Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 232 Silent Silent

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On August 25 (Japan rì), the Fifth Day of the General Assembly began a free report of the General Assembly, this conference has a total of 20 1 hour report and 175 45 minutes of report, which belongs to the invitation report. It is an invitation of the General Assembly. Mathematics came to speaking, but for the four-year mathematics, the number of reports must be unable to meet everyone.

Therefore, there is still a setting in each conference that everyone can spontaneously apply. After the conference is approved, it will set up a venue for speaking, and you can listen to this topic, and then you can exchange.

In general, there are several hundred and even thousands of spontaneous application reports down, and Meng Qian has applied it. The content of the speech is naturally intelligent, and it has passed the conference. His speech is set at 26 (Japan Rì) afternoon, and 25 (Japanese rì) took a report about quantum mechanics, the speaker is James.

James's report was in the afternoon, he came to step on time. After watching his scene, he directly started his speech. His first page written is the most familiar Schrödinger's cat in quantum.

Schrödinger's cat is said to put a cat in a closed container containing a small amount of lane and cyanide. The decay of radium has a chance. If the radium decays, it will trigger a body to break the bottle with cyanide. The cat will die; if the radium does not decay, the cat is or.

According to the quantum mechanics theory, the cat should be in the superposed state of the cat and live cats due to the superposition of the alga of (shè) (sex) (sex) (sex) (sex) (sex) () () (). This is a very good example of making the public to understand the micro-world, after all, the observation of the micro-world is not the public can go into contact.

In quantum mechanics, all the micro-worlds are not a simple sure, just like this and live cat, I want to know that this cat is dead is alive, only to observe it, this is quantum mechanics Another important concept, wave collapse.

Complete observations can lead to a wave collapse, there is a certain state, about the macroemporal example of the collapse of the collapse, when you look up the sun, the sun is the sun, when you don't look at the sun, the sun's status is more than you To be more complicated. Very magical, this is also a quantum mechanics attractive place, really will not make people (want yù) can't, even nerves.

James gives the next PPT written by (love ài) between Hostan and Bin, (Love ài) in 19th, the micro-particles also have a certain state before being observed, but the Bide is firm Microscopic particles must be unsure before being observed.

"Bin is refurbished (love ài) in Hostan, no observation, it can't be determined, and it is impossible to think that it has some certain state, but the same, no observation, the biblia has a stack state Or the stack of distraction, because quantum mechanics demonstrate the wave two elections (sex xìng), confirmed the superimposed state?

Then I can also think that when I am not observed, the microscopic substance has a special sense of determining?

So I think the point of debate should not surround the state. "How to talk about James is how to find an intermediate substance without quality has no capacity.

James said very deeply. After the report, James triggered a long-term debate on the scene. After all, the quantum mechanics from the birth (Japanese rì) is a thing that has been experiencing quarrels and constantly appearing new genre, even quantum theology has become a Divisa, the people in this genre are also a global alien mathematician, but their research is true.

After more than three hours after the dispute and discussion, James directly rushed to Meng Qian, and Meng Qian also understood James's intention, Meng Qian said that he was troublesome in quantum, James Tell Meng Qian's strength in this field with the most direct behavior.

And any speaker will publicize the information, James's resume is in front of Meng Qian, although Meng Qian has already known, but now I have to make a surprise state, "I didn't expect, you are The god of IBM was stirring with IBM. "

"Mr. Meng knows me?" James has some accidents.

"It didn't have anything before, but I heard that your hidden surname is mad, I didn't expect to meet here."

"I originally went to IBM for funding." James seems to be recalling, "but they have never respectful."

"Money and scientific research are really a difficult thing." Meng Qian made a helpless table (love qíng).

As a result, James asked very directly. "Mr. Meng found this balance?"

"Oh." Meng Qian shook his head, "But I am working hard."

Meng Qian did not secretly observe James's table (love Qíng), only responsible for his performance, after all, James is out of the newspaper, although it is a technical work, but also a lot of heart, but A powerful (love Qíng) reporting agencies will not be able to rebirth.

There is reborn advantage, Meng Qian can always talk about James's heart.

"Time is not early," Miss Meng will give birth to a dinner if there is no one beautiful people. "

"Okay, I will take you to eat Yanjing roast duck, I have never tasted it this time, some are somewhat."

"That's great."

Meng Qian's strategy of James is also very clear, and the moisturit is silent. This kind of man is whatever friends, when there is a friend in the future, let him go to the mountain to help a busy, I have been eager to dig him to the company, he can stir Microsoft and IBM can fire the wind group.

In the evening, two people have a good meal, and Meng Qian has treated the relationship between the two people through the information you have seen by the later generations and his personal memoirs.

The next afternoon, James also participated in Meng Qian's artificial intelligence report. The number of people in Meng Qian had a number of people before the official start, and there should be more than two hundred people, not much.

It can be seen that artificial intelligence is more attractive. As for the people who come to the scene, Meng Qian basically does not know, but in addition to James only knows the two people.

One is the academician of Wu Wenjun. This is a Thai-level Huaxia Mathematician who has become the Academician of the Hua Academy in 1957. In 2000, I just got the country's highest science and technology award. Meng Qian is really shocked. He actually will listen to himself. Report.

And another foreign woman's emergence, although it is very reasonable, it is still very magical, because she is Justin Kassel, the specific time Meng Qian must not be, but she is the chairman of the Artificial Intelligence Committee of the World Economic Forum Also when the World Economic Forum will be the next computer global future board chairman.

She has an extremely loud outer number, artificial smart queen.

"It's a gods." Meng Qian said, but quickly adjusted his state, side (body shēn) started his speech, Meng Qian said today, naturally the depth learning algorithm.

It took a half an hour, this is the most in-depth of Meng Qian's rebirth, because the core patent application has been released, and the paper has also been released, and Meng Qi should go to the layout of artificial intelligence.

Like yesterday, Meng Qian's speech caused a strong response at the scene. Differently, James's quantum mechanics caused more arguments. Today, more questions, because the depth learning algorithm is not a way to understand the principle. Determine better things he can express.

More time it has an unsculable (sex xìng), as Justin Kassel is a question, "" How much data did you use this model? "

"If you want it just a whole number, I think it has exceeded 1 EB."

Justin Kassel understood Meng Qian, so he didn't ask again, but after the end of the report, Justin Kassel took the initiative to get contacts to Meng Qian, "Mr. Meng, my name is Cassel, This is my business card, I don't know when you have time, I want to communicate with you separately your deep learning algorithm. "

Meng Qian looked at her business card and lifted his head. He suddenly had to talk, but suddenly rushed to the stage, because he saw Wu Wenjun, 83-year-old collar, is coming to himself.

"Wu Academician."

"Do you know me?" Wu Wenjun still had an unexpected.

"Of course, Wu's unsatisfied lights in the hearts of math." Meng Qian held a sentence, but it is really true.

The Wu Wenjun looked at Meng Qian and gentle asked. "Your new algorithm intends to open source?"

"I temporarily only intend to authorize, don't plan to open source, the specific strategy may be fine-tuning according to the back (love Qíng)."

"Okay, good." Wu Wenjun means a deep shot of Meng Qian's hand, Meng Qian is not (ban jìn) Some doubts Wu Wenjun's meaning until he is opposite Justin Kassel.

Meng Qian probably guess what.


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