The person who leads is not someone else, is Griggo Pereman. This conference has five focused characters, two are winners, and there are three people, in fact, more popular than winners, they are Ho Jie, Nash, and Pereman.

Among them, Pereman also gave everyone a mystery, because everyone knows that Perelman did not have been invited to report, but I applied for a report, which makes people feel very missed.

However, in fact, I invited him. He refused. When the world of Pereman turned to participate in this conference until the Assembly begins, Pereman suddenly contacted the organizer to say that Come, I was originally said to add a report for him, but was still rejected him.

He said that he applied for himself. Later, the organizer also came to him, and the reputation of Perelman was in that, his personal reported popularity.

See Pereman's appearance, although everyone doesn't know what happened, but still go out to consult. This is the reality, you are enough to force, all things will make the way for you.

"Mr. Pereman?" Huaxia organizers made a doubtful expression in Yu Hua.

Perelman usually has a few people, he looked at Meng Qian, which came out together, asked directly, "I just finished the report, I heard that Mr. Meng Qiang Meng was not qualified to participate in the world mathematics. Home Conference? "

"This ..." Yuhua didn't know where Perelman didn't know how to respond. He is very clear that this is not good, it may really affect the national image.

"Is this, do you have any clues?" Said Yuhua vague, the leadership of the supervision team directly asked.

Perelman faces a cold and indifferent. "If you feel that Meng Qian is not qualified to participate in the World Mathematician Conference, then I will go out."

"Hundreds of" all people look down on the cold, even Meng Qian did not think that Perelman speaks directly.

He only thought that Pereman should help himself, but never thought that this big god can say this.

The supervisory team headed for a while, he went back to God. "Mr. Pereman is heavy, you, know Meng Qian?"

Perelman's cold face, this is also in line with his lon arrogant. "I have just passed the platform of the World Mathematian Conference. I have published the verification of Pangola guess, but as I said when I report, Pang Gale members want to verify that it is inseparable from a young mathematics. His name is Meng Qian. "

People who supervise groups can't help but look at it, and then look at Meng Qian, Meng Qian looks quite calm, and then look at Herman, this will be completely embarrassed.

I can't think of this scene in front of you.

Looking at the two people completely different expressions, there is an answer in the people of the supervisory group. "Mr. Pereman is convenient, let's go to the office to learn more about the situation?"

Perelmann nodded, I took a look at Kyoto University, and the verification of his personal verification proved that Meng Qian's theory and calculation of Pangola I conceived is entirely correct.

"If Meng Qian is not qualified to participate in the World Mathematician Conference, then I think, I should also be disqualified." After all of the statements, Pererman once again emphasized this sentence.

There are many people in the world suspect that Meng Qian's prove to Pangola is not his own conclusion, but does not include Pereman, because Pereman is one of the most people who know this in this world, he Never believe that someone can prove that Pangola I want to choose to bow down.

They do this is not for money, for a pursuit.

And Pereman's affirmation also allowed Herman who had once again suspected that Meng Qian's Herman took his mouth. At this time, I will question Meng Qian, it is too stupid.

The people who supervise the group whispered a few words, and the results were obvious.

"Mr. Pereman, thank you."

Meng Qian is on the front, Perelman is still a cold face. "I said a few truths, when will I have time, chat?"

"I went to you later."

"Good." Pereman no longer said, turned directly to it.

Going back, Yu Hua is talking about the good job of the people of the supervisory group, after all, foreign media have begun to report, there are also some public opinions on the Internet.

Meng Qian did not participate, directly to Herman, "Mr. Herman, if you don't like me, I hope you can defeat me on the mall."

"I will." Herman gave a loss, but after all, he received elite education from a small, the face absolutely could not fall.

See Herman is always a high high-top, and Meng Qian is a lazy dress. "I believe that we will come again later."

Herman no longer took care of Meng Qian, and said a few words directly after the man of the supervisory group.

Ten minutes later, Meng Qian called He Yuting and said to him, and let her inform the company, this will be a bit uneasy because of the attack on Meng Qian and the Great Breeze Group.

"What do we need to send an announcement?" He Yiping asked in the phone.

"To send it, but not send this." Meng Qian gave He Yiping commanded a thing.


At 8 o'clock in the evening, the organizer of the World Mathematics Conference released an announcement and clarified Meng Qian 's things, confirmed the qualifications of Meng Qian.

But when I just saw this news, most people did not believe that there were many questioned sounds.

Until half an hour later, the official HS account of the Great Breeze Group issued an announcement:

In response to 25 foreign media, there is no need to understand the real situation and lead to a large number of network attacks, which we seriously question foreign media, which is seriously challenged for this irresponsible media attitude. Media fair.

At the same time, the wind group and Meng Qian himself will firmly maintain its own reputation, and will never pallume this wrong media.

Great Wind Group This statement, we will formally put forward a lawsuit to 25 foreign media.

Looking forward to the law gives a fair ruling.


A Huaxia company is a foreign media, and a one-time 25 foreign media, this is a unheard of things in this era, and many netizens even put forward this kind of thing.

Many people have always arrived in China, and they are the lower level.

However, at least this announcement plus the passage of various small news in half an hour, so that netizens have begun to believe that Meng Qi is really embarrassed.

However, things have just begun, so on, shortly after the Great Breeze Group has finished the announcement, the online rhythm of this wave is exported.

In this wave of rhythm, more and more foreign media monopoly scandals and suppressing competition countries to achieve public opinion attack destination events are excavated, and the Chinese people are constantly arguing.

In this era, the Chinese people have a magical embarrassment for foreign media. They feel that foreign media is fair and fair. Foreign media will always speak for ordinary people. They will make foreign media should look like the media in their dreams, they believe Everything that the media said and is truth.

But at this night, although some people don't believe in all the online exposure, the image of foreign media in the minds of the people in the people of China have appeared a large-scale swing ...

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