Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 248 Challenge IOE Era

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Go to the office, Xu Hui greeted everyone, only wind groups in Huaxia, foreign companies only have Oracle, because I have already filmed it before receiving the Great Breeze Group, Telecom has been filtered, and finally selected Oracle, just Because it is time to hear this news, I will find Meng Qian, and then I have this situation today.

Xu Hui first passed a few words, said a few hard work, lifted the two sides, and the equation floor is almost, this has taken a document here, "Mr. Meng, Mr. John, Mr. Herman, This is the test data we do. "

After getting the data on both sides, Telecom is naturally a comparative table, and it is necessary to give this result on both sides so that it is convincing.

Each of the two sides has taken a comparative report. After a few minutes, Meng Qian has not finished reading, and he heard Herman, he can't help but, "this is impossible!"

In the face of Herman's reaction, Xu Hui smiled and responded. "Is there any problem with Herman?"

"I doubt the truth of the data." Herman is very direct, "Great Wind Group does not have any database developed experience, how can I not believe."

Xu Hui's non-slow response, "Mr. Herman, the tests on both sides are carried out in our telecommunications group, all data has backup, if Herman's doubtful data, as long as the wind group I agree to provide more detailed content. "

See Xu Hui to look at himself, Meng Qian turned his head and looked at Herman who lost his attorney, showing a smile of "goodwill". "What is the specific doubt of Mr. Herman? Do not believe in our historical data dump The efficiency is 30% higher than you, or do not believe that our query efficiency is 16% higher than you? Al or not, you don't believe in the 20: 1 compression ratio we implemented?

If Mr. Herman's questioning is to check the data, the result is definitely or this result, but if Mr. Herman's question is interested in principles, I am happy to talk to Mr. Hirman.

Simply, our database can have such performance, the key is three points, information lifecycle management, new infrastructure and information automation system design, I believe this, Mr. Herman is understandable. "

Herman, of course, every sentence, Meng Qian, made him feel the brain, Meng Qian said the technical principle is that he is working hard, Meng Qian realized the result is that he has been eager, but in him In the original idea, people who break through these technologies should be him, people who realize this result should be him, should not be another person.

Herman is indeed an extremely arrogant person, but in fact, many people don't know that one of his heart, there are three technologies in the history of the company, and the technical genius of Bill Gates is. Paul Elan, a Steve Vozniak, Steve Jobs, and one is Bob Mille, Ellison, but relatively Paul Allen and Steve Woz. Niak, Bob Miller's name is much smaller, because he died in 1993, and it is also a Tianzhu.

After Bob Miller passed, Herman became a technical genius to shine in Oracle, and also dedicated a lot of results for Oracle, but everyone mentioned Oracle development, the first reaction is Bob Le, this is the heart of Herman's heart, so he is very hard because he wants to prove herself, he wants to become a legend of Silicon Valley.

This has also created that he was defeated by Meng Qian, because this behavior of Meng Qian will further disconnect him to become a legend of Silicon Valley. He was suppressed by a dead Bob Miller for so many years, but there is no venting It is now pressed by Meng Qian, and his disappearance is actually a sense of explosions for so many years.

Just like Meng Qian, Herman finally took a deep breath, he knew that Meng Qian did not lie to him, he was knowing, but he is really hard to accept this reality.

See Herman no longer talking, John sitting on him is disdainful to see him, have always been do not like Herman, but his tiny other people have not seen it, facing some embarrassment The situation, John is very calm, "Xu Shao, the Database Performance of the Great Breeze Group is really unexpected."

After finishing, John turned to see Meng Qian, "The wind group really followed the rumor,"

Seeing John seems to have no meaning, Xu Hui is not a little unexpected, but Meng Qian believes that it will not be as simple, and the cooperation should be, "Oracle is always the predecessor, we just stand in the shoulders of the giant, if there is an opportunity If I am looking forward to having an opportunity to cooperate with Oracle. "

John smiled and wanted to hold hands with Meng, "Yes, I also look forward to it, oh, IBM server and AIX platform immediately reform, did the wind group have access to AIX Alliance? Need not Need us to help? "

Meng Qian, Ding Mingyuan and Xu Hui are all moved, and it is still moving out of IOE.

In the database field, there is an era called the IOE era, refers to the IBM server, Oracle database, and EMC data storage combination age. In about 2010, Huaxia set off an IOE trend and opened the IOE era. Huaxia's own database and server began to develop.

Under the IOE era of three companies, the bones of countless related enterprises, John this is reminding Xu Hui, the wind group light has a database is not enough, although other servers and platforms can be selected in addition to IBM, but IOE The times is actually just a kind of expression. The real meaning behind him is that the entire field related field has reached an external alliance, such as HP, although IOE does not have his name, but he also in this natural alliance that does not have a black paper. in.

In the face of John's seemingly high hint, Meng Qian returned to a completely uncomfortable table, "Our Great Breeze Group can support many platforms, in addition to AIX and HP-UX these Unix systems, we also support platforms like ES "

"ES?" John's brain quickly turned a circle, the result can only be a face bī), he is a market directory of Oracle, but he has never heard of the ES platform, I have to confirm it again, "Mr. Meng said. What is the ES platform? "


"I don't know if this is the platform?"

Meng Qian followed Xu Hui regarded an eye, laughing and responding, "Huawei."

Many people think that Huaxia is only to do server in 2008. Of course, it is also because many media are reported, but the fact is that Huawei has officially exported the server from 2008, and Huawei's server R & D is from 2001. of.

In the middle of the seven years, Huawei's server is basically self-use and for some partnerships.

John's Table The first time, a variety of changes, Huawei, this company is not very familiar, but I have heard, but it is important that he knows this is a Chinese company, this is enough for him. Alert.

Huaxia's database plus Huaxia servers, John's market keen makes him immediately realize that this is not so simple.

It is not only the challenge of Oracle, but the challenge of the entire IOE era.

Meng Qian's purpose is indeed very pure, and don't take any of the IOE era. After this world, Huaxia will have its own era.


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