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Meng Qian finally said, one is to follow the CIO to go to the game, but also established a spiritual resonance in the CEO, 2002 IT Fortune Annual Conference is far-reaching, a very important reason It is the chief information officer of Huaxia CEO club at this annual meeting, so that everyone will realize the difference between professionals and non-professionals.

Then, Huaxia has a very prospective proposing the CIO era, allowing the CEO to guide the development of the IT industry, so that the CEOs who do not understand the technology are less intervened, which is to understand the technology of technology.

This decision is largely helped to the development of the China IT industry, although the end result is still not very good, but if there is no such change this year, the future generation of the IT industry will develop a worse, after all, let a group do not understand Technical businessmen go to guide technology development, it is really a bit wrong.

This sentence of Meng Qian's whole process and the final special referred to this sentence is to agree with this future trend. This is good for him to further communicate with you later. At least it is CEO or CIO, will be very willing to with Meng Gu Qian.

As for Meng Qian mentioned two delegates to foreign companies twice, that is more obvious. Since it is an international competition, some words naturally cannot be said with these foreign companies, Meng Qian uses this performance Tell others is that I have something to say, but it is inconvenient here.

For Meng Qian, it is not easy to bring these people again, it is not easy. If you go to find it, you will be more delayed, so you can understand, everyone understands, you will naturally go to Meng Qian. As for those of those foreign companies, I understand that there is no need, I can't do anything.

Meng Qian's speech has a lot of places worthy of detailed aftertaste and thinking. When he stepped down, it is really harvested tonight.

Then, the CEO of the CEO, the chief information officers of the CEO began to speaking, as soon as the chief information officers brought the idea of ​​constructing opinions, winning the applause of the scene, the end of the year, everyone is obviously supported This philosophy of human management technology is known.

At the end of the year, Zhang Shuxin directly followed the room of Meng Qian, "Meng Hao, who do you guess the first person?"

"So many people, this guess."

"Guess, idle is also idle."

Meng Qiao did not think there is anything, just say a name, "Liu Jiiren."

"I guess it is ZTE."

Zhang Shuxin's old mouth, naturally, the founder of ZTE, Hou Weizui, and later, because of many people who were well known.

Meng Qian has wanted to ask why someone knocked on the door, and after opening the door, he saw Hou Weizui.

Take Hou Weizui into the room, Meng Qian looked at the new tree, "Zhang always knows Hou always come."

Zhang Shuxin smiled and didn't talk. Meng Qian did not ask, and wait for Hou Wei to enter the seat, they did not feel cold, asked directly.

"Meng always said that I laughed, I just want to make a thing with Meng, so that everyone is hard to be difficult."

Meng Qian did not understand what he said, "Hou always said."

"I don't know if Meng always knows that our ZTE has signed a deep cooperation agreement with Intel this year."

"Slightly heard."

Hou Weigui nodded, "I don't want Meng, we have also been docked with IBM. If it is smooth, we will have a deep cooperation agreement with IBM, so Meng Mong is going to say something, I am very interested. But if I am not suitable, Meng Hao said straight. "

Meng Qian looked, he went back after half a day, then looked at the new tree, "Zhang always does not help me explain."

Zhang Shuxin stalls, "I explained this, I don't have to say it, I don't have to say it to the old man."

Turning back and looked at Hou Weizui, Meng Qian kept smiling, "Hou always worried about my enemy?"

Hou Weizui also didn't avoid it, nodding directly. In fact, Meng Qian is not the first time I heard this statement, the outside world does have such a voice, saying Meng Qiangemi, although not much.

In the early 21st century, there is such an idea to be very understandable. Many young people in the later generation have an idea, thinking that the 2018 trade war China can bear the life because of the time of China, so Many young people are really self-hearted. If this happens in the past ten years, Huaxia can't help, such a speech is also a lot of views online.

However, many young people don't know at all, and Mi State has never broken the sanctions in Huaxia, and there are still two times in the history of similar trade battles.

The relatively near is 89 years, when the degree of dependence on Huaxia in Europe was very low, Europe is very firm standing in the side of the rice country, plus the first neon first jumped out to support the rice country, and wrap a batch Asian countries.

So the sanctions were called the Global Sanctions against Huaxia by Mi, and later the country was still proud every time.

At that time, Pakistan, which support Huaxia, was also sanctions by Mi Dang, lost heavy losses, and had to be admitted that Baba was really very iron.

