I go back, I will prepare a cooperation agreement, I must put everyone the right to share, Pan President, despite reliable."

Pan Yun is actually believed in Meng Qian, and there is no more pursuit, turn, "the internship quota."

Meng Qian's eye angle moves, "Pan President's meaning is ...?"

Pan Yun faces full of your boy, don't be stupid, "I have started school, and the students of the four students should intermine. How many places are going to prepare for the wind group."

Pan Yun is sensitive to the topic of the internship, because Meng Qian wants to work together, this university's in-depth cooperation is an indicator. This is not a student graduation, I don't find a job, and the students graduated of course. To find a job, once there is such a cooperation with the company, it is not simple to give the company every year. This is not simple, as the principal is responsible for the students.

If the company is not good, the students will be pushed into the enterprise, and the principal of Pan Yun is too responsible. At this moment, Pan Yun can say this sentence is a high trust in the wind group.

"I have to give you the data for two days." Meng Qian smiled and asked, "about the training of the training college?"

"This is still slow, there is a bit more involved." Pan Yun told Meng Qian with expressions, and then joked it halfway, "It is your scholarship to be prepared."

"Hahaha." Meng Qian is smile, "must be."


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