Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 255 to send bullets

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Hanging up the phone, John is still the same as it is always, but I accept it. I know that the scientific and technological circle is understanding. The Oracle's Ellison is known as the Silicon Valley tyrant, and it is also a scientific and technological circle. First, the ranked is that Microsoft's Bowmel, Yahoo's Meiyer, Blizzard's Kevaki and others.

The nine large-scale bosses of the science and technology circle have always been a point in the management problem in management issues, but just like Harvard's management of Callar, you may change God's kindness, but you can't change Ery Sen's Benus.

"Herman, listening to the boss, it seems to be planning to fight with the wind group."


"That's this, I plan to take a market research in Huaxia, when you are going back? You should have you busy."

"I will go back for two days."

In the face of Herman's indifferent attitude, John is not self-discussing, smashing the hand, "You take a break in Huaxia these two days, Huaxia's girl is good, after going back, there is you."

John left directly, but when he was ready to open the door, Herman asked, "John, why are you staying in Oracle?"

John turns through the stapped man, "because you can make money."

Looking at the table that John should have, Herman is not smiling, "it is."

John is still very sensitive. He realizes that Herman is a little strange today, but he can't think of why, you will not ponder it. Anyway, Herman can't resign, resign, who can go, IBM? Microsoft? He won't get it like it in Oracle.

Although Ellison is a bit hard to listen to today, when did he talk about it?

John returns to the room, let himself want Herman, but start research, how to get a good oil water in this market.

On November 16, John was separated from Herman. John went to Shanghai. As for Herman, he went to Hangzhou.

Under the Tiantian International, Herman is preparing to consult security, and he heard a familiar voice, "Mr. Herman."

Herman has some unexpected look at Meng Qian, "How is Meng Men in this?"

"Just getting something in the next floor, I didn't expect Mr. Herman."

For Meng Qian, Hermann is naturally unbelievable, this is too coincident, and what is also with the secretary with the vendor, but Meng Qian said that he is not good again, many times, it is necessary to let Others are unclear, but the effect is better, because he will think about it, the space of delusion is unlimited.

Both sides don't say more, Meng Qian took Herman on the floor, and another accompanying personnel outside He Yazing were Qinmer.

Last time I was in Telecom Group, Meng Qian's last few words were naturally said to Herman, because of the previous meet, Xiao Bo scored John, so Meng Qian went directly to Herman, followed Meng Qian It is not convenient to go directly to Herman, in case John, it is a trouble to Herman.

For Meng Qian, Herman's heart is written, but he still can't let yourself say a thank you.

"Mr. Herman came today, I don't know what it is for?" I went upstairs into the office, Meng Qian asked directly.

"I have a little curious about the wind group." Herman thought about giving an answer. "The Great Breeze Group created another amazing technical breakthrough in just less than three years, which made me like Going back to the era of technology big outbreaks more than 20 years ago. "

"In fact, technology has been developing, and the technical breakthrough has never stopped, we are facing a new technology era every day." Meng Qian smiled and responded, "Just just more than 20 years ago, the current technology is gentle and Calm, always feel less than some big era, as for the reasons, you are clear. "

"Monopoly." Herman gave the answer directly.

"So the Great Breeze Group's felection is in China."

"Can Xiaoxia is impossible to get out of this world." Hermann, I saw the problem.

"The upstream development is indeed unable to get rid of this world, and you can't avoid you, but there is enough self-space in the downstream development."

Herman understood Meng Qian's meaning, changed a problem, "But I am actually very strange, the success of the wind group originates from new, but according to my understanding, Huaxia has always taken very an old board. The test education, I have been touched by many Chinese students, the thinking of Huaxia students often makes us feel that it seems to be a bundle of things, it is difficult to open. "

"I know Mr. Herman wants to express anything, but Mr. Herman should also know that everything is favorable, and the test education of Huaxia is indeed a degree of killing our students' creativity, but the learning ability of Huaxia students. And pragmatic ability is also recognized internationally.

And if my news is right, the country is studying our learning in recent years, right? Creativity is really important. After all, Di Si said that the genius is a percent of the inspiration plus 99 sweat, but the inspiration is the most important thing, even more than 99%. The sweat is important.