At that time, the media was not as developed in 2018. Many people don't know this matter. I don't know how the country is picking up, but I have learned the economy, engage in economic, and politics. A few years of pain, from the overall pressure, the sanctions in 89 years will only be more embarrassed than the 18-year sanctions, but the country is the past.

So Hou Weigui seems that although Meng Qiao is a little bit, he is now a science and technology circle, understanding that history is also normal, Meng Qian is very smooth, after all, because of the big sanitation Because the people who sancted with Qi Mi have gone.

As for another big sanctions in the 1960s, it was an all-round sanctions from the economy to technology to military to trade.

However, two big sanctions and middle-sanctions in the middle of China are coming over. Huaxia's tenacity and power are recognized by the whole world. It is a lot of people who are not willing to believe in their own country. Ten years It is not the case before 20 years ago.

In the 1970s honeymoon, even the future generations of the Ministry of the United States recognized that it was to contain Russia, but there were still many people who kept shake and whispered to Huaxia to Huaxia to more than sanctions. What can I say?

"Hou has a proficiency, I don't do business with rice companies, and there is no relationship with revenge."

Hou Weigui glanced with Zhang Shuxin, it seems to have a little uncertain, Meng Qian continued, "not to mention, even if I have a business, do not hook the business, I just don't have the right business to do with the company. ""

"With the current industries of the wind group, there is still a lot of business, but Meng always puts these business mainly in the neon and Gaoli."

"That is because of core technology, naturally try to avoid the rice country, Mi Guo always look at the Hou Hou in the eyes." Hou Weisi nodded, he was born in 42 years, "So I always To consider that one day they come to a big sanction, right?

It is recommended that Hou has long, don't over-relying on rice, now, some technologies can also find alternatives from other countries, and even Nuunti, our self-research is not a big problem, as for those who do not open rice The technology can consider long-term bought and other ways, or to prepare, in case, one day, a day, core technology card, ZTE, ZTE can be sad. "

Hou Weizui did not agree, "Thank Xie Shi Mong reminds, but I think that Mi people will not go with money."

"Maybe." Meng Qiao smiled, now there is more people who will not believe, it is better to say, "So Hou doesn't have to worry about I will reject you because you have a deep cooperation with the rice people, it is undeniable, this The world is now inseparable from the rice country, and the development of science and technology is also inseparable from the rice country. The wind group will also have a place to cooperate with rice in the company. I understand this reality.

I just warmon yourself all the way should not be caught in the neck by the rice country. And I also believe that ZTE cooperation is also to better internationalization, and it is not very good. "

Hou Wei's face has eased a lot. It seems that he is really thinking about Menshen. It really wants to hear what Meng Qian will say. "That's more to Meng, you are not afraid of being caught by neon. Does the neck? "

"Now the neon is already a brother, he can flock, but can't flush big waves, but the world is not the same."

"The Neon Congressional will listen to the rice country." From Hou Weigui's table, he is not intentionally embrace Meng Qian, but it is really thinking.

Meng Qian smiled and shook his head. "Neon is very strong, 89 he is the first to jump out of the Maxima, but in 1991, he is the first to jump out to cancel sanctions and claim friendly. The reasons, Hou always smell it. "

Hou Weigui nodded, "This is, I understand Meng Gong's meaning."

"Hey." Talk to this, someone knocked on the door.

This income is Liu Ji, and after Liu Jiren, more and more people come to Meng Qian's room, but for more than ten minutes, Meng Qian's room has been full, everyone is not placed at all.

And Meng Qian looked at these people, and the heart has a pity that the phone does not have a photo function, or it really wants to record this scene.

Standing in the room, the future operator three giants, telecommunications mobile Unicom, the future home appliance three giants, Gree's Haier, the future domestic computer three giants, Lenovo ASUS Shenzhou, the future communication three giants, Huawei Center Datang, the future country Software Qi Xia, Hua Soft, UF, Intelligence, Kingdee, Wave, Easoft and Baoxin, of course, and other well-known enterprises such as Jingdong and Huaqin International.

Today, a total of 100 entrepreneurs have been launched, and there are 63 people to come to Meng Qian, and there are more than a dozen experts and number information department leaders.

These people in the Meng Qian room are now the core power of the China IT industry.


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"Look, talk about life, find yourself

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