Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 243 Telecom's Active

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On October 14, the students in colleges officially began to internship, and from September, Meng Qian's focus on the company's artificial intelligence development, slowly put his knowledge out to the company's employees, and rapidly planned, The application of artificial intelligence has been classified.

So this time, in addition to the intern explanation, Meng Qian basically has been bubble in the Development Department and the R & D center until the 14th because of the company's high-level meeting, I learned about the company's recent situation.

Today, the main three things, the first thing is the report of Gu Junhui. "Mi Dang has recently reviewed the letter, and the MSN of the MSN after the MSN is finally updated in the interface and function. Imitate the hymn. "

"It is not to be stared by Miki for less than a year." Meng Qian looked at the text report and shook his head.

"Mainly, the country is now there is no social software to compare with us. Now the hymths have entered the outbreak during the rice country. The user's registration has exceeded the local MSN. At this time, the idea of ​​the Miki Government has intervene. Among them. "

"How do this MSN so don't live." Meng Qian can't hurt, MSN's competitors are actually the foundation of wind intelligence in the Western survival. As the shake is on the ground, it will not have a person at all on the ground, but you have developed it. Hot, even fired a short video app in rice, this time, don't you do anything, "What do you think?"

"I think that since the rice country has already started, we can use conservative strategies to be very difficult, and it is better to prepare for Mi Dang, it is better to use radical strategy."

Meng Qian touched the squatting of the chin, and finally denied the idea of ​​Gu Junhui. "Now I haven't taken the best time to take the radical strategy. Do you say that MSN just updated? How is the market reaction?"

"Not bad, plus Microsoft is mostly more resources than our resources, and finding a lot of partners, plus their channel resources, these we are more than him in rice."

"Then lift the MSN, as long as the local product achievement of the country is better than us, they will not do it too straight to the surface."

After all, Gu Junhui was doing operations, second to understand Meng Qian, "Ok, I know."

The next statement is Xiao Bo, "It is very smooth with Canon's second negotiation, and our requirements they basically agree, I think we can speed up the progress."

"Well, your report I have seen yesterday, no problem, this matter you come to arrange."

"Okay, in addition, we have acquired six digital camera companies, our big wind group's digital camera industry has been movable, and the management problem of this industry, you need to take time to arrange."


Xiao Bo knows that there is no other thing. The last statement is Ding Mingyuan. "After the Nort-North Branch, the netizens have a large area of ​​complaints, this time I communicate online accelerator with Telecom, they now Only one idea, we can implement it as soon as possible. "

"What is their budget?"

"Hardware This telecommunications is obviously less willing to put our company, pure software construction, budget is about 10 million."

Meng Qian said, "Does Telecom mention that they plan to use?"

"Or that company."

"Sure enough. We only do software supply, this time is mainly to take this line of telecommunications."

When Meng said this sentence, Ding Mingzi suddenly smiled. "Although the telecom does not give us hardware, Telecom does reveal a signal, the Telecom Group has recently changed a new management software, in addition, Telecom also asked Our database situation. "

Meng Qian horse filed a spirit, "Is this a telecommunications active?"


"What is our database?"

"In order to hurry, we have already started modular testing in advance, and the recruitment of Little Sun has given us a lot of support. Now the database developing staff has exceeded 500 people, all caught up with Oracle."

Although Oracle has 130,000 employees around the world, it is more than 20,000 employees in 2002, including more than 1,000 employees in the database, almost developed and developed for half open, and Meng Qian's rebirth advantage is large. Completed R & D work in this age, so that the wind group and Oracle have been almost the same from the developers of the database.

However, the wind group has a hidden advantage, that is, Oracle is one of the most lazy companies around the world. In the two large-scale layoffs in 2006 and 19 years, everyone is magically found that people from Oracle Lazy is not used.

After the future, it is also written in the Oracle documentary, and Oracle developers have been in the same day. It is not bad for work every day. Of course, Oracle's corporate culture is called good for workers, but for the company, This is the drawback.

Of course, Oracle is still advantageous, that is, it is attaches importance to R & D and innovation. Although the people in the Oracle Development Center are lazy to be famous, the Oracle R & D center is indeed the elite in this field, and the Oracle layout is early, which monopolizes this field in advance. Just with Microsoft monopolized the system almost a truth, coupled with software change is not so easy, so many people in the future said that the Oracle development employee This kind of work status If you put it in Huaxia's Internet businesses, the company has long closed eight hundred I'm back.

"So many people?" Meng Qian recently didn't pay attention to the situation here, he did not know the details of this detail, and it was indeed a little unexpected to this figure. "I heard that the recent domestic programmer There is a big gap, Jinshan said in August to recruit 1000 people, now there is no 100 people who have not recruited. Which people come? "

Sun Xiaomi looked innocently to look at Meng Qian. "Jinshan they can't recruit, because people come to us this. Meng always don't forget, this will have no complete past, domestic companies. It is difficult to live, only we have such a strong profitability, and only we can give employees such as such good benefits, many talents come from Shanghai Yanjing to Hangzhou, which is to enter our strong wind group. "

"This way." I know that the reason is not much about saying that reborn him knows that China is the least lack of people, IT will have a bunch of people to hide this industry after IT, this is not what he is now. Things to consider, he returned to Ding Mingyuan, "Does Telecom say when you want to change?"

"Listen to them, want to be before the end of the year."

"Time is so catching."

"Yeah." Ding Mingyuan and Meng Qian showed a difficult table.

The database is also the most difficult natural design and architecture. Meng Qian gave this thing, and the development as long as people have enough, and it is the database of this year, but it doesn't have to take too much time, but for the wind group, because very development There is no database development experience before the staff, so it will delay a lot of time on the test.

At the end of the year, I plan to find some small companies to start actual testing, and then the development of large enterprises. If you have a company that docking the Telecom Group, it is inevitable that you will easier expose a small problem, nor eliminating big problems.

However, Shen Si will have made Meng Qian still make a decision. "We missed the construction of the domestic banking system a few months ago, and it was absolutely no longer able to let Oracle to take the order. Today, the database development department will enter the assault status, all members. Overtime, company welfare to keep up, since telecommunications is willing to take the initiative, we have to go to the scalp. "

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