Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 252 Software Business Barriers

At noon, Meng Qian sat on the plane to Yanjing, and the interior of the Telecom Group is meeting.

"After reading the latest plan of Oracle, everyone talks about their opinion."

"From the new solution, I think we can choose Oracle, after all, Oracle has met our needs."

"I also agree to choose Oracle, the product advantages of the wind group are based on the premise of rapidly expanding the user's base in the next few years, but from our own data estimates, the development of broadband and mobile phones will not be like Meng Mao said so fast. "

"I don't agree, I think we should choose the wind group. If the product is adaptable, the wind group is also qualified, but the overall price of the wind group is lower, and the follow-up communication is also convenient."

"But how much time is the wind group is in this area, saying that it is not fixed for two years, and Oracle can be at least worry."

"The products of the Great Breeze Group have been recognized by the neon country, and it can be seen that his ability is no problem."

"That's just a temporary problem, the neon is very lightweight, and everything is seen."

Two sounds argued in the office for a while, the old generals of Telecom looked at Zhang Haifeng, "Haifeng, here you know the technology, how have you not talk?"

Zhang Haifeng looked at Xu Hui, "I have a early autumn, I can't give it."

"Xu Hui, then you? You will have the most with them, how do you don't talk?"

"It's because there are more contacts, I think I have some too subjective emotional tenden, so I think I still don't pay attention."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, a debate ended, after leaving the office, Xu Hui found Zhang Haifeng private chat, "Haifeng, what do you think?"

"I said at the meeting is my true idea. I really have my strengths, objectively, no one can. But you, what happened? Why do you have a subjective emotion?"

Xu Hu is sighing. "The principal of Yan Da has told me Meng Qian, he said that Meng Qian wants to do, and he is not worried about Meng Qian's ability. He is worried, in fact, it is Meng Modesty. "

Zhang Haifeng is slightly understood, "So your heart is the wind group?"

"Well, today, the meeting made me see a epitome of an era, the wind group really did very good, in addition to the principal of Yan, I didn't know how many people heard this company, I can say that Meng Modest has always been very hard to give everyone confidence, but think about it, Meng Qian is the people who need someone to give him confidence.

Do you leave this road, what should he rely on? "


At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Meng Qian rushed to the headquarters of the Telecom Group. When I walked into the office, I saw John and Herman.

The two sides have simply greeted, Meng Qian direct theme, "Mr. John, I heard that you have re-made a software plan, can you give me a look?"

John made a ridiculous expression. "This is our Oracle program, how can you show you? Are you still a big and housing industry here?"

"Yeah, why didn't John think about it, why do I ask such a ridiculous request?"

John's expression is alert, "What does Mr. Meng do this?"

Meng Qian put a document in front of John, "Mr. John, how do you have recently customized to others?"

John took a document and looked at it, then nodded, "Yes, what happened?"

"What's wrong?" This turns to Meng Qian made a comic expression. "Oracle is such a large company, plagiarging the design idea of ​​the wind group, after we agree? Patent payment?"

"Patent fee ?!" John's brain quickly selected, but immediately said, "What patents do you apply? Is there a certificate?"

Meng Qian immediately put another file to John, "Mr. John please have a glimpse."

When I saw Meng Qian's patent, John's expression became more and more shocked. He did not shocked Meng Qian to apply for a patent, but he never thought that Meng Qian actually can be on a software. So much patent is coming.

He is more shocking is that Meng Qian actually can do this as a Chinese people.

Everyone mentioned the patent barriers, it can see that it is almost all hardware industries. It seems that the software industry seems to have any patented barriers. However, it is because the future software industry is too saturated, and the value of innovation is getting lower and lower. The speed of plagiarism is getting faster and faster, and the industrial segment is less and less. I want to engage a few patents is still easy, but I want to make a professional barrier, it is almost impossible.

But as early as 90 years to 2005, from industrial software to commercial software in an innovative high value period, a good design can affect an industry, this is common in software barriers in more than ten years.

For example, Meng Qian's software innovation can directly promote the development of the entire commercial software to a new step, and in this new step, a large patented blank is like this.

Meng Qian seized the patent on this new step in the first time. When someone else's commercial software wants to enter this new step forward, then see Meng Qian's face, a patented barrier appears.

So why John thought about Meng Qian would do this, because when the Software Company of the company built a software barrier in these years, Huaxia continued to apply for the application, and Huaxia has been allowed to apply for pure software patents until 2006. Before 2006, it is necessary to apply for patents with hardware packages.

Plus, this year, the Chinese people's own patent is very light, and there is no more people who can think of the patent barrier. This is not, the technician does not pay attention to the country's do not pay attention, a big era Huaxia is like this. I missed it again. In fact, in the years, there have been many innovations in Huaxia, and they will be copied to others. After copying, people still apply for patents.

This is why Oracle did not want to use Meng Qian's design ideas directly, they have been used to this practice.

"Mr. John, now let me see your plan?" Looking at the shocking John, Meng Qian asked calmly on the side.

John was silent for a few seconds to lift his head and look forward to Meng Qian, cold and cold. "This is impossible, how can we ..."

In the words, John realized that he could not say this.

Meng Qian only listened to half, and he would like to say how the country may allow a Chinese company to form a patented barrier.

This is another means of rice country to prevent foreign companies. Once they find that there are companies who want to engage in technical barriers, they will give you the patent application limit. For Miraki, fair this kind of thing never gives people outside the rice and Enterprises.

Meng Qian refers to several places on the document.

John's eyes are getting bigger and bigger. "All are personal patents? Are the staff of the wind group? You are not afraid of them resigned? Don't ... Agreement ... Meng Mr. can be yin!"

Meng Qian did not smile, "I am talking about us with us, I will not be troublesome."

John was said with Meng Qian.

Xu Hui, who is sitting opposite them, does not understand what they are saying, but Zhang Haifeng has already understood, asking directly, "Mr. John, is your software infringed?"

John frowned and looked at the two documents in front of him.

Zhang Haifeng continued. "If this is the case, we can't consider your company's programs."

Looking at Zhang Haifeng, John's long-awaited, then politely stigted Xu Hui and Zhang Haifeng, but when he looked at Meng Qian, there was a bit of murderousness in his eyes. "Mr. Meng is very simple. Oracle will pay attention to Mr. Meng. "

After saying, John directly turned away, watching John immediately went out of the door, John shouted, "Mr. John, do not pay attention to it, your infringement is not now? "

John, "..."

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