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Herman hesitated, but he was still following Meng Qian.

In the hotel downstairs, the restaurant is a private room, Meng Qian is simple to point a few small dishes.

"What do you find me?" Herman asked her face.

"Mr. Herman is a rare to our Chinese, of course, come to visit, do our best." Meng Qian siki.

Herman took the wine glass and tit Meng Qian, and he only opened it. "Mr. Meng wants to ridicule me,"

"Mr. Herman thinks more." Meng Qian mildly smiled, "I am looking for Mr. Herman today, mainly to ask Mr. Herman is interested in the wind group?"

"What?" Herman's face changed, and his face was shocked and died. He was suspected that Meng Qian's English pronunciation had a problem. "What do Meng said?"

"I said, I want to invite Mr. Herman to the wind group. For this reason, I will provide it absolutely satisfied with satisfaction." Meng Qian repeatedly used it.

And Herman is at this time, everyone is stunned, he will no longer be on the end of the shelf, but really a bit bī), he can't think that Meng Qian actually dig him like this.

After a while, Herman came back to God, "Meng Xing Sheng said, how can I come to the wind group."

"Hey, don't refuse it first." Meng Qian smiled and put down the wine glasses that did not end in his hand. "Let's come to the present now, Mr. Herman has worked in Oracle for more than ten years, now sitting now In this position, it is also an oracantine medium.

But according to I understand that Oracle has already begun to implement technical division of labor. Now in Oracle, at least five people actually have a flat-up, and Oracle now takes the unified management model of patents and results, that is, Regardless of Mr. Herman made a lot of achievements, the outside world will only see such news, what is the inventions in Oracle, what should I know? "

Herman is silent, Meng Qian will continue, "I don't know if Mr. Herman is aware of it. Ellison often accepts interviews, and he is very saying that he is a programmer.

Since the past, Silicon Valley has a traditional Chinese, and there will be a great entrepreneur behind the great enterprise. Bill Gates is also good, Moore is good, Jobs is also good, everyone is crazy, edits, edits, History, editing, very clear, Ellison is now on the way to God, especially after Bob Miller.

As for Mr. Herman, it is not important, because of the Oracle, God has only one, that is Ellison. "

Herman is a little exciting. "What do you want to say?"

"Mr. Herman is one of the few qualifications I have seen as genius. In my opinion, you are completely qualified to become the god in others, rather than becoming a tool for others."

In the box, I entered a short silence until Herman's laugh broke this silence, "ridiculous, even if you said, but the whole market is like this, is it in the wind group, Mr. Meng does not give God?"

"I have made, but I have made employees. Mr. Herman will go back to the hotel for a while, and the Great Wind Group has launched many scientific research talents to the public in the years.

Many people are passing me is a genius, but I have never responding to this matter, and there is no going to publicize this matter. If I am willing, I can let the world know that I am a super genius.

But in the wind group, I gave the media resources to the employee. I want more people to know those talents, ability, attitude towns, I want the world to see how these talents of our Great Breeze are shining. Light, as for me, I have earned so much money by these talents, and I get enough. "

Herman looked at Meng Qian's eyes had already appeared a delicate change. "I wanted to ask Mr. Meng, I would like to ask Mr. Meng, I have seen three times with you, I have three times three times. I don't understand, why are you coming ... Inviting me. "

"Because you are pure." Meng Qian is out of mouth, "You are purely on scientific research, although your pride is really bored, but I like to deal with scientific research, respecting technology. I want to do one thing. Ok, and respect is the best source.

Of course, there is a reason naturally my recognition of Mr. Herman, your ability is worthy of my heart to find this bottle of red wine.

As for the defects in Gee, what kind of people in the wind group have, Mr. Herman, this self-righteousness is nothing to me. "

The last sentence of the Herman's mouth is ticking, "But even if there is no significance of the big wind group, I have been studying, I have already done, what can I do again."

"Mr. Herman is to read the data report, then you are in fact, there is still a lot of problems in this database, which is completely used by Oracle Bī) to catch the ducks, hidden, hidden, all kinds Various hidden dangers. "

Herman has another unexpected look at Meng Qian. Now, after all, it is still the technical director of Oracle. He didn't expect Meng Qian to say it. "So Meng always wants me to help you. Solve those hidden dangers? "

"Of course, let Mr. Herman to do these things, that is not killing chicken with a cattle knife." Meng Qian took a document to Herman, "This is the future idea of ​​the Great Wind Group for the database and business software. I want to find Mr. Herman, the purpose is to speed up our development speed in these areas.

At least when the wind group encounters Oracle next time, we don't have to take out an emergency version again. "

Looking at the content of the document, Herman's pupils are not contracting, which can be the Oracle R & D department is secretly developing things. How can it be such a Qiao Great Breeze Group Is also developing these things?

As for the reason, it is of course because Meng Qian is a born person, which is clear which core technologies in the future database of Oracle.

Looking at Herman is still hesitant, Meng Qian continues to take the initiative, "this database, is an internal version of Telecom cooperation, but we will take out an external official version sooner or later, I am looking forward to this version. There is Mr. Herman's participation, and in this way, the conference will also come to stage to make things clear. "

Herman's body moves, "Mr. Meng is willing to give me the first conference of the wind group database ..."

"At present, the wind group does not have more suitable candidates."

"But this is your achievement!" Herman is something that does not recognize Meng Qian's practice.

"Can I get a database? Mr. Herman thinks about it." Meng Qian means a deep smile, "this is the achievement of the entire team."

Herman's eyebrows frequently beat a few times, a strange moment is impacting his inner, when he looks at Meng Qian, it has become completely changed.


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