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John didn't understand Huawei at the moment, so he did not say much. From Xu Hui's mouth, they were prepared to choose the wind group and Huawei products, John did not stay more stayed directly.

But today's things have made John fortunately, he personally came to China, and he felt that the market in this country really had to re-evaluate it.

"Meng Da, your contract I have seen it." John et al., Xu Hui went to Meng Qian, "The price, Meng Gong gave us a surprise."

Meng Qian's gaze also returned to Xu Hui from outside the door, "Xu Yi, this is not what your budget is, what is your surprise?"

Xu Hui means a deep smile, "the same plan, if you put in the neon, I am afraid that the offer has to add another zero."

"Cough, this is not thinking about it will have a long working with Telecom."

"Is Meng Mong's business with neon, is a hammer?" Meng Qian didn't want to say more in the price, but I didn't expect Xu Hui to be a little more and more.

At this moment, Meng Qian does not understand the meaning of Xu Hui, "Only objective expression," program quotation is based on many factors, one side is different, even Oracle, the same plan they are in neon countries Selling is more expensive in Huaxia, this is a market environment.

At the same time, our database actually has a lot of problems. It can also be seen from the test report that there is still a lot of hidden dangers, so a certain price cut is also to further increase our competitiveness.

Of course, we also have written in the contract. This time we have made a good discount discount for Telecom Group, but it is certainly not less zero. This is really looking forward to having more cooperation with the Telecom Group, although I am not a hammer with neon companies, but I believe that we will cooperate with Telecom Group on the future industrial planning of the wind group. The fine water is long.

Moreover, this is afterwards to the first quotation of Xu. "

I don't know what Xu Hui mean, so Meng Qi explained why the price is relatively low, but also implies a rebate.

From Xu Hui's table change, Meng Qian is more inclined to think that Xu Hu is doubtful to his prices rather than wants to rebate, etc. After the future confirms, it is confirmed this. This is the difficulty of doing business, you have to sell cheap people, you have to doubt you.

Imagine a boss really lose a piece of clothes for you, will you believe that he is a loss? You will only say that this thing must have problems.

So there will be that sentence, there is no good thing in the mall, because the business is not, or if the customer does not believe.

I feel that Meng Qian said, Xu Hui naturally comes to another topic, "Stating the security and stability of the database, your database exposing the problem I am objectively recorded, John is actually completely It is true that this is really surprised. "

"It is true." Meng Qian has the same doubt, "Oracle has completely competitive rooms, but it is not too reasonable, and they may have another action behind them."

The two also looked at the door at the same time, and they were thinking about what John was thinking.


The next day, 12 nights, John appeared in a KTV in Hangzhou, and the person sitting on him ...

"Xiao, I haven't seen you for a long time."

John, I really didn't expect to meet you in China. "Xiao Bo lifted the wine glass and John touched.

John did a cup of wine, "I met last time, more than three years, said that if you have to give Merrina that night?"

"You can do goodle, I am a person with a wife."

"Hey, your Chinese people are too feudal. What happened to have a wife? It's two things, you have to stir it to a piece."

Xiao Bo is in a glass of wine. "You are really more and more like your boss."

"Cough, I have no bigger than the boss, he knows, the woman in the world is also satisfied with him." John did a cup with Xiao Bo.

While sideline, the two sides have been drinking. It didn't take long. The faces of the two were flizzled. With a variety of reliefs, John began to transfer the topic, "Xiao, what are you doing well in Cisco, what?"

"There has been a problem in Cisco." Xiao Bo did a helpless table, "We are fighting outside, but behind a bunch of knives, the current Cisco thinks is not how to strengthen the company, just think about how to grow Your wallet. "

John hooks Xiao Bo's shoulder to shoot, "Silicon Valley is not all in trouble now, others think about their wallet, you also think about your wallet is not good."

"John, Cisco is different from your Oracle, your Oracle's first-line battlefield has a lot of right, but in Cisco, our voice is very small, the technology is big, and the system put us The dead, no space is left, "

"This is also, the Cisco high-level, a group of techniques, the brain is not good, then why don't you come to me? With your ability, in our Oracle, you will not come to our Oracle, Silicon Valley companies Not let you pick, how do you choose a home in China, should the wind group be only a few billion assets? "John said continued to give Xiao Bo.

