Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 242 Working Environment

On October 8, students have started concentration training for four days. On October 12, all internship students received their own internship OA accounts and work cards, and determined that everyone will take place to participate in this day.

"Yun Wei, which project group you are arranged?" Through private consultations, Zhule Liang lives a room with Yun Hao.

Meng Qian leased two rows of houses in a community near the company. After a simple transformation, these interns lived, and a computer was placed in each house.

Yun Hao is a two-bedroom and one living room, and two people live in each room. There is a computer in the living room.

"Industrial software, I have seen the training analysis given by the company, the company's meaning should be to try to try the integrated geometry and basic physics, develop to the industrial sector, what about you?"

"I went to the artificial intelligent project group, my big direction is basically set, it is also this in school, my interest is here, I will develop in the field of artificial intelligence."

"The depth learning algorithm that Meng Qian is released, and it seems that many people are studying."

"Yes, it has been translated into a multi-language, and our college also has set up a research team in researching depth learning algorithm. We now log in to this OA seems to have no permissions." Zhuoliang's topic turned, he has logged in OA system I have been pondering for a while.

"We are intern, but you can look at the internal forum, there are many dry goods."

"Internal Forum?" Zhule Liang Talent Found this thing, you can see several sectors after entering, including technical exchange, daily gossip, company news, feedback, learning materials, hobbies, blind friends.

"I am going, blind date? Meng Qian is what I want to do?" This is the plate for Zhuo Liang's first eye. "Don't say that big companies do not support internal love."

"Not an internal blind date, is some blind date activities with other companies."

"No, you still have to go in and see it?" Zhuoliang looked unexpectedly.

Yun Yuyi has any strange expression, "I am single."

Zhulei, ""

Unable to refute.

"Well, what is your dry goods?"

"Of course, it is an exchange area and learning information, but we are still not qualified to speak in the exchange area, but some public exchanges can be seen, and there are many interesting things, such as this morning I saw someone. In the use of chat, it is largely opened my thinking. "

Zhulei went in and saw it at the horse, "the staff of the Great Breene Group is still talking about it in the group in the group."

"But not only the big weekend, I saw chat records, and I was as lively in this exchange area."

"Isn't that a class time? Meng Qian no matter?"

"Not only don't matter, it seems to be very supportive." Yun Wei went to the computer, "" You see, this is a result value, the results of the exchange area have been applied, participated in the company The discussion and the employees who have proposed valuable opinions will be rewarded. There will be a score for each result, and the top ten of the annual results values ​​will have a rich year-end bonus. "

"This practice is a bit mean." Zhuo Liang went to see the learning sector, there were a lot of information and courses, "I will go, even for these learning materials."

"Yeah, for people who are really good, these materials are very valuable, and many learning materials are obviously from abroad."

"But this plate is as disclosed, every big wind group's employees can see, Meng Qian is not afraid of being blotted?"

"Or points, you see, here, this information we have no right to view, but it is quite rich, it is quite rich. In fact, I am also thinking about this problem, but considering Meng Qian's personality, perhaps, Meng Qiba is not allowed to disclose? "

Zhu Liang understood the meaning of Yun Yu, nodded, "Meng Qian also tried this kind of thing, Yun Wei, idle is also idle, or do we go to the company to transfer, these four days have always been

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