Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 254 A bone's daily quarrel

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Walking around the laboratory, Hu Hongda's words have been lingering in the mind of Meng Qian, the obsession of the researchers, Meng Qian is understanding, and he also listened to some people.

It is better to sell tea eggs for decades, it is better to buy, and it is not bought, and it is a buried and humiliation behind these thoughts.

The cold window is bitter, staying up late, how many people want to show a grand map, but is told that it is not as good as the society to sell two years of tea eggs, my heart is angry, I want to prove, can be in the environment, I'm going to start, I want to find it. The company has developed well, but it is not asked to buy, and I can't use research.

In the end, looked at the birth of a tea egg, looked at the classmates of a cold window, put down all the dignity, and only followed this society, reading it ...

Meng Qiaen wants to eat together, but Hu Hongda told him that everyone is not enough, I still don't delay this time.

Meng Qian listened to Hu Hongda, and I originally wanted to convene a few words, think about giving up, don't disturb them at this time.

"Old Hu, I have a message to find a right time to convey some, we have formally cooperated with Canon, the Canon's lightning machine team has also arrived in Shanghai today, we have encountered the problems we have to be very Quickly resolve. In addition, we and Canon will jointly turn off the double ((fuck cāo) cāo. "

"It's great, this is really good news." Hu Hongda has some excitement. After all, it has to be acknowledged that as one of the three giants at this time, it will bring a lot of valuable micro-technology to Shanghai. Technical support, "Meng Gui can really have you, it has been dare to think about Sony and Canon, really don't want to think."

"You can't say it, but also exchange, in addition, the logistics of employees should have to grasp, everyone work hard, but don't take (body shēn), I saw it today. There is a block, you go back to contact it, we bought the land, make a gym, usually let everyone exercise. "

"it is good."

Some mother-in-law mothers have been in a while, and Meng Qi will leave from the laboratory.

"How does Meng always look like a very happy?" When the laboratory waited for a taxi at the roadside, He Yuting couldn't help but ask her, after all, she saw the laboratory today (love qíng The condition should be very happy.

"I am not unhappy." Meng Qian looked at He Yuting, "I just suddenly worried."


"Well, today Hu Hongda told me these words, I suddenly realized that economic development and scientific research these years didn't know how to have a opposite.

But this is not the opposite thing, the country's development, the future is the dispute between science and technology, so the long-term development of the country is inseparable from science and technology, but the development of the development is economically, and it is not significant.

Economic Development and Technology Development This is a complementary thing. Now it seems to have some opposition, and those who have bounced unused, really. "

"So Meng always worried that the future scientific research will develop, will there be some remarks?"

"Well, in fact, it is not easy. Many people only see how much money we earn, but they can't see how much efforts they have made behind them. I don't know how many times they have bleeds for a order. .

Every effort is respectful. I have always feel that the best society is everyone's duty, struggling to support each other in their respective posts, but the way the wind group promotes research is premise for creating economic benefits. , Maybe I think too much. "

Looking at Meng Qian's appearance, He Yuting walked into two steps, "Meng He always saw a sentence recently, thinking (quite tǐng) makes sense."


"You have to believe that as long as you do yourself, you will definitely affect others, and this impact is often happening in you without aware of (love Qíng)."

Meng Qian looked at He Yuting pure eyes, finally showed a smile, "it is true (very tǐng) makes sense."


When Meng Qian was in the laboratory, John He Herman was dialing the Yueyang phone in the room.

After reporting all the (love qíng), the Ellissen tone of the phone is heavy. "How do we do so many patents before the Great Breeze Group? We are in the patent What? "

"Boss, Meng Qian played a small means on the application for patents (love Qíng), this is really difficult to detect."

"Huaxia people are not to never have patented consciousness? Why is Meng Qian actually avoids our patented barriers in our rice ?!" Ellison always felt that all of this is incredible.

"Maybe neon helped him." John put forward his guess.

"It's impossible." Ellison denied John's idea, "Neon people are all caught outside the door, can they teach Meng Qian?"

"That's too strange, this Meng Qian seems to understand the various rules of our rice, it is like he has experienced the same, is it difficult for him?"

Ellison has angered, "Do you want to use such a ridiculous reason to be responsible for this thing (love Qíng)?"

"Sorry, I don't mean this, I just ... I really doubt."

"Herman." Ellison transferred the target to Herman (body shēn). "From the perspective of technology, is we like to circumvent Meng Qian's patents?"

"It's impossible." Herman had a very affirmative answer. "Meng Qian applied all the relevant patents, we can only give up his design and develop our own new design."

"Then please tell me, where is our own design?"

Herman hesitated for a while, "I said before, we don't use Meng Qian's design. We should increase research investment, make a better design, is the company's high-level non-to let us use Meng Qian."

"Herman, what do you mean?"

"I just stated a fact." Hermann, this (sex xìng), tube, you are not the boss, as long as he does not think, Tian Wang Laozi him is all, "Select someone to give up better than us. Self-research and development, this is a shame. "

Ellison is also anger. "Then you should reflect, your design level is not as good as a Chinese, what are you!"

John listened to Ellison and Herman quarrel, a table (love qíng), because this phenomenon did often appear in the company, anyway, don't do it, Ellison is still looking for In order to replace Herman, as for Herman, he does not find a more suitable business now.

The room was silent, and Herman said, "Give me a little time, I will take a better design."

"how long?"

"Engage research and development is not for sale, I can't promise you to a certain time." Herman just eased the tone of the past.

"So what do you mean to be passive? Now we can't use the design of the wind group, what should our products do? Do you tell me? You don't give me a promise, how do I give the customer, how Give employees ?! "

"Technology's mutual transcendence is very normal (love Qíng), what is this? Our Oracle has such a strong R & D team, you give us a little time."

"No, this is not normal!" Ellison is still angry, "When I work with Miller, no one can surpass our design!"

Maybe I really have a good time to you, Oracle actually falls to the face of a Chinese people! "

Herman's face was pulled out, "Maybe, I am too kind to the company."


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