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The two people have been talking about it. There are more and more people who are present, but Meng Qian's familiar face is not much. In the last time Kyoto met, Meng Qian only saw Grigo, Russia. Pereman, did not see the new one, and did not see Germany. But Meng Qian saw a lot of characters appearing on books and TV, such as Nashi Nobel's Economics Awards, such as Hawk, who chatted with Pan Yun.

If the Kyoto Congress is a genius gather, this world mathematician conference is really a gods.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the General Assembly officially started, Huaxia's big giants were present to this year's Filz Award, winners were French mathematician Lauren La Fabine and Russian mathematician Vladimir Voworth.

The first day of reading the opening ceremony, Meng Qian followed Pan Yun attended a party.

This gathering is coming to participate in the Chinese Mathemist Conference, including Huaxia, including foreign Chinese, Meng Qian and Pan Yun came early, slowly saw a lot of famous characters in this field, such as in the future The first Chinese winner of the first Chinese winner, such as the only Huaxia Nationality, which was invited to be an hour of reporting at this conference.

And Qiu Chen has a table with Tiantian steel and Meng Qian sitting at a table, and there is also the same table and the principal of Tsinghua, and several other Chinese mathematicians.

Because of the familiarity of Meng Qian, the principal of the three colleges and universities did not mind Meng Qian with their table, especially Pan Yun privately said that Meng Qian, who is about Tonight. Meng Qi will make some more important ideas.

It's just that other people see such a young man who has never seen before and I have some doubts until the Tianshan reacts. "Meng Qi, you are the three of the three of the Kyoto University. Meng Qian?"

"Teacher Tian said too exaggerated, it is normal academic exchange, saying that this is the same teacher."

"Haha, it's really you, Yun Yu is my student." Tian Steel saw that Meng Qian's eyes change soon, then vividly said that the Kyoto University's things talked over again.

Of course, Meng Qian listened to what he said, but he did not refute. Under the introduction of Tian Gang, everyone seeing Meng Qian's expression has changed, and Meng Qian is finally sitting in this position.

Meng Qian's relatively low-key, everyone will put curious heart, do not discuss his things, soon transferring chat content to mathematics, and three college principals are at the same time, it is to talk Education Development Problem of Mathematics in Liaozoa.

On the side of it, many problems gradually put on the countertop. Shortly after starting to talk to the solution, Pan Yun deliberately pushed Meng Qian, who had been silently eating, "on promoting the development of domestic mathematics education, Xiaomeng I have mentioned a few ideas before I felt good, Xiaomeng, or you also talk about everyone, listen to everyone's opinion. "

Meng Qian, who received Pan Yun Signal, "Pan President lifted me, it is a little bit of personal personal."

"Young people don't have to be so modesty, our old guys should also listen to your young people's ideas." Qiu Chen has some unexpected encouragement Meng Qian, "Although he listened."

"Then I said that there is a few words, please ask the teacher Haihan. Just mentioned a lot of problems, I first made a summary of the development of domestic mathematics education, extracting three cores.

The first is that the public does not understand the value of mathematics.

The second is the lack of math applications and low returns.

The third is the backwardness of mathematics education resources. "

Meng Qian paused waiting for everyone's reaction, everyone thoughtfully thought for a while, and then nodded to recognize Meng Qian's statement.

"So some of the methods I think is to these three directions, many important in mathematics, Internet foundation, artificial intelligence algorithm, missile design, satellite detector R & D, modern war computing, industrial automation layout, life science exploration, energy saving Emission reduction development, almost all frontier fields of future technology development will be determined by mathematics.

It is not exaggerated that a country's mathematical level will determine the future technology level of a country until it determines the national strength of a country, but now in our Chinese, more people's awareness of mathematics is still staying in addition to buying this place. What can you do.

Especially the first two years have begun to promote the development of basic science, but there is still no change in the cognition of mathematics, I think it is not in place until I got it, I queried a lot of information before I participated in this meeting. I know that the country has spent a lot of effort in the national science in the past two years.

But I tried to say that the country has a problem in this incident, that is, the propaganda is too mid-ruled. "

Several people on the table don't help but look at it, and the Qiu Chen has opened, "What does the middle rule mean?"

"All our propaganda is in the channels related to mathematics, such as some mathematical magazines, such as some academic journals, even if they see similar news on some newspapers, the title is too official, I will give you a teacher an example. Let's now have newspapers every day, and students will only look at a thing after the students get a newspaper. "

Meng Qian's example, everyone understands, "So you think that the country spends great efforts, in fact, the roots have not propagated to the students' eyes."

"Yes, our publicity options are places where those who have already paid attention to mathematics, but we really have to do those who don't understand mathematics go to see these things."

"It can be as you say, students like to see happiness, can we still put mathematics to be happy in the moment? If you put it in, then you will not be happy."

"But entertaining, there is a way, and teachers should not know that our big wind groups have been negotiating with the Ministry of Education. We are now considering adding some fun to entertaining music. For example, in our game, there will often be answering activities, we intend to join some types of topic topics, and even if the Ministry of Education is allowed, we will implant some high results of the year.

Of course, as a game, we can implant the topic of liberal arts, such as poetry, history, math science may be difficult to put in the game, but you can more accept the story, pictures, and we are The type of video such as a video is promoted. Another important suggestion is about publicity channels.

Young people now prefer a non-mainstream platform such that we can put our more popular media from mainstream media, and enter the platform that is more concerned about young people, combined with a more acceptable popularity, then I have estimated that I should estimate that it should be a big difference. "

"This will not look bad?" Some people put forward a problem, this is a very common way of thinking this year. When the earliest official media in the year, many users did not adapt.

"I acknowledge that this model needs to break through some ideological imprisonment, but if the purpose of popularity is really letting more people understand science, then it should break through the imprisonment, only the way people like it can be willing to accept We want to pass the information.

In fact, you can see a good letter. This time we have invited some official media to promote the publicity of the World Mathematics Conference on the platform, and from the data obtained before meals, the attention is very high.

But I want to truly go out of mathematics, including the charm of mathematics, including mathematics applications, if they can get more of the participation of mathematics leaders like the teachers in seats, the effect will be better. "

Qiu Chen also understood Meng Qian's meaning, and the manifestations couldn't understand his emotions. "You want us, including major colleges entering the letter?"

Meng Qian straight, although I don't sure everyone think now, Meng Qian wants to tell everyone his attitude, "Not only settled, I want to make you, create the 'star' sought after by young people."


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