Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 237 borrowing money

For the psychological problems of the old employees and the state of the company, Meng Qian has been paying for some time. Through the start of the company building, I will talk to them, and Meng Qian is still planning.

In the evening, everyone is very happy, Meng Qian's attitude and commitment also have to release some grievances and unreasonableness that they have existed.

After the meal, everyone came home, Sun Xiaoyi was very close to Meng Qian, Meng Qian took the road to send her back, through some wine, and the sixteen for long-lost this feeling, Sun Xiaojing couldn't help but have some kind of confidence, "Meng He is always very happy today, especially Divo, I have never seen him too much wine. "

"Do you have a lot of money?" Meng Qian asked with a smile.

"It is often gathered last year, and there is less than this year."

"There is a lot of time to gather, you come to the group, look back to me to reimburse, and today, today's commitment, you will focus, you must implement it."

"Well, I will fight for the plan tomorrow, I will send it to you." Sun Xiaoyi thought of two seconds, "In fact, the company's welfare of the old employees is already very good."

Meng Qian was very sincere and shook his head. "The company's development is too fast, and the advantage of the old employees is difficult to reflect. If the wedding is two years, the welfare is not too much, you are still a manager level, Coupled with the special personnel, the heart may be good, and their few small supervisors will have ideas, and in fact, some ideas have passed to my ear.

But for a company, how to treat old employees is very important. Many companies have made a bad staff to blame the old employees.

To do a lot of time, you can do it in love with love. You can only leave him, but you can't keep employees and then you have to say that he is not good, and if you are as unbearable, you do it. Why still stay in him? Either he is not so bad, or you can't find a better person, but no matter why, you should not treat the old employees.

Most people want to find a job, I want to figure out a long time. If the cold, the heart of the old staff, in fact, the cold is the company's employee's expectation of the future. "

"I understand, or Meng Chuan looks at the thoroughness. Meng Da, can I take the liberty to ask a question?"

"You said."

Perhaps it is alcohol, according to Sun Xiaomi's cautious character, she will definitely not ask, "Do you really want us to start a business?"

"Really." Meng Qian nod did not hesitate. "If I can only cultivate a group of workingers, I feel that I have failed."

Sun Xiaoyi no longer talk, Meng Qian secretly glanced at it, this time I can ask the person in this question, and ten eight nine of my heart have this idea.

After a while, I was silent for a while. It is estimated that Sun Xiaomi has no problem, Meng Qian began to work, "How is the situation in this case?"

It is Meng Qian's work habits. When he is architect, many work is talking in the car.

Listening to Meng Qian, Sun Xiaomi immediately seriously, and the wine woke a bit. "The whole is not bad, there is a question began to expose. Originally, you will come back this time, I want to find time to tell you."

"What is the problem?" Meng Qian consulted asked.

"The policies announced in the New Year may be really great, our personnel department is all in the city. The coma is more, but there are not many people who can stay. Many employees are in the manifestation of the interview. It is not the same, there is no company's assessment, which leads to the company's people's flow, seriously affecting the work efficiency of each department. "

"Why do you have a large-area entry performance and interview performance gap?" Meng Qian is serious, there are some meaning of questioning Sun Xiaomian's ability, but the employee has a problem, I am afraid that you are a forealld, even if it is good, One yard owned by a yard.

I saw Sun Xiaojing made a very helpless smile. "Some things said that it is crying. I only know that someone has specially selling a big wind group interview. How to teach others, some people not only teach interviews Skills, also teach some technologies, and those fake certificates, the company has discovered ten fake college students.

In addition, there is a recent question, some employee internships are very desperate, waiting for a turn, the company wants to resigniate them, they start to play rogue, and delay the company's time, and delay the cost of the company. "

"Is there still been getting pregnant after I have just been in my job?"

"Well? How do you know?"

