Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 238 Perfect Surface

At 10:30, Meng Qian came to a big gear down from Jiang Dafa, which is where they often come to gatherings. After the place, Meng Qian found that the two roommates were also in addition to Feng Yufei.

"Where is the madness, what is going on?" Meng Qian sent a session, no matter what to say, Feng Yufei will borrow money with himself, Meng Qian is still very intended.

"Come." The four people briefly greeted, and Feng Yufei pushed a bottle of ice beer to Meng Qian. "In fact, things are like this, when we have a few time, you don't say it. One sentence, the future is the employment world of computer talents. It is recommended that we develop in the direction of the software engineer or algorithm engineer. "

"Well, I said that, then?"

"Then we went to understand this market and found that you are right, and maybe more correct than you."

Meng Qian suspected of abandoning, "said people."

"There is indeed more and more software companies in China, which is really a good job direction, so we think about where to learn, after all, our professional is not too multi-programming, and we found The software training course that the entire Hangzhou can find it is only three, and the scale is small. "

Meng Qian is a bit clear, "So you smell the business opportunity?"

Feng Yu flew nodded, "Well, if the software engineer is really a big trend, in addition to learning, this is the professional student, if you want to do this, the training class is not a best way? ? "

"You are looking for me to borrow money now, is it for training classes?"

This Feng Yu flew shakes his head. "In fact, we have already opened. We stayed in a training school in Hangzhou for two months. After returning, he wondered it again, and it felt that training is not very difficult, try Opened, a small flyer was sent in the school, and the result was really signed up. "

Meng Qian couldn't help but wonder, "People see yourself, they are also students, don't ran on the spot?"

"Of course, there is still three people who don't stop our three people. We also found the teacher of the C language. The matter is that he is presenting, we are responsible for enrollment, responsible for preparing the course. This is a long time, but taught tens of dozens A student, earn a little money. "

Meng Qian gave three people, "Yes, you will continue to do it, this will suddenly find me how to borrow money?"

"This is still not relying on you."

"It's not my business?"

"Originally, we will take ten students in a month. We rented a house across the community. Three of our three people didn't work together. I went directly, and we didn't react it at the time. I finally received 30, and there were more than 100 people in this month. We realized that the situation was not strong, and I went out to know.

This knows that there have been a large number of software companies in the year, and some old software companies have also increased recruitment, such as Jinshan directly and publicly recruited 1,000 software engineers. Moreover, the average salary of software engineers generally teach high, this doesn't have many people who have just graduated, I want to quickly report a class to assault, go to interview. "

"Jinshan public recruits 1000 software engineers? Why don't I know this?"

"Just a few days, you sit in Yanjing."

"No, the domestic software environment has not improved, the piracy is still flying, so many software companies want to do? Looking for death?" Meng Qian put forward his own questions.

Feng Yufei made a stupid expression, "So I said that this is to sign you with the big and housing industries, is there a lot of software contracts in neon countries?"

"Yeah, there are big and housing industries such a big order in that, many companies are willing to believe us."

"This is not knotted, although the domestic software market is not good, but there are markets in foreign countries, and listening to the teacher said that foreign premiums can be serious, 500,000 costs sell 5 million passenger, how much price is there Competitive space, your big wind group does not press the price, but domestic companies are willing to compare.

Coupled with our own labor costs more cheap than neon, many companies discover this is a big business opportunity. "

"I didn't expect to affect it so fast." Meng Qian whispered.

Feng Yufei listened to it, and the time, "You will also be affected by the price of domestic enterprises in foreign countries."

"I know, continue to say what you are."

"Our matter is actually very clear. Domestic software companies have been established, and the corresponding software engineers are naturally not enough, especially in Hangzhou, excellent software engineers are squeezed to your big wind group, for training class This is a huge opportunity, we discuss it, hundreds of students in this month are so wasting.

But if you want to accommodate so many students, we have to change the venue and recruit some people to work. If you come, our money in these months is not enough investment, and our family conditions, You also know. "

"How did the teacher said?"

"Don't tell you, if you really say that Entrepreneurship, Mr. Wei is actually working for us. His thoughts are more conservative. It is not very interested in entrepreneurship. Don't do big, this is not involved, although he must hope that we will do it, so his income can go. "

"But entrepreneurship will definitely take risks. The bigger the company is, the greater the risks, are you really planning to do?"

"Bamboo boat, you know this person." Feng Yufei suddenly became very serious, "I have no other interest in the basketball, but this time I have a special strength, make money is on the one hand, you know being people What kind of feeling of calling a teacher? "

Meng Qian looked at the serious Feng Yufei, faint, "warehouse ... teacher?"

"***who is it?"

"Amount ... you will know later." Meng Qian did not know that *** 02 was just shot, "How much do you need now?"

See Meng Qian's opening, Feng Yufei does not go to the teacher's uncoat, "100,000, definite enough, we have discussed, we add a point on the basis of bank loan interest, though You may not care about this money now, but how to borrow money. "

"You can rest assured, interest I have a lot of charge, and add a point, I feel less." Meng Qian smiled, then asked, "Do you determine 100,000 really enough?"

"It's enough, we all have been over, rent a big house is transformed, accommodating 100 people must have no problem, then the employee wages and some promotional fees in the first few months, and we can do not find you. It is mainly because it is some inquiry before, so it is the way to pay the full amount of deposit learning.

Now, although it is necessary to expand, we feel that this model can't change it. Because most of the students are older, we are embarrassed to change, so the funds will definitely be a bit nervous before the previous month. A month funds should be kept up. "

"Then have you ever thought of a question, in case you have just transformed a new house, what should I do if there is a thousand registered students?"

"This is also considered, but we don't dare to gamble, it is still a bit first, the greed is not enough snake swallowed, the appetite is too easy to die, the real student is more, then I want to expand."

Meng Qiaen wants to say that you will give them some money to them, after all, in Meng Qian, this is the wind of the software training institution, but it is finally given up, because this is the way of entrepreneurship of Feng Yufei, Meng Qian Recognizing that he should not intervene, what he can do, that is his business, he can help some of the busy when he needs it, it is.

"Well, there will be 100,000, are you going to pay attention to a few years?"

"What is the two years?"

"No, one year."

"Your uncle, the roommate is this face?"

Ten months. "

"Your mother ..."

"Half year."

"Brother, big brother, one year, one year, must also be on."

Then this night, Meng Qian almost did not be killed by beer.

However, on the way to take a taxi, Meng Qian unconsciously laughed for a long time, and suddenly some people who have great achievements are very easy to succeed, and they don't say they will pull, even if they don't pull, many times In one sentence, it may be the development trend of the industry. If this person is enough, you may change your own destiny.

In addition, there will be a mutual impact between friends, which is the reason for the learning world.

Meng Qian's heart always wants to do something like Feng Yu, but he doesn't like it very directly to help others. This is not good, many times will only be reversed, let others feel that they are showing off At the moment, this situation is the most perfect in Meng Qian.

And Meng Qian is even more happy that Feng Yu flew to train a training institution, and everyone can cooperate in the future.

Plus from Feng Yufei, I know that Huaxia Software Enterprises began to spend a big way of warming, regardless of the results, this is a good start ...

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