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John will definitely can't give Meng Qian, which will not give Meng Qian, so Meng Qian will still let him feel, "Men's Mr. Meng wants?"

"I am waiting for you in the company."

John will be affordable. If there is no reason, there is no reason to go to Meng Qian. Although some don't understand Meng Qian, I know that this will say this, but I still have to say this, but the surface is still a polite, "Our Oracle will self-examine this matter, please ask Mr. Meng give us a time."

"I don't want to be anxious." Meng Qiao nodded, "You can rest assured that before you give a reply, I will not take the initiative to contact you, so I will cause some unpleasant things."

"Mr. Meng, please rest assured that our Oracle is not an irresponsible business." John screamed to turn away.

When I went to the elevator all the way, John always felt that Meng Qian said something inexplicably Tang, it seems not to be very strong, but did not pay attention to the table changes in Herman's Herman.

"Meng Da." After seeing John and Herman's shadow, Zhang Haifeng's tone is excited to go to Meng Qian, "Is it true? Oracle is really plagiarized your strength group technology?"

Meng Qian saw a shaft in the eyes of Zhang Haifeng, and reported that in a firm tone, "It is true, if it is fake, John is not like this to leave."

"Also." Zhang Haifeng didn't know what I couldn't help but laugh. "I didn't expect to have Oracle plagiarism!"

"Manager Zhang, in fact, foreigners have passed us many technologies, but many plagiarism are not as strong as our wind group, even if I can't apply for patents in advance, I can also speaking for myself, these people are plagiarized but even one can There is no place to complain. "

"This is true, it's true, and the time is pushing forward. Our Huaxia Software has also had a day, but it is unfortunately there is no patent consciousness."

It is noted that Zhang Haifeng's eyes are full of stories, Meng Qian asked, "What is Zhang Hao to do?"

"Stop stop." The words just asked the exit. Xu Huili, on the side, "How do I feel that your two chats are getting more and more uncomfortable, Meng always wants to dig our home?"

"Hahaha, Ju Ji said, you are borrowing two gallbladies, I don't dare to dig the Telecom Group."

"That is not good, the leader of Changguang can go out for you, I don't think it is strange to do anything." Run, Xu Hui turned to a business, "Book is born, since Oracle is suspected of plagiarism, oh, confirmed to copy your technology, then our telecommunications group is not selected, this partner can only be your big wind group. "

"Then I will be welcome, put this cheaper?"

"However, our telecommunications group said to help you have a small white mouse. In the future, if this small mole is good, your big wind group can be a Ma Xikawa in this area, how should we say that you should pay us? "

"Xu Yi is worthy of being old procurement. Since you speak, I must give you a satisfactory discount offer."

"Happy, then, I wish you a happy cooperation in advance?"

Meng Qian reached out with Xu Hui, "cooperation is happy."


After all, I haven't officially signed the contract, so I have to avoid it. Meng Qian didn't have dinner with Xu Hui. After coming out of the Telecom Group, I went straight to the Yanyang Laboratory of Shanghai Micro.

"Meng Zheng." The manager of the laboratory is still Hu Hongda, knowing that Meng Qian is coming, it is waiting in the door early.

"Old Hu." Meng Qian was holding hands with Hu Hongda, and then directly.

At this time, the laboratory has a huge change in the last time, that is, there are many people, last time, the big laboratory looks cold, now I am looking for all people.

"Now the core team is in Shanghai, I didn't expect that our Yanjing laboratory can have so many people." Meng Qian has not been here for a long time and sighed.

Hu Hongda's face is the color of the joy. A few people came over.

Our laboratory can now be said to be a strong horse, so that the Huacai has also sent a team to us to learn. "

"Do you have a recent working condition?" Meng Qian asked questions.

"Well, the laboratory 24-hour lights are clear, everyone knows to compete with Asa, one by one, and take a few temporary rooms in the laboratory."