Meng Qian smiles, these are common workplace hooligans, many see 2019, not to mention the era of overall quality in China, but he still wants to ask Sun Xiaomi, "What is the corresponding thing of Sun Is the way? "

"I want to raise the interview threshold, when you make fake certificates, the high degree is not equal to high quality, but this is a probability problem, the higher the degree, the overall pressure, learning ability, and overall quality are always Will be better.

In addition, I am preparing to reform the interview process. In fact, those who have been interviewed through training, but the company can see, so I can't see it, so I plan to have at least two rounds of interviews, personnel department Quickly cultivate a ladder team coming out and strive to cut off from the source. "

Meng Qian nodded, "I also sent you a good news here. I will have a group of college students to come to our company. These are all from colleges and universities. You don't have to worry about them. Due to diplomas, there is no problem, so you can reduce some places appropriately.

But you might be more busy, next two years, there will be more and more college students will enter the wind group, so our training center needs to speed up the speed, I need you to recruit a group of excellent training teams or From the company to cultivate a group of teams, yes, how do Qinmer? "

"Qin Mo? Very good, do a few big orders, there is no accident, it is definitely the best newcomer award in the third quarter. How did the Meng always mention him?"

Meng Qian thought for two seconds. "Although Qinmer's sales ability is very strong, I always think that he is not selling where he really glows."

Sun Xiaomi immediately comprehension, "Meng always think he is more suitable for training?"

"It's just a feeling now. His family is lacking, and I don't know how big the specific gap is, and he may still need to stay on the sales position for a period of time, and he has a huge problem."

"what is the problem?"

"Smart too explicit."

"This is." Sun Xiaojing believes that "now I feel that the company knows that Qin Mo is a particularly smart person, but the real smart man is not exposed."

Meng Qian did not consciously saw Sun Xiaomi, and for Sun Xiao Jing, he understood this truth. He was still very appreciated. "But this is the internal factor, Qin Mo has never been willing to be a sales in his heart, in his heart. Look at sales, so he wants to show his smart, he wants others to see his smart, not just treat him as a sales. "

"That's not, too proud."

"Well, there is no problem, no one will have a problem, at least this is not a principle shortcomings, this way, since he doesn't want everyone to see him as a sales, you just gave him through him. Some training work, but be sure to set a little obstacle. "

"Meng always wants to fight him?"

"It can be understood this way, Qinmei is definitely a talent, but can not be able to control, can unlock his own heart, now I still say, give him a chance, test it."

"okay, I get it."

It is said that Sun Xiaodian has arrived, and the two people have a doctor, Meng Qian drives home to rest, at home is approaching ten o'clock, just prepared to take a shower, Meng Qian's private mobile phone came to the phone.

"Where?" The phone is Feng Yufei, but he has not yet gave Meng Qian for a long time.

"Bamboo pole, is busy?" The voice of the phone is somewhat strange.

Meng Qian said weird, "When you are empty, how do you say?"

"I ... I want to take some money with you." The voice of the phone is getting lighter.

Meng Qian's face changed, once he and Feng Yu fly so many years, the two have never borrowed money, because everyone knows that she will hurt the feelings, I don't have to go to this mouth, of course everyone is good. I didn't have a lot of time.

Therefore, Meng Qian is really strange. Feng Yufei is not a tragic person, and the family is healthy, and how can he open this mouth, even if this is a good relationship, it may not last. However, a person's personality has not changed, and Meng Qian believes that Feng Yufei is definitely not easily borrowing money to himself, so the heart is extremely uneasy, "madman, what?"

It is probably the concerns of Meng Qian, Feng Yufei is busy, "You don't think much, not something big, that is, I am entrequen in the gap."

"Hey? Entrepreneurship? When did you start business?" A stone in Meng Qian fell, more than a few wonderful, "I didn't listen to you?"

"Cough, things are a bit complicated, are you in the company? Do you want me to look for you."

"I am going home, are you at school? I am going to find you, I drive for convenience."

"OK, do you want you to take a taxi, go to the school gate to drink."

"Well, see it in a while."


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