Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 231 Potential Unlimited

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When Meng Qian communicated with James, Pan Yun also gathered with the principals of several colleges and universities, they were sitting around a computer (hot rè) to search on the news about the World Mathematian Conference.

It is also 50 (hot rè) to search for a top pattern, and now the natural is the 2002 World Mathematic Conference.

After entering the topic, you can see several mainstream media. This time, with the help of the World Milist Conference, 6 mainstream media such as everyone (Japanese rì) settled in the letter, let alone, the light is this 6 The mainstream media in the house has caused a "hot rè) to find a separate (hot rè) search.

Many netizens have been shocked. After all, the current hybrids have been defined as a product (sexual xìng) product, although the hyacinth (hot rè) is not opened to buy this feature, but every day (Hot rè) The same thing is the thing that is biased towards the entertainment (sex xìng), so the wind is now experiencing the encounter with the future generations of shake Weibo, and many people are destroying the elderly generation of spiritual poppies. This is also an important reason for MSN to survive in China.

In fact, in order to enable the influential official media into the letter, Meng Qian also spent a lot of strength to lobby, constantly describing the benefits and advantages of related departments, which also barely brought 6 on this conference Home media made a test water, and now I am not in the form of a long-standing form. If this test water does not feel good, they will withdraw.

In the 2002 environment, Meng Qian is also unable to force.

Fortunately, the accident is a good thing for the attention of the incident. Since everyone will be curious, since the curiosity will go and see what these official media said.

Under Meng Qian's recommendation, this time, most of them use pictures-based propaganda methods, 6 official media plus some of the math journals, mathematics platforms, bring a lot of information for this topic.

For example, now look at the report of traditional newspapers. The content is a thousand math schools in Yanjing. Who will attend, who will win, the back (Japanese rì), what is common news, not Looking at interest.

It is completely different in the wind, including the beauty of mathematics, mathematics cold knowledge, mathematics, and mathematics's future application, bringing you to the history of the World Mathematician General Assembly, the mathematical color value, mathematics, Huaxia Mathematics List, the top of the math, the science of the people, and the like.

In the beauty of mathematics, there are all kinds of scenery and people with perfect proportions, mentioning a lot of things that everyone don't understand (love Qíng) in cold knowledge and interest, such as Mathematician Galelli for women's fighting Watts, in mathematics applications, both (Japanese rì) often applied, and also mentioned the employment issues that students and parents are most concerned, and other content is constantly updated.

Mathematics is in a new way to enter the public vision, and as the conference is carried out, the content is more and more, 21 (Japanese rì) began a speech of the General Assembly, this year's Filz award winner It was arranged to speaking on this day, and the wind letter quickly updated the popular science of mathematics theory at the General Assembly, in a way to understand the general people can understand.

With the continuous improvement of topics, many hymths users have also begun to provide their own material under related topics, especially college students begin to discuss the principles of mathematics in the wind, and a unique self-fermentation phenomenon of Internet begins. appear.

At the same time, some specific phenomena that some specific (hot rè) doors will gradually appear, such as this time, the somewhere is self-ridicpeting, and more and more people discussing mathematics online, many people have issued similar Comments: "I feel that I am a little floating now, I actually discuss mathematics questions with Dr. Yan Qinghua.

"Look, this is my last life.

"Thank God, let me know that I can enter the man who can enter the hegemony.

"I am not learning, but my speed is fast, I am shooting at the sofa of the meditation!"

22 (Japanese rì) night, I saw the various replies of these two days of netizens, Pan Yun did not (ban jìn) feel very interesting, "You said, if our school's professor can go to the platform to communicate with these young people, Will it be more likely to promote knowledge? "

"That is to find a few professors of the handsome professor.

"I look at old Pan is good, I don't want to go to the game as the principal of Jiang University, I believe that young people will love you very much.


Pan Yun's room laughed, everyone's proposal for Meng Qian has clearly there has been an idea.

23 (Japanese rì), the wind letter on this conference has made a new topic, the character introduces, the first online is Hawkin and Nash, in fact, Nash is not much lower than Hawk, but almost everyone Know Hawk, I know that Nash is still few.

This is the power of the media. Hawking's behavior is often reported by the media. Everyone knows that Nash is rarely reported by the media. Everyone doesn't know, just like Wang Datan, the first director of Changlu, his achievements It is absolutely responsible for the four words of the mutual martial arts, but the Chinese people know that there are several people.

And below the character introduction, there is naturally less than netizen's discussion.

"I said that I am coming to this world.

"I did something wrong, let me see these, I feel that I am alive is a kind of sin.

"Don't be discouraged, everyone work together, as long as we work, we can always become more successful green leaves.

Although there are a lot, there is already a sound in the comments, "I hope to be a person like them.

24 (Japan rì), in accordance with the conference process, there is a activity in the morning, youth and mathematics face-to-face, many mathematicians who participated in the General Assembly will communicate with a large number of young people in the Yanyin International Convention Center to confuse the young people.

Compared with the World, this world has a huge change, that is, the wind letter is simultaneously launched online teenagers and mathematics face-to-face activities.

Those who can't go to the scene can propose their own problems through the online activity area. Everyone will vote on the problem, and the number of votes will be proposed by the representative of the Great Breeze Group in the Yanyin International Convention Center and answer the experts. Sticked on the web.

At the same time, after the on-site Q & A, after the official authorization, it will also be released on the hand letter.

In this way, the question of the world and the answer almost all stayed at the scene. The news release on the Internet is to find a few key (sex xìng) questions, but now all the questions and answers will pass through the hand Give every person in interest.

And benefit from the event of the event that started on the 20th, the questions made more significant, many problems are related to what kind of development that people can get through mathematics, many of the problems or more of the Chinese students for decades Through such a meeting, it has been solved some extent.

In 2002, 90% of Huaxia students did not know how to learn mathematics. Now, 90% of students can have at least basic concepts, at least know that learning mathematics is not just bought, not only to buy vegetables.

On the evening, Pan Yun and others gathered together. "The conference on the conference in these days is very high, and each news can have a few thousand reply.

"I heard that the young people now have a wind signal.

"Does Meng Qian have said how many hyconsive users now?"

"I have announced it once in the year, as if the registration has exceeded 3 billion, but many of them are one person, the key is how much is the number of netizens?"

"The number of netizens has just exceeded 50 million, and the user mainly is mainly young people under 35 years old, and students are the largest user group.

"This can be a small number, and the attitude of the country has promoted the development of the Internet is very clear, and the number of netizens will continue to increase.

Meng Qian said is right, the Internet is indeed a kind of education assistant that can be dug.

"I have just passed four days, and I have been completely ending this meeting. The top of the hand has indeed a large number of netizens have a new understanding of mathematics. This is a short eight days, perhaps we have been more than the past eight years. The propaganda effect is good.

This thing is really potential.

Listening to everyone, Pan Yun's eyes are gradually profound, "You don't think that Meng Qian is really potential.


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