Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 244 Product Confidence

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On November 1, Meng Qian took Ding Mingyuan and He Yiping to Yanjing Telecom Headquarters. In fact, this era is a communication company such as mobile, Unicom or Telecom, and each province has a high degree of self-management, even provincial and provincial provinces. There are competition, so most companies are dealing with mobile telecommunications Unicom in their respective copies, rarely contacting the headquarters.

But whether China Unicom is still telecommunications, Meng Qi is directly looking for this department. After all, the wind group can always take out the overall product, just like the network accelerator, this is not a province, this is a national problem.

"Meng Ge, this is Xu, Xu, which is the Ministry of Telecom Group. This is a ministry of the technical department. This is a manager of the marketing department." Ding Mingzhong knows, give Meng Qian.

After shaking hands one by one, Xu Hui of the Purchasing allowed Meng Qi three people, "Long Yongmeng Great Name, finally have the opportunity to see it."

"Don't dare, do little business, don't afford to do something big name, Cheng Meng Xu Manager does not discard, let me have the opportunity to take the headquarters of Telecom, this is, I didn't dare to think about it before."

"Hahaha." Xu Hui and others laughed, the overall atmosphere didn't matter.

Have a few more people, Xu Hui shifts the topic to cooperation, "Meng Gong, in fact, the current situation is this, our telecommunications group will have a big adjustment and change from 2003, will involve Management, sales, operation, service and other aspects, so we are now urgently needing a whole, advanced business software, and currently in China, I believe that the wind group is one of the most professional companies in this field. "

This time, Meng Qian is not polite. "In the field of commercial software, our wind group is a strong confidence, just, Xu, I can take the liberty to ask our probably adjustment direction and adjustment purposes?"

Xu Hui has paved a look at the other two. "I simply talk to Meng Gong talks about the reason we have to adjust. Meng always understands."

"Washing the ears."

"my country began to promote telecom reform in 1993, the biggest purpose of its reform is to promote the marketization of the telecommunications industry, but to tell the truth, the previous seven or eight years, the reform of the entire industry is back and slow, after all, the plate is so big, everyone is early It is used to passive management, from methods to mentality changes.

However, the current external environment has not allowed us to get used to the new rhythm. Since joining the WTO, the ATAT, neon NTT, German telecommunications and other overseas telecommunications giants, such as NTAT, German telecommunications, have seen the weakness of our Huaxia Telecom A external offensive has been ready to go.

Therefore, the more imminent in our domestic telecom industry, this year, this year, the new telecommunications and Netcom will have telecommunications, mobile, China Unicom, Netcom, Jitong, Tietong, Wei News, and the seven communications businessmen. A clear instruction has been received, further deepening the reform, further enhances market competitiveness, we must not only hold your own city, but also to enter international preparation. "

"I understand, so Telecom Group needs a commercial system that truly contributes to market-oriented competition."

"Yes, but there is also a detail of Meng Gui to be clear. We can't be absolutely marketized. Our Huaxia's entire telecom industry will always have national interventions. At present, the main means of intervention is supervision."

Meng Qian quickly thought about it, "This is a good office, and it is a automatic processing system for operational data. It is also convenient to open a supervision system to the country, so that the national supervision is convenient, and the company does not spend too much time on the report."

"You can simplify supervision from the technical level." Xu Hui used his eyes to distinguish Zhang Haifeng, one side of the technical department.

The latter immediately opened, "Guan Meng, before listening to Datin, the Great Breeze Group is developing the database? And you can use it right?"

"Yes, accurate and old, our development has been completed, this time, we also hope that Telecom Group can use our big wind group database." Meng Qian is very straightforward, I only see Zhang Haifeng has some helves, Meng Qian Immediately, "said the manager's idea to say it directly."

Zhang Haifeng is unconscious, "all said that Meng always is a real person, I will not cover up, from the heart, we are definitely hope to adopt domestic enterprises, after all, the communication is also convenient, follow-up service Convenient, these years we purchased the products of rice in the country, the real feelings did what the price is low.

But our people have no such technology, we will not be willing to find people, now there are domestic companies to do databases, our heart is really excited, only the big wind group's database can not pass the market inspection now no one I know, if we go back to find a company, they will do it. "

"I understand the meaning of manager." Meng Qian is calm, "" Domestic now only has a database, once our database does have problems in actual use, you can't find the second home in China Alternative companies can only go back to the company to find the company, and the telecommunications group will enter an extremely passive state. "

"Just this." Zhang Haifeng smiled helplessly.

"This is really a phenomenon that is now very difficult. We also consider our countermeasures for this, first of all, because our internal test results are very good, we are confident, the telecom group business.

In order to let our cooperation try to avoid subsequent troubles, I suggest that you spend our product level when communicating with Oracle. "

"Worrying the product level of Oracle?" Zhang Haifeng has some accidents, "Do you tell you the world's top database company?"

"Why can't it? Now the domestic broadband penetration rate and telephone penetration rate are still quite, but we have more than ten billions of people, how big is the potential of this data in the future?

Even with Oracle, he really faces the data traffic that can be generated over 10 billion people? Since this time is deepening the reform, since it is necessary to change the software, the telecom group's eyes look far, this is reasonable?

I am worried that your Oracle can afford the amount of data in the future, is this normal? After all, there is only such a large amount of users in China in China.

At this time, Telecom Group just wants to touch more companies, this is also said. At the time, our wind group came over, and everyone used the data to measure the product comparison. If the product of our wind group can positively pressed Oracle products, the telecommunications group chooses the wind group not to be a chapter?

At that time, you will talk about other cooperation again, in a steady relationship, in case, I said that after the database of our big wind group, the follow-up operation of the database is really coming, and you are also in front of everyone. Can look good. "

"Data load?" Zhang Haifeng was engaged in technology, but it was still to understand Meng Qian. "Meng Mong always confident on his products?"

"Yes, it is so confident, I can understand the concerns, that's because you have a heart, but I want to say, you don't have to biased, real truthfully put us to fair competition. On the stage, Oracle's own products don't work, then he is not blames to blame your head. He has an angry, and the anger should be rushing to our wind group. "

Three people looked at the eyes, this time, Xu Hui couldn't help but asked again. "Meng always really confident in his own products?"


Looking at Meng Qian's eyes, Xu Hui's eyes are also firm, "Well, then according to Meng Gong said, we look forward to the performance of the wind group."

After a little talked about the details of the details, Meng Qian left.

With Ding Mingyuan and He Yiping, I went to the downstairs and just went out.

"Meng Total! Meng Tong!"

A man ran in front of Meng Qian, "Are you a big wind group?"

Men's clothes are decent, smile, and Meng Qian turned her head and looked at the man, the more you read it.

"I am a big wind group's Meng Qian, you are ..."

"Hello, my name is Liu Ji". "

"Liu Jiren!" Meng Qian's heart moved, no wonder it is so familiar, this is the chairman of the Dongping Group.

I used to go to the east soft interview, I didn't have it in the first test.

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