Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 251 Legal Hegemony

When Herman returned to the room, the computer opened the computer in the first time. He began a large number of strong wind groups, but not only checked the news in China, but also let friends helped the wind group and send the results to him in other countries. .

For Herman, because of Meng Qian's words, it is impossible to turn the wind group, but he is indeed interesting to Meng Qian and the Great Breeze Group for the first time.

The same is true for Meng Qian. If you want to exchange the technical director of Oracle, he didn't think about it. This evening is just a foundation.

After Herman and John returned to the room, Meng Qian met with Xiao Bo in the company.

"What news is there in John?"

Xiao Bo shook his head, "John is not a savage lamp, it is difficult to set out from his mouth, but he should stay in Huaxia for a while, as for the telecom group, what he should do not give up. "

"Can you determine the news in Oimi?"

"It can be determined, it is my elderly, they will not lie to me." Xiao Bo saw Meng Qian silent, asked, "How is Herman?"

"The saying is said, at least separately, his attitude has changed significantly. Right, Herman's sports agreement time found?"

"Half year." Xiao Bo knows certain response.

Prior to 2010, Silicon Valley's spacing protocol is within one year, because the company has privately owners before 2010.

Until 2010, Apple, Google, Intel et al., Was exposed to privately signed a complementary digging protocol. Long-term elimination of employees' job hopping opportunities, and then borrowed employee wages until five science and technology people These companies have told the court.

With the exposure of the incident, 64,000 employees have filed a lawsuit to the court. This is the famous plot of Silicon Valley to weaken competition, but even 64,000 people sue, facing the legal department of Silicon Valley's giants still bundle, this lawsuit Playing five years.

The last time the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Justice is also just a result of a reconciliation. After all, rice is capital greater than the government.

But since it exposed, these companies did not continue to do so, so, the time to pull the competition agreement, increase the legal intervention in the employee's resignation into the norm of the Miki Technology Company in 2010.

"Half year, time is almost the time." Meng Qian heard from the voice.

Xiao Bo is still can't help but put forward his concerns. "

"I know." How to fight talents in Talent, Meng Qian, can be unclear, "But Herman is indeed a chance, Jiang Dat is not easy to persuade the Ministry of Education, will set up a special college, return The people's talents provide the work during the competitive agreement.

At the same time, the country has also stated that there will be some policy benefits for returning countries that meet certain conditions. We have already put a foundation, and now it is the confidence of those in overseas people.

I have made Sun Jie have done some jobs. In general, a lot of core talents in foreign countries are still very hesitant. They are worried about what you said, even if you have passed the competitive agreement, there will be something else. means. "

Xiao Bo is helpless, "This is normal, they are in the country, naturally, very clearly these restrictions on the country. If you climb it again, once you come into contact with the core, I have no chance to return to China."

"So if this time we dig over the Oracle's technical director, push this matter to the countertop, let the people in the world look in the eyes, and use our efforts to resist legal hegemony from the rice country, they will have What idea?

If we fight against it, this is a power. If we don't live against it, we have done all the efforts to do. Do you think everyone will blame us? "

Xiao Bo was suddenly realized. "I finally understood, in fact, digging Herman, not for his technology, but a propaganda, the current China has far from the rice country, if we can dig the Director of Oracle, must Will sensationalize the world, even if the country has a heart to want to press this news, we have the global hymths to report this matter.

In the Hermann hopping, the country will definitely give us huge stress. If we can stay Herman in the company, you can show our ability, give more hesitants, don't return home Core overseas talents are confident.

If we still have not been able to retain Herman even pay some costs, as long as we transfer our efforts out, this is an attitude, our wind group can do this for talents, this attitude will also be swinging them The important weight of the inner balance.

I finally know why you are willing to give the big name of the database to Herman, which is to further expand the global influence of this matter, but also make Herman think you are paying attention to him.

However, it can be seen from the forever of the Foreign media from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On the issue of international law and the Ministry of Law, our capacity is still a big rising space, which is afraid that we have a lot of time. However, there is no ability to make things hang, after all, the core prosecution of this thing is to wait until Mi State makes the legal hegemony, otherwise it will not be the most important point. "

Meng Qian just said that He Yuting joined the door, "Meng Qi, Jiaon's team has arrived."

"Well, you will arrange them in the hotel first, I will see them again tomorrow."

He Yuting left, Meng Qian watched Xiao Bo, I saw Xiao Bo, "Canon," Canon, there should be a Legal Department? "

Meng Qian nodded.

"Behind you will still find Sony's Legal Department?"

Meng Qian nodded again.

Xiao Bo knows the thumbs up the consciousness, "serving gas."

Don't say that in 2002, even if you arrived in 2019, there were no companies to dig into a few Mi National University, and I have never been in China in the transnational excavation executives. After all, China's overall economy and The development of science and technology has been weak.

But there is a country but in the battle of mutual excavation, it is neon.

So companies like Sony can deal with Miki, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is deal with Miki.

"I have already consulted Sony and Canon's legal department, as long as we ensure that employees have not worked in any relevant work during the competitive agreement, then the behind things will be done, although the number of people in rice is a lot, but neon I have already sorted a set of copies, and we will take a good player in the country.

Jessi from Intel before Sony, their lawsuit has been playing more than four years, but like Sony said, hit, anyway, no. Although neon nations have no way to get legal hegemony, it has no way to take legal defense in Niki.

We can't change the robber logic of the rice country, so we have to do it with neon, it can consume it. Moreover, neon has learned a lot of robber logic from the side of Mi, and when the country wants to dig from us, we may also use it. "

"You really don't learn it." Xiao Bo could not help but smile, then seriously, "But we are ready to do it again. If Herman doesn't come, everything is white."

"These things are not to suffer, even if Herman does not come, there will always be some people who return to China, although the total number of people who can make Miki companies attach importance to signing the competitive agreement, not a lot, but these Everyone is a baby, it is worth making more preparation for them.

As for Herman itself, we do its best, this is the best, can't becomes, we also lose. However, from the existing information, Herman is the only one that may have been digging from us, those executives of other companies, I can't even find a breakthrough. "

"Hermann is good, the IQ is high, and the fame has always been what he is eager."

Meng Qian's mouth rose, "More importantly, he has problems in his character, and everyone is sinned, and it has always been seen in Oracle."

Xiao Bo saw a look at Meng Qianmedi, "" This time I can get Kerman, the key is in Oracle. "

Two days later, Meng Qian, who is working in the office, suddenly received the phone of Xu Hui.

"Meng Ge, John John found me, Oracle provides a new software program."

"New program? What is the specific?"

"Meng, this is an oracle plan, I can't tell you."

"Sorry, I am gone."

"Nothing, calling to Meng always said that this time, since it is good to compete, the bones are submitted to the new program, we must re-evaluate it, including Oracle, there is also a new Database comparison. "

"Well, the fair competition should be this, but since it is competition, I want to talk to Oracle, should it be illegal?"

"That is nature."

"Can you ask Xu to arrange it?"

"That's this afternoon? Men is always a good time?"

"There should be no problem, I am arranged now."

Hanging up the phone, Meng Qian let He Yianting immediately fly to Yanjing ticket.


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