But I want to ask Mr. Herman, now the technology industry, is the idea is imagined? "

Herman is silent, Meng Qian continues, "More and more people are important to Di Si's words, but I believe that Mr. Herman must understand how much the value is at least in business areas. "

"I accept elite education from small." Herman is thinking, "the more excellent people, the more efforts, Di Si's words are not good for people who are unwilling to work hard."

Meng Qian's understanding of Western elite education, the core training of Western elite education is the way of thinking and self-discipline, is a balanced talent and effort, truly experiencing the ethics of orthodox elite education, than those energetic The poor don't know how many times you have to work.

"So the success of the wind group is to work hard?" Herman returned to Meng Qian asked for a few seconds after a few seconds.

"Work hard, is the foundation of the wind group." Meng Qian made a deep thinking. "If Mr. Herman really is interested in our wind group, it is better to take Mr. Herman, Mr. Herman is not If you mind, it is best to go to the R & D center to see our colleagues there. If Mr. Herman can make some suggestions to our database development, then it is better. "

"This is not right?" Herman is still very conscious, "R & D center should be a company secret."

"Small company, there is not so much rules." Meng Qian didn't care about it, "said, the core code can't see it, and there is no confidential to exchange the communication technology."

Herman, of course, does not believe that the Great Breeze Group's R & D center can come casually, this is an attitude of Meng Qian, as for the true core thing, Herman also knows that he can't see it, but since Meng Qian opened, He is very willing to turn around. Today, the purpose of the big wind group is to learn more about this company.

Meng Qian took Herman probably turned a company, and some of the things that Herman who felt before Yunyi also looked in the eyes, and later, Meng Qi took Herman to the R & D center, "Company The venue is still rented, the R & D center is not like Oracle, and Mr. Herman is don't mind. "

Herman's rare laughed and responded.

After entering the R & D center, everyone looked up and looked at Meng Qian and Herman, then done his own things.

"Meng, I found that your company doesn't seem to say hello to you?" Herman's doubt is still asked.

"Hello? Do you call it?"

"Oh, there is nothing." Herman did not say, but Ellison always appeared in the mind.

"Mr. Herman, this is Ding Mingyuan, the technical director of our wind group, this is Mr. Herman."

Ding Ming hooks with Herman, and a man sitting on him is a little exciting, "You are Mr. Herman, Oracle? I have seen your work."

"It's me." Hermann nodded, attitude is not very.

"Mr. Herman, I have heard your class in Yale University." There is another person to join.

In the face of everyone's ripe, Herman is actually uncomfortable. Of course, he knows that his biggest discomfort is the eyes and attitude of these employees. They have respect for themselves, but they are only respectful, Herman is not How to come to China, but he has been a few new neon countries with Gaoli, including Singapore India, etc. Asian countries.

In the past, the people in these countries were in their own time. Although Herman didn't know how to describe this is different, he has a clear feeling as the parties.

Seeing more and more people have to come over, Meng Qian first made a gesture to let everyone stop, "Today I invite Mr. Herman, mainly to ask Mr. Herman to help us see what we encountered Some technical issues, everyone will hold this opportunity. "

Meng Qian deliberately said that he was invited by Herman, Herman looked at Meng Qian, and did not say it.

Ding Ming has received Meng Qian's eye signal, let Herman sit in his position, then give Herman to explain the current project.

Herman listened for a while or unexpectedly, because he thought that Meng Qian just took out something, but Ding Mingyuan said something deep.

But it also benefited from Ding Mingyuan's depth, it allowed Herman to have the opportunity to feel the staff of the wind group.

In the foreign rumors, many people say that the technology of the wind group is supported by Meng Qian, but at least for a while, Herman knows that the wind group not only Meng Qian, but also Ding Ming is like this. character.

After a few hours, when Herman has contacted more people, he further realized that in addition to Meng Qian and Ding Mingyuan, the Great Wind Group has a number of capable R & D staff, and these R & D staff have a moving capacity Finishing.

Herman is a R & D center in the afternoon. As a result, he stayed at 10 o'clock in the evening.

Looking at Herman who was unloaded into the team, Meng Qian was leaving for a while, and Meng Qian shouted Qinmer in the entrance of the R & D center. "Do you think Herman has changed?"

"Very obvious change, I think he is full of things in his heart."

Meng Qian nodded, he also had his own judgment, "Just like the Professor Stanford University," said that if you are a mix, your enemy will wait for ambush, wait until you have a question, give you another. gun.

This time, I want to send a bullet from Ellison. "

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