Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 239 Parts Production Equipment


On the second day, I went back to the company. Meng Qian first called the company executives together to meet, understanding some of his concerns, the first year of rushing is the company's recent profit and cash flow problem, next year is the concentrated explosion of the company's hardware development The period is also an important period of the foundation of the research center, and there is nothing more important than money. .

From the financial report, it can be seen. Before, he only took five companies, it took less than 10 billion. It didn't spend the money from bank loans. Add the company recently earned some money, cash reserves Still is still abundant, just 5 billion yuan to the research center, and wait for Meng Qian to find a place to spend money.

The game, Meng Qian looked at the report, the profitability of "God" has begun to have a turning point, and this type of game has a lot of domestic countries, some are fatigued, good in the profit of "Battle of the Gods". The ability is also rising, the sales of the Kyushu platform is also good, but the most satisfied that Meng Qi is to make the profitability of the hymths begins to break out.

Penguin officially quits the competition with the hymths, and the letter is currently in China. The only opponent is, but every day, there is no profit point, and the hyperin is constantly absorbing the user, the profitability is rising, and now the hymth is Selling a letter show, selling members and Fengxin circles to make a month to earn one or two billion.

Light relying on the game, the company has now reached 500 million, it is finally more than 300 million performances in the "Legend", but the potential of the wind group must be more than a lot, just like Nowadays, commercial software has begun to break out overseas, and the profitability of the wind group has already gotten up.

"How is Can I communicate there?" It is probably clear about the company's funding, Meng Qian let finance go back to work, then ask Xiao Bo. .

"About the first round of cooperation negotiations yesterday, this is the meeting record." Xiao Bo knows the printed meeting records to the meeting, "You can browse first, the negotiation is also a smooth, and from negotiations It can be inferred that Canon actually believes in immersive lithography. "

"Then why don't you do it?" Ding Ming, did not ask.

"The moment I also understand, on the current judgment, whether it is Nikon or Canon, there has been extreme investment in traditional lithography technology, so everyone can't get so much capital and human power to disperse. In addition, it is said that Nikon has threatened Taiwanese electricity to study the immersion photolithography. "

Everyone did not pay attention to Meng Qian nodded, this situation is unified with the records of his later generations.

Seeing Ding Mingyuan, Xiao Bo will continue, "So now Canon's cooperation bottom line is once we have successful development, they ask us to authorize related technologies, open all relevant patents for them, of course, for us Demands must basically accept, including their telelant machine core technology, which will also be authorized to give us. "

"But the premise is that the immersion photolithography is successful." Meng Qian did not shook his head, "Canon didn't be Nikon in the field of illuminating machine in the past few years, and the R & D expense is not as good as one year, so now is for Canon. He is more hope that the immersion photolithography is successful, this is a chance to fight Nikon.

So once we developed successfully, he pays his core technology nature very happy, but before the success of R & D, he did not dare to take out the courage to exchange the core technology directly. Canon's transformation of the civilian consumer product is successful. But in the scope of the cutting-edge product, even in the military field, it is really reasonful. "

"But after all, it is just the first negotiation, I will give them a little pressure later."

"Don't." Meng Qian denied the intention of Xiao Bao, "they want to see the rabbit, then we will follow him, this time it is good, Canon will feel a little, they are in the traditional lightning machine I don't really be very rare now. I have seen other things in Canon. This thing we will go now, they should be very willing to give us. "

"What?" All participants did not understand Meng Qian.

"Each of the various parts production equipment."

Everyone faces each other, even if you know the answer or a fog.

This thing Meng Qian is also difficult to explain with them, because only the rebirth of the reincarnation understands the stakes relationship, Canon has gradually started to transfer the company since the end of the 1990s, on the one hand, civil society Consumer products, similar to digital cameras, and one aspect is to increase research and development of many parts production equipment.

In fact, Canon initially, this transformation is very helpless. I can't engage in the momentary moment. I will engage in the production equipment of important parts of the lighting machine, so at least there is a bit in this field, and then it is still the sentence. And neon companies have any habits they do.

As a result, the helpless decision of Canon made him, because in 2002, there were many companies in this equipment, and the main opponents in this field were still Nikon. In addition, several companies in Germany, everyone level Almost.

Since Asaki, I didn't admit defeat, but I continued to increase research and development investment. In just three years, I almost exhausted all of the company's blood transfusion capabilities. I almost didn't do myself. It is also naturally dragging yourself in other fields.

As for the side of Germany, I know that Mi State has always been a brother with the European Union. When Asa is successful, Germany is very excited. I originally want to talk to Ashami to cooperate. Who knows that As Mecha will go directly to Miki Dad At that time, several companies in the rice country wanted to take the opportunity to engage in these equipment, and boosted Germany.

Then it is cheaper, Canon is inverted into the biggest winner of the parts production equipment, even not limited to the field of lightning machine, and the vacuum coating machine like the later generation is the lightning machine in the OLED screen. Because of Canon limit, buy To their vacuum coating machines, they also suffer from unfair pressure in the OLED screen.

But at this moment, I can't think of such a future, including Canon I can't think of it. There will be a lot of equipment for many equipment, and everyone can do it is precious.

Another point, now many of the accuracy requirements of parts are not so high, even if you buy a little production equipment can also be used, unlike future generations, everything is to high-precision, more and more industrial equipment Slowly become unsubstably.

Meng Qian didn't know how to explain with the employees. Just explained, let He Yianting will give a list of ready equipment to Xiao Bo, and will also copy a copy of others. "You master the next time you negotiate. He wants to keep it, I accept it, but once I work together, I need the core technology of these devices, and I want to send people to learn.

In addition, if possible, you can see the core technology that can make Canon first hand over some of the equipment, as a exchange, we can give him a low price to give him a candlelong architecture. "

"Candlelong architecture authorization, does not violate our agreement with Sony?"

"Do not violate, Sony as long as the right to sell. Stay this, I will take you with you, I have decided to engage in digital cameras, so at the end of the device list, the camera technology we need, you can with Canon Taking it together. "Meng Qian directly transferred the topic, the previous arrangement is calculated, and the details of the negotiations he don't have to go with Xiao Bo, this matter is handed over to Xiao Bo.

There are many important parts of the parts production equipment, and the employees may not know that Meng Qian is too clear, if you do n'thing, most of the parts of the lightning machine have to rely on import, some good replacement parts Even However, some more important parts must be transferred to the country, or it is always a big hidden danger.

For Meng Qian wants to do the camera, everyone is simply exchanged, and Meng Qian gave Xiao Bo's list. This is the collection list recommended to the acquisition with Tsinghua.

However, these camera companies will not live in this case, and the acquisition of a group of camera companies will not be five billions, and the company has to find other places to spend money.

On the afternoon, Meng Qian convened the management and core technician of the acquisition of five chip design companies. Talking about this afternoon, it is a bit burning.


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