Meng Qian turned his head and looked at Hu Hongda's table. He didn't believe in Hu Hongda, and even began to worry that Hu Hongda moved to private enterprises. "Why, everyone is with Ascery?" "

"Everyone is almost vessels, but everyone is clear, once we lose to Astrol, the microelectrics in Shanghai will face a huge dilemma, even, it will be."

Meng Qian has been looking at Hu Hongda's eyes, but unexpectedly found that he seems to be sincere, but still continues to test, "Many employees come to the company, and have such a strong belonging?"

"Meng Mong does not know, for many of our researchers, how many years are facing a confusion."

"How to say?"

"The missile is not as good as selling tea eggs, this time Meng Zheng must have heard it."

"Well, of course, the current people are passing."

"Yeah, I'm going to know the way, you said that you can do it? Do you have no ideas? In the people who engage in scientific research, you can really do it for the country for the people, you can do it. How many people can you have?

In the May 1960, there were more people, but after the reform and opening up, Western thought invasion, self-contained, and there were more and less people who had this kind of righteousness, including me, everyone is not all mapped Better life? "

Meng Qian nodded and nodded, "It is true, and no one eligible for others to be unfavorable, so you mean that everyone will not give the company to give the high salary? So I hope the company can develop?"

Hu Hongda shook his head. "The company's salary is really high, plus some benefits, but it is also very attractive, but the ratio of tea is better, but the general is the river, your river If you have a business person, how much is you earning, you are clear, what is it compared to them? "

This Meng Qian is really not understanding. "What is the strength of this?"

"Money is on the one hand, but this effort now is more important, saying this, what is Meng always thinks that our country has a little low?"

"Well, it is really not high."

"But the truth is not as simple as you see." Hu Hongda shook again, "All countries in the world, including the European countries, as long as the researchers of public wages, are not high.

The average salary of the national researchers in the rice country is basically the same as the per capita GDP. The average salary of our national researchers is a five-fold five times the per capita GDP. These data can be checked if Meng Gong doubts can be checked. Ping, our country will definitely in the global wage standard for scientific research personnel.

But why everyone always feels that domestic scientific research staff is very low, and foreign scientific research staff is high? "

Meng Qian seems to understand Hu Hongda's meaning, "because many of the foreign researchers are in private enterprises."

"Meng Gong said is correct. Foreign scientific research staff is high, high, the researchers in private enterprises, the wages of national researchers can not be chained, this is a global phenomenon, really want to pull a high The level of national researchers has to rely on private enterprises.

But now, the current situation is that we have missed the era of scientific research, and the neon country is also good. The Gao Li is also good, our own Taiwan province is also good, their achievements in the field of science and technology are because they have a lot in the era of scientific research. The semiconductor enterprises in the sea, the semiconductor enterprises in the province, and several bosses are not engaged in research.

But the best research entrepreneurial era has now passed, what is the current entrepreneurial environment in China? The clothing, luggage, small accessories in Jiangsu Province, mainly engage in portals, engage in games, truly used research There are too few people in business. "

"Can I have successful microelectrics in Shanghai, everyone is still working, just like you said, the money is given more, or you don't sell tea eggs."

"I have just said it, everyone is in my heart, this is a kind of unwilling. Many researchers also want to go to the sea, but they want to go to the sea to do business with scientific research, but the entire social environment This idea is suppressed.

Many of these researchers will be sealed in the sea, in fact, for many people who have given up their own more than ten years, they read the tea eggs, and they are very tangled.

And Shanghai Micrograde, the wind group now is a signal, one direction.

Now in many people's eyes, the big wind group represented is actually the obsession of everyone. Especially everyone can see that Meng always respects scientific research and putting scientific research on the first boss. People's observations, that is, everyone hopes that the achievements of the wind group can prove one thing:

Not only selling tea eggs can make big money, and scientific research entrepreneurs can also create huge wealth. "


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