
When Meng Qian followed three foreign men to the office, several leaders in Huaxia also just arrived in the office. In the process of negotiations between the two parties, Meng Qian finally made things clear. Some people report that they are a business with mathematics. Home, I got such a ticket by relying on the relationship with Huaxia Guardian.

This violates the fairness of the General Assembly, accounting for a quota of a real mathematics, and reports Meng Qian's behavior with commercial purposes through this opportunity, which will seriously destroy the pureness of the General Assembly.

"Who is the reporter?" Meng Qian, who heard the supervision team, said, "I should have the right to know?"

"It is me." Asking, a man came from Meng Qian to the crowd.

Meng Qian has some unexpected look at the people in front of me, "Mr. Herman?"

"I met again." Herman looked at Meng Qian with a disdainful table.

"I really didn't think of it, the Oracle is such a large company, actually playing this means." Meng Qian did not think that the reporter is actually Oracle Herman.

"I didn't expect to encounter Mens, who would encounter Meng in this place, not only let me feel disappointed with Mr. Meng, but also disappointed with the human rights of Huaxia."

"True TM can be pulled in human rights." Meng Qiao took a sentence in Chinese, then asked in English, "Mr. Herman, what is the problem I am attend?"

"Mr. Meng is what achievement in the field of mathematics? What qualifications do Meng give this conference? Is it because of Mr. Meng's entrepreneur? Do you have to think about Mr. Meng, because your behavior will A mathematical person lost this opportunity to admit. "

Meng Qian shook his head to the supervision group, "Great Breene Group is the cooperative media of this World Mathematic Conference, and provides sponsorship, in accordance with the conference, whether I use the media party or the part of the sponsor, all Can you get a ticket, right? "

Three people who supervise groups looked at it, then nodded.

"But you can't give a speech." Herman immediately grabbed the vulnerability, "said sponsors really get tickets, but can only participate, can not speak, this is also stipulated in the General Assembly, only have review qualifications Qualifications."

Meng Qian didn't care about Herman. "That's because I got this qualification, I am not only a business representative, but also the recommended student of Jiangda, from the rules of the conference, I can get two tickets, but In view of the more things that the General Assee side needs to have a lot of information on my information, plus I think more will give some opportunities, I have not applied for two tickets.

Therefore, I took this ticket under various conditions, but more accurately, I only took this ticket. If I really want two tickets, I can spend a little thought to prepare my own mathematics, but I think a number of places is enough, and I have not doing this. This may make people feel that I get this kind of ticket reason, but the starting point is good.

Whether it is my personal or a conference, not only does not occupy someone's quota, but in contrast, I will leave a quota to others under our joint efforts. No one lost the opportunity to participate in the General Assembly because of my appearance, but there was a person who was given up because of this chance to participate in this conference. "

"Mr. Meng is really a spring, how can you prove that Jiang Da's recommendation is not a stakeholder?"

"I want to be single, yesterday's speech, it is enough to prove that I have achieved in mathematics, oh, yesterday, I didn't see Mr. Herman, then I have to talk to you alone? I don't know. Your mathematics is not to understand. "

"Meng Qian!" Herman was a bit angered. "How do you prove that your speech yesterday is your own research? Who knows that is your company's employee's achievements?"

Meng Qian couldn't help but laugh, this is the most rogue question, how to prove you is the same. However, helplessness is that since Herman has put forward this question, Meng Qian has to demonstrate, otherwise, this is a vibration point.

When Meng Qian realized that the three people of the supervisory group really wanted Meng Qian to prove this, they knew that this is a matter of this.

When Meng Qian slowly proved himself, some media have begun to report this, and the discussion of this matter on this matter is gradually spread.

But at the beginning, it is basically foreign media in vocal. At this time, the global genus of the hymths starts, and foreign media will soon pass to the country.

"I heard that the boss's boss used private rights to participate in the World Mathematician General Assembly?"

"Don't hear it, foreign media reported, definitely true."

"Foreign netizen message said that it is required to be thoroughly investigated, suspected that China has introduced a large number of unqualified people into the General Assembly through the organizers."

"It is said that the boss of the wind group is in the recruitment, the external network said that we will deflate the pure world mathematician conference."

"This loss is really lost, and foreign abroad is married to us, and we will not be worth it."

"You go to see how the Gaotai's netizens marry us, I didn't take our old ancestors from the grave."

"Nima Gorges's mouth is the stink of true mother!"

"The problem is that we can't revoke it now, you can only let them! TM blame this Meng Qian! A person's behavior ruined a country's honor!"

"Not only Meng Qian, but also a organizer, it is difficult to have a chance to show his own opportunity to international, this is good, and the international image collapsed."

"Disappointing Meng Qian, before the wind group continuously creates a miracle, I like him, and there is no one in the businessman."

"It's a pity. These two years have just turned a little in the public opinion, and I've been smashing, it is really Meng Qian, defeated Meng Qian."

The more fierce online, the past three hours, Meng Qian found some three papers released in the past three years to the supervisory group, one of them is about artificial intelligence, try to prove itself .

The supervisory team called a number of mathematicians in the artificial intelligence, which is mainly foreign mathematicians, including Kassel. Everyone has studied a while, but they have got a positive feedback, and Meng Qian is really powerful. Not a simple entrepreneur.

However, the incident should start to reverse, Herman has come, "How do we determine these papers have no fake?"

Everyone has a changing, questioning the fake of the paper is not a small matter.

"You TM" Meng Qian also came up, asked, "How did Mr. Herman prove my paper?"

"I have proved that I can't prove, I just have a little strange, Mr. Meng has such a high achievement in artificial intelligence, but you have just said, your paper has never voted from the Journal of our rice. I understand Mr. Meng. Mr. Meng is absolutely not a modest person, why not vote? Is it because I didn't dare to cast in my heart? Or this paper is a commercial planning. "

"Why, Mr. Herman thinks all the frontier technology should invest in the Journal of the country?"

"Don't you?"

"Should you paralyze."

Wu Wenjun who came to the scene, pulled Meng Qian, whispered, but Meng Qian was really coming, he never feared that the front is hard, playing a positive, but Meng Qian's most annoying is to play rogue.

At this time, at this time, the office suddenly sounded a lot of movements, everyone looked at the windows of each other.

I only saw a bunch of people downstairs, and there were one or two thousand, and the lead is a foreign man.

When Meng Qian saw the face of the leader, his mouth does not rise.


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