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At 11 o'clock in the evening, Herman finally left in everyone's dismistrous, in fact, Herman's initiative to leave, but Meng Qian mentioned, after all, people are helping, and Her Olman is still the technical director of competitors Oracle, let people stay with the wind group here.

Since Monsheng is open, Herman will certainly not take the initiative to continue to stay, but Herman has asked before, "When will you rest?"

"Today, I have harvested so many things, I have to rest, and I have digestive digestion."

"It is, Mr. Herman go back to rest, don't take us."

Herman is silent with Meng Qian, but suddenly looks at Meng Qian after going out of the R & D center, "Mr. Meng should take into account the rest of the employee."

Meng Qian helplessly, "Now, I will let them go back. They will not go back. Our Great Breeze Group's R & D center is not a simple enterprise department, in my concept, the R & D center is provided to R & D personnel Stage, this stage is essentially their, not mine. "

Herman's heart fluctuates, "Mr. Meng usually stay in the R & D center?"

"Well, is it, how do you know Mr. Herman."

"I guess." Herman did not speak in his heart.

Meng Qian arranged the driver to send Herman back to the hotel, near 12 o'clock, but Herman was unable to sleep. He sat in a chair and recalled his life, 1979, Oracle2 released, SDL changed its name RSI. At this time, Oracle is not called Oracle, the same year, Herman entered the company.

However, in the past few years in the company, Herman has always been obscured. He is called unique in the company. No one makes friends with him, everyone doesn't like to deal with him, until 1986, Herman has developed Inquiry and propose the PL \ SQL stored procedure, Bob Miller began to cultivate Herman.

The next five years is the five years of Herman's rapid development, but it is also the most dark five years of Herman's life, and Herman, which is paid to Herman began to have its own team, but he found himself further Isolated, this time is not just because of your own, there is your own credit.

The reason why Oracle's R & D team can be very famous in the industry and supporting Oracle. It is a very important reason that no matter how Ellison insults them, he is really high.

But I want to get a higher bonus in Oracle, I need a grade, and the emergence of Herman has made other team bonuses year-on year, which caused him to see it.

Supporting the reason for Herman in Oracle, Bob Miller, this has been pressing him a man. He too wants to prove that he is stronger than him.

However, Bob Miller has never been cancer shortly. Herman has already left the idea, and the unexpected is that Bob Mile found him before, and said that although Oracle has a lot of problems, other companies are also In this way, after Bob Miller died, Ellison listened to Miller's last words once again raised Herman, and Herman left.

Just these years, Herman gradually understood that Ellison did not pay attention to him. However, the internal part of Oracle was rotten, but the company's research and development spirit, but Oracle should develop, there is always a truly promotion technology. People, it is obvious that this person is Herman.

Because Herman has no one likes, Herman will not give up his own research and development spirit for a little money, and no one can take the water to go to the water.

For large companies, management is getting harder and harder, and the problem is endless.

Herman is not a fool, his heart is clear, but like Miller, do other companies are not the case, this is the problem that the giant business exists, no one can escape, at least stay in Oracle Herman can have a bigger right to do what they want. No matter how everyone hates him, but he can't help it.

Recalling everything in Oracle, Herman sways his head, "the wind group is just because of the entrepreneurial period, and there will be these problems."

Herman refused the wind group in his heart.

At three in the morning, Herman sat on the plane to the rice country. Since he has decided, he is intended to hurry back to consider how to overcharge the wind group.

When I slept on the plane, Herman took the plane to go to the company and convened a meeting. "For the patented barriers of the wind group, I made a certain reference on the basis of his design, and many new I don't look at it together. "

Hermann seriously explained PPT on the stage, waiting for half an hour to explain his prepared things, the scene is still quiet.

"Is there any idea?"

Everyone looked at each other, and several people had given a little idea, but they all didn't hurt.

Herman has been habits these years. On the issue of the overall situation, there are very few people who will make some construction opinions. He is always a team of a team. It is good to work in everyone. Herman is also Not much to say, let everyone go to work.

But after the snrapse, Herman went to the office to organize something, but when they went out, they saw everyone gone. At this time, it is already the evening of the rice country, and it is gone.

Herman didn't know what to say, this is a big environment, yes, everyone is like this, Herman has once again selected habits.

Early the next morning, Herman was called the office by Ellison.

"I have given you up to three months." Ellison violent sound appeared again.

"Boss, can you consider the actual situation?"

"I spend money, please work, don't let you consider the current situation, I spent money, please give me the corresponding return!"

"You are worried about those customers who have recently signed contracts, I can explain to them."

"I can't afford this person!" Ellison was anger, "Herman, you can't afford this task, if so, you tell me now, I will change people."

"Do you think who can help you in addition to me?"

"I think I am because I believe in you these years! Herman, three months, this is not discussed, if you can't do it, you tell me now."

"Ellison" Herman called the name, "I want to know what you did for this matter?"

"I don't pay for you, what do you need to do!"

Herman couldn't help but smile, very vague small channels, "His employee said, he will give them a lot of pressure, but he will always rush in the forefront, to bear more pressure than them, no People will complain that he gives the pressure because he is more than who is more. He is not using others, but in inviting others to accompany him a big event. "

"What are you talking about messy?"

"Nothing, three months, I know." Herman left Ellison's office. He returned to the office to be silent for a long time, and finally told himself, forget it, habit, so many years? .

But on the evening, Herman saw his father's old Herman at the bar, but he rarely met but his only respected man, and confessed all his heart to him.

Old Herman looked at the Son that is strong, and said, "Herman, why do you know why I can go now?"

Herman shaken his head.

"The development of companies will encounter problems, just like two people will encounter problems together, everyone will encounter problems, which is a wonderful natural rule, but some people can join hands to go to the end. Some people have separated early.

But I hope you understand, don't think that you will meet a variety of questions, you will be disappointed. Everyone faces the problem of problems. There are always some ways to prevent problems, but at least let go. Fair. "


"Herman, people and people are different, and there is also different companies and businesses, no two people will go out of the same life."

Herman looked at his father, and the muddy eyes finally had a clear clear, "Dad, do you support me? The impact of this matter may be bigger."

Old Herman lifted a wine glass, "What is my son wants to do, don't need to get the consent of my old bone."


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