When Meng Qiao Communicated with Justin Castel, it confirmed his guess. If you do not, Kassel put forward a lot of questions, because the depth algorithm is also a long-term market verification, Kassel passes yourself. The professional is a question on Meng Qian's theory.

However, Queal will immediately give goodwill, "Mr. Meng," Mr. Meng, no matter what to say, the depth learning algorithm is a direction worth studying, I don't know if Mr. Meng is interested in cooperation? "

In fact, the academician of Wu Wenjun is concerned about the problem of stealing technology. Because there is no patent awareness for a long time, China has always been subjected to technology theft from foreign countries, especially in neon, and Gao Li.

More classic cases include the two-step fermentation method of the Waic Institute, 16 years of Chinese Academy of Sciences invented two-step fermentation method, and the result of neonned Roche's pharmaceutical industry, with an interview with the famous light and big stealing Technology, the final Roche's pharmaceutical industry leans against two-step fermentation method, more than 20 billion yuan.

However, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has no way, because there is almost no patent consciousness in that age, Huaxia Lian Patent Law is not officially implemented until 15 years, and the similar EF C can be found on the Internet. Heap, it is conceivable to know how many companies that have not been reported in decades have experienced technological stealing caused by the lack of patent awareness.

Moreover, when neon and Gaoti know that there is no patent awareness in Huaxia, one of their most commonly dried core technicians, because there is no patent awareness in China, and there is no competitive agreement, and the core personnel were excavated. After walking, I have a technology and apply for a patent, and Huaxia Enterprises will pay a patent fee for people as inventors.

Patent shame is a very important historical phenomenon in the history of Huaxia Science and Technology. It is also the pain in the hearts of China's scientific research personnel. It is necessary to know how to have a large number of scientific and technological inventions in the planned economy era. It is not how backwardly behind Huaxia Technology, but we Many technologies were stolen, and the result of the years, the young people of the years also had to steal the neon Gary of our technology, while we were using our scientific research.

Of course, once again, the event will end to the Huaxia knock, especially after several major technologies have been in the 19th year, China has begun to have a patent since the beginning of the 19th, but it is only a state-owned enterprise to pay attention to it. Private enterprises still do not pay attention, but foreign countries have also started some new strategies for technology theft.

For example, a fake cooperation, some overseas companies know what is very potential technology in China, and immediately come to cooperate. Some small private enterprises are listening to the big enterprises like Microsoft Intel, they are willing to cooperate with me. I will nod to promise, then one Cooperation, technology is so late into people.

There is also a more common is Samsung, and the assessment has a lot of problems. I will take a small money to buy your authorization, but quickly rely on the company's strength to exceed you, let your technology eliminate.

Just Meng Qian people sent a foreign patent madness. According to Wu Wenjun, I should not worry about Meng Qian, and I have to hint Meng Qian, mainly because Justin Castel is the world economic forum, is an international organization rather than a family. enterprise.

Wu Wenjun is not sure if Meng Qian's experience is enough to let him see a matter, and those international organizations give people very great, it seems to be the people of the world, but she does not know the significance of most international organizations, it is to let individual countries. It is better to get private interest in a global scale.

"What is the meaning of Miss Kassel say?" Meng Qianbun said.

"We conduct further research in Mr. Meng and provide more data and better computing environments to give a better model."

Meng Qian can't help but smile, "I can do it myself, why do you want to cooperate?"

"Because we can provide better research foundation." Cassell is also a face, "" Huaxia's research foundation I understand, Huaxia's talent reserves in the artificial intelligence, I am also very clear, Mr. Meng The theory is placed in China, it is very likely that it will be buried. "

Meng Qian is asked, "" Miss Castel has been there? "

"This is my first time to come to China."

Meng Qian couldn't help but smile, "How do Cassel know how to know?"

Kassel is a glimpse, "the report is written."

"Oh, what is the report of the report in China? How many years is you living in Huaxia?"

"This" Castel is silent for two seconds, but it will become firm, "data is not lie, the experience will not be lie, do you think that your own national data is fake?"

"Then I am curious to ask a question, I judge the understanding of Miss Kassel by data, is still the world's seventh large economy, can be the second largest economy in the world in ten years?"

"It's almost impossible." Cassell is still more affirmative.

"Miss Kassel thinks that our Huaxia has become the world's largest industrial producer in 15 years, maybe?"

"This is more impossible."

Meng Qian smiled, "So, you don't understand our Huaxia at all."

Kassel also laughed, "Do you think of your Huaxia?"


"Then I can only say that Mr. Meng is blindly confident on his country."

"You are not the same, inexplicably believe in our calculation methods and statistical methods, and make a formula to formulate a country at all, if you don't understand a country."

See Meng Qian's strong strength, Kassel decided to change the angle, "But China is now in a fact now?"

Meng Qian nodded, "If this is the overall technology level, this, I admit it."

"Mr. Meng should be clear, you are also developing when you are developing, and now there is a lot of companies in the research of artificial intelligence, and the wind group is just one of them."

"This matter, the wind group can get it, the research foundation of Huaxia can provide enough foundation. If Miss Kassel is willing to talk about the application's cooperation, I think we will have a lot of things."

Understand Meng Qian's tough, Kassel also had to give up, and then continue to stick to it, it will only look into a pure, but it still leaves a pity.

As for the application, Cassear did not mention it at all, she didn't really want to cooperate with Meng Qian.

After Kassel left, Meng Qian went to the first time to find Wu Wenjun. When I walked from the venue, Wu Wenjun mentioned a mouth to let Meng Qian returned to him.

When I came to Wu Wenjun's room, Meng Qianneneene can be seen in his table, he is also very understanding, as an entrepreneur, Wu Wenjun is not qualified, but the inner heart of Wu Wenjun will certainly hope that the frontier technology can stay in Huaxia. Don't fall into the outsider.

This is also the reason for Meng Qian to find Wu Wenjun. This is to give him a heart, say that the conversation with Castel and Wu Wenjun have said it, the latter looks clearly, then Meng Qian started Wu Wenjun talks about another problem, how to accelerate the cultivation of talents in the domestic artificial intelligence.

China is now almost blank, although Meng Qian is already doing some efforts, but since Wu Wenjun can take the initiative to listen to Meng Qian's report, Meng Qian naturally seizes this thigh, Wu Wenjun's words are better than Mngtheng Qian has a few hundred times.

This night, Meng Qian and Wu Wenjun have experienced a thoroughssing, and the cultivation of talents in the field of artificial intelligence in China has conducted in-depth discussion.

I got a little later late, I was taking break, I took the break in the morning, I found two points to listen to the report together. James is also happy with Meng Qian. In the afternoon, Meng Qian went this time. A autonomous application report, which is also an independent application report that enables a mathematician accident.

Because the speaker is Grigo Perelman.

At the time of Meng Qian queued to enter the venue, three foreign men suddenly stood in front of Meng Qian, "Hello, are you Meng Qian?"

"It's me, you are?"

"We are the World Mathematian General Assembly supervision group." The other party lit up the documents. "We received a report, I hope you can cooperate."

Meng Qian couldn't help but frown, "What report?"

"Destroying the General Assembly fair."

"???" Meng Qian's face is bi), but also don't think of who reports yourself, but he is still very cooperated with three men.

And this scene has been taken by some reporters around

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