Xiao Bo knows that the people don't refuse, and I have dried a cup. "The wind group did not have a lot of scale, but the potential is big."

"Potential? Is it because Meng Qian? I heard that he is a super genius, really fake?"

"To be honest, I am also curious about this." Xiao Bo saw frown, "Many of the company's technical breakthroughs are indeed from Meng Qian, but it is not Meng Qian himself, no one knows."

"Why, he didn't open IQ in the company?"

"there has never been."

John continued to pour, "This is like Mask guy, saying is a genius, but do not tell anyone's own IQ and play mystery.

To put it, what is your Meng General's company for companies, I see that he is a big place. "

"What is it?" Xiao Bao is not smiling, "What can I do for money, what is the capitalist?"

"But he earned so much money, didn't see how he waved, and I heard that your boss doesn't seem to be close to women?"

"Ha ha ha, John, you are reliable, our boss is really not a little color, but in addition to women, he has never got yourself, as for why it is not close to women, this matter is a lot of people. .

However, if you have any pursuits, in addition to the money, it may be a hand, he is still like your boss, I like competition. "

John wrote to the heart and asked, "So, he should not be a person who sells the company."

Xiao Bao asked directly, "How, is Oracle interested in the wind group?"

"You don't mean that the company has a potential." John didn't answer his positive answer, continue to do a glass of wine with Xiao Bo, "Xiao, you will be a high-stricken group executive, will not sometimes feel that you are Mngtheng Tibet A bit deep. "

Xiao Bo saw his eyes and silently, and made a bit drunk. "Meng always feels some mysterious and not."

"Xiao, we know so many years, I will say it straight, and Oracle will plan to expand in Huaxia. We want to find a trusted person to manage this market."

"Do you want me to recommend you a candidate?" Xiao Bo looked with his head to pour himself.

John took the bottle from Xiao Bin to give him wine. "You are installed, I want to find you to manage this market, you stay in the wind group for so long, I have to have an in-depth in the market in China. I understand, at the same time, I am very clear.

Xiao, you know, our Oracle has always attached great importance to the oriental market. The wind group is indeed a good company, but with Oracle, he will be full of mistakes, and Oracle will go wrong. It can still be alive.

I know that you want to prove yourself, Cisco does not accept you, the wind group as an entrepreneur company, your own space is very large, but now our Oracle in China's development space, it will never be small than the wind group, but In terms of rights and salary, we will be more than the wind group.

More importantly, you are from Silicon Valley, you should be very clear that there is a lot of help to your future life, the wind group has developed again, the future is uncertain, Oracle can now give You are actually, even if there is a day of oracle, it's really nothing, you should get it, the wind group? If it fails, the wind group gives the chips in your hand enough to guarantee your future worry-free? "

Xiao Bo smiled and shook his head. "If it is three years ago, I think I will never hesitate, but it is not possible now."


"I have already tied together with the wind group."

"What do you mean? Is it a contract problem? Xiao, what difficult do you have, even if I say, I will help you."

Xiao Bo knows the wine glass to express wine, "I can't help me, drink alcohol, don't say this."

John faced the attitude of Xiao Bo, pressed the wine glasses he was about to put in the mouth, decided to take a little test, "Xiao, as long as you open, Oracle will never treat you."

This is implied that Xiao Bo knows naturally, this is also auction, this is what I want Xiao Bo to stay in the wind group, I hope that his heart can go to Oracle, and Oracle will naturally give him a rich remuneration.

Xiao Bo turned his head and looked at John, smiled and pushed him on the wine cup, and then drunk the cup, "Then I said?"

"You said."

"I didn't have Merrina that night, because she came to aunt!"


After two hours, John returned to the hotel with a wine gas, and the results have been in the same elevator Herman.


Herman came back and looked at John. He didn't like John. "Do you go to Xiao Bo?"


"How did he say?"

"The whole process is putting the dog!" John is unhappy, "he is already Meng Qian's loyal dog."

Herman nodded did not speak, and so on the elevator. After entering the elevator, John suddenly returned to God. "Where have you been? This is also so late."

"I drank two cups downstairs." Herman came back to a sentence.


Time is returned to two hours ago, Herman's door was ringed. When he opened the door, his face was pulled down, "How come you?"

Meng Qian, who stands at the door, is a bottle of red wine in his hand. "I heard that this is your best red wine, drink two cups downstairs?"


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