Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 260 Strategic Summary

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The people under the stage are almost the same, Meng Qian continues his speech. "After understanding the essence of the IT industry, the company can have corresponding plan according to their goals and reality (love Qíng), obviously Long-term development, how is the self-study and development of a thing (love Qíng), but research and development, how to do?

Many people will present this problem. In fact, I don't think that you don't have to think about this problem is too complicated. For the Great Breeze Group's successful experience and the development of all successful companies I have contacted, everyone's success is basically the same. .

My personal suggestion is very simple, don't burn money without any basis (love Qíng), even if the company is very powerful, if you first enter the IT industry, don't worry about burning money, but first find the way to make money Using the money to develop, re-use the research and development results to improve the profits of the enterprise, gradually move toward a good (sexual xìng) cycle, IT business wants to walk long, the best mode must be a good (sex xìng) cycle, don't Excessive pursuit of profits, don't overriderate research and development.

Maybe someone will ask, when it is light, how can you earn money?

Then return to the essence of the IT industry. I mentioned above, the hardware layer and the software layer are a high-middle low-end worship, the application layer is a creative priority, then there are a lot of money to make money. The way, such as Dongwei sharing, the model, R & D model, such as Huaqi Technology, using low-end product profits to raise high-end research and development, of course, can also find a creative application such as our Great Breeze Group.

But one thing, everyone must understand, we can use these way to make money first, but earning money must be investigated, these preliminary money will become more and more easily replaced with technology development, enterprises Continuously improve your core technology and continue to expand your core technology to make bigger in this market. "

Meng Qian once again paused for a little discussion, "I had a very real problem for the decision to enter this industry and set up a long-term development determination, and there is still a very real problem. Many people are discussing, don't be international. This thing (love Qíng), I want to tell you that we have already been internationally. "

Meng Qian gave a group of data. "You can look at, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Google, Intel and other enterprises in our Chinese investment, the average investment has exceeded 150%. Especially we join After the WTO, the average of each company's additional investment reached 80%.

I believe that many people have already understood, now I don't want to go out to go out with these international giants wrench wrists (love Qíng), but we have now been by them ((forced bī) bī) to at least consider how to hold it. The problem of home city pool.

Huaxia is not a country that is closed, we have long (body shēn) international environment, and there is a thing (love qíng) may not know, Huaxia, which is defined by the Western International International Emerging Market .

So internationalization is one of our avoidance, then how big is we with the gap between international companies? Very big. "

Meng Qian continues to move out of data, including product gaps in hardware, including market share of software fields. "If you want to compete, you must recognize reality, we now with the international giants may be more cognitive. Be pessimistic, what should we do?

Let's take a look at several companies that we have achieved certain results in international competition. "

The name of four companies appeared on the PPT: Huawei, ZTE, Fang Zheng, and Great Wind Group.

"Let's take a look at some of these four companies, this is a turnover. This is an industrial change. This is a research investment. This is the development of employees. This is some open welfare policies, and some details, everyone sees this Is there a common point in four companies? "

"Pay attention to research." Many people have been attracted by Meng Qian's speech and respond to the next consciousness.

Meng Qian nodded, "Is there still?"


Meng Qian nodded again. "Yes, everyone carefully looks at the industries of these four companies, the acquisition is also good, the development of the company has always developed in the field of IT, and each industrial expansion is steady, However, it is revealed that it is now very IT enterprise. While engaging in IT, engage in real estate, engage in clothing, and may not engage in nightclub. "

"Hahaha." Some people are not (ban jìn) laugh.

And Meng Qian sees again, "Is there still?"

This time, many people look at each other, I can't see anything, Meng Qian is open, "I am talking about today, in fact, it is also an attitude, the IT industry is really not a cante, the attitude of the ticket. Maybe you can make a moment of money, but it is difficult to earn money. This is a need to layout, you need to stick to it, you need to focus, need a serious industry.

In this case, such a more complicated industry than traditional business, is we necessary to enter? Do we make sense to this hard stone? "

When I said this, Meng Qian turned the PPT, and gave you a group of data, "" Semiconductor Industry Global Market 100 billion-level, "Global Market, Global Market, Hundreds of Industrial Industry Industry, Billion, Business Software industry global market 10 billion ... "

Meng Qian found a global IT subdivision industry in a full hundred billion to 100 billion yuan. "Another common point in these four companies is that there are ambitions. Ask the liberty, do not say hundreds of people How much is the year sales of billion meters? "

Everyone lefts care, no one raises his hand.

"Meng Qian's side (body shēn) refers to the data on the big screen," recognize the gap between the West, is to choose the development strategy of more reason to avoid the development model of the South Wall, but with this, we It is also necessary to recognize how big this market is, our development space is like a Jiangyang, just see if there is this ambition to seize this market.

Many people are in the confused IT industry tomorrow, I want to say a sinner, in a sense, this is not the problem that we should consider now, because even if the industry is recession, there are hundreds of billions of markets. Even if technology is stagnant, we still have a lot of progress space needs to make up.

Since our Huaxia is so weak, there is no need to confuse, because at least the status of technology is already foreseeable, we just need to rush forward with ambition, just like a person is confused, don't think , Work hard.

What's more, we can now simply sort out a (set of tào) may still be a scientific strategy, including our four companies, the strategy taken is actually the same, I have given you a summary. "

PPT turn turns again, Meng Qian has drunk a water to continue, "I really understand the industry, choose development direction, find money to make money, cultivate R & D team, research and development, gradually accurate R & D, seek partners, facing international competition."

Many people in the scene quickly remembered the words of Meng Qian in their own, Meng Qian noticed this scene, the heart is still comfortable, at least I feel that I don't say that I have no white.

"The last final, I will mention two small suggestions, first, let the professional people to do professional things, the decision-making right of this piece, please give it to the technology, second, I pre- Estimating international competition will be large on our Huaxia Enterprise, so I suggest that everyone will strengthen cooperation. "

Meng Qian said this time deliberately looked at Intel, IBM and other enterprises in Huaxia's president or general manager, and Meng Qian's performance is in the eyes.

"International competition may be the biggest challenge for us in the next few years. I think we should go to this question more about this issue." Meng Qian said this time again to the overseas business in China Related leaders.

This manifestation for two consecutive times makes everyone identify Meng Qian's unique, including these foreign companies, and probably understand, but they have no way to take Meng Qian ...

This night is not calm, just start.

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