Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 265, a effort for outsiders

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Huaqi International as the largest chip foundry plant in China, long-term arrogant is a loser, because of the long-term development of national blood transfusion, however, even after 2017, Huaqi International sales exceeded 50% in Omi, everyone or Calling him to defeat, after all, is doing medium and low-end products.

Instead, after the 2018 UNCTRO, there will be more and more people say that the international international is understood. After all, the equipment technology is locked by the rice country, what development is. A lightning machine problem is enough to let Huaqin International will never want to be produced in (body shēn) high-end chip.

But it is still to be aware that Huaye International does have some problems with its own (body shēn), such as the management problem.

"Men's bus is busy out, is there any important thing?" Zhang Rujin knows that Meng Qiao has been busy in the past few days, and it is not nonsense, and yesterday Zhang Rujin has touched Meng Qian, only However, there were other people at the time. Today is Meng Qian to find him talk.

"It is really a very important thing (love qíng)." Meng Qian responded is also straightforward, "Zhang always knows that we are studying lightning machine?"

"Of course." I heard the three words of the moment, Zhang Rujin (body shēn) is sitting straight.

Meng Qiao has a little bit of a little bit, "I came to Yanjing this time, the telelanted machine team told me a message, and our lightning machine may come out again for a few months."

Zhang Rigui became a good spirit, and what kind of moment, what kind of effect is expected, these are very clear, "If you have a few months, you should be able to catch it in front of Asak. ! "

"Zhang always knows more (very tǐng)." Meng Qian smiled.

Zhang Rujin said with a smile. "After all, it is a lightning machine that we have independently developed in our country.

"When can I get out, say the truth, we don't know, after all, the research and development (love qíng) there is completely locked. So now it is not too optimistic.

I found a summary today, mainly because the sunlight needs market verification, since Zhang summarizes the photolithography organ of our wind group so high, I don't know if there is any interest in Huaqin International to verify the product? "

"We?" Zhang Rujin hesitated, "This is not too suitable."

"How, Zhang Zheng believes in our products?"

"Of course, not." Zhang Rujin is busy in hand, "Just Meng You know, our Huaqi International has always produced low-end chips, and your immersion lighting machine is successful, if I get the news is not too The big deviation, that is, the high-end lighting machine, and the better film factory is experiment, and our Huaqi International lacks experience. "

Meng Qian nodded him to know, "But now Asci is also developing an immersion photolithography, I have to do the worst plan, and our experimental needs to grab time, the experimental lightweight machine mass production And massive chip production also need to grab time, because from technology (body shēn), our difference between us may not be very big, and ultimately determine the victory or see the market performance of the product, this is slow One step may be full of things (love qíng), so I want to find a business partnership, I am worried that some people have some small movements in the inside.

Zhang always knows, neon companies do (love qíng) are dried out, and the three wafers of our province now have a lot of foreign investment penetration, not to mention them ( SHēN) There are some ideas for our mainland companies.

So my plan is to spend more money in the experimental stage, develop two lightning machines, on the one hand, I will find a more mature high-end chip founder to do experiments, on the other hand, I have to find a family. The trusted wafer factory is experimenting.

There is another reason that the chip is the top priority of the future technology field. Since we want to build Huaxia's ecology, there must be its own high-end chip production capacity, otherwise, the entire upstream industry is nothing. "

Zhang Rujin couldn't help but read Meng Qian's eyes, "You are thinking about the whole Huaxia."

"I don't know in Zhang's point of view, if we can provide high-end lightning machine, there is no chance to develop into a high-end wafer factory?"

"The light moment is indeed the core of the production of chips, but there is a high-end lightning machine obviously still not enough." Zhang Rujin seems helpless.

"What does Zhang always need?"

Zhang Rujin has been really appreciative of Meng Qian, but íng) does not have to say, "First of all, we need a (set of tào) perfect high-end industrial software."

"This wind group can provide, we have made many optimized and upgraded industrial software with Sony, and our current industrial software is absolutely non-international industrial software, and we have achieved industrial software. Set tào) autonomous, no one can limit us. "

I don't know why, I haven't verified, but I believe that Meng Qian said, "another problem is still equipment. Once we have high-end momentary, other equipment needed to produce chips will begin (ban jìn) Sales, Wasona Agreement is in that, there is no way to do anything (love qíng). "

"As far as I know, the average service life of these devices should be around three years, right?"


"Then we may be gamble. I gave them a chip architecture and some core technologies in design, and they gave us a few core-behind light-driven related equipment. Technology, and after I got these core technologies, I will sell to domestic corresponding equipment production enterprises. The research and development of these devices is not as difficult as illiterators. I believe give them about three years, they can produce alternatives. Product. "

Zhang Rujin's eyes have already changed some changes, "Material is also a problem, the same will be sold (forbidden jìn)."

"The Blue Star Group always knows?"

"That is nature, Blue Star is our supplier, working together for many years."

"I talked to the Blue Star, we will cooperate to create a material laboratory, specialize in the materials needed for chip production, and Zhang always know, the material research is the project investment, because the material research is very burned, Under the premise of uncertain results, the company is difficult to invest too much money.

But this cooperative research and development project, our wind group will prepare absolutely enough investment, and the Blue Star is mainly responsible for people. Of course, we will also have people, so that you can succeed, but at least this matter is already doing, this It is a hope.

What other Zhang always lack? "

"I ..." Zhang Rujin is in a timely storm, in fact, there is still a lack of lack, such as the technical worker, but Zhang Rujin really can't open the mouth, Meng Qianyi "outsider" actually for the production layout of domestic chips to this point, it is really No face continues to mention the demand, is it difficult to overcome if Huaqin International really is difficult? It is really like everyone's saying is a defeated family?

Zhang Ran's eyes finally became firm, showing a smile. "I think this is indeed a chance of our Huaqi International. If this is, it will not fight for it, it seems that I can't say it."


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