Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 266 Communication Technology

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On December 6 (Japan Rì) morning, Meng Qian was rare to rest in the room, and He Yiping gave him a large cup of Sydney soup. "Meng Ge, just went to the kitchen."

"Thank you." Meng Qian said the voice has already had a clear hoarse, "" Take me with the communication record these days. "

In these days, Meng Qian will let He Yutheng will record it on the side, and most people have returned, and Meng Qian has basically found it. Meng Qian is now in this meeting. I am free to review the focus of these days, and also plan to see some of the cooperative relationships in China, and by the way, see what are not paying attention to the details.

This is the work habits of Meng Qian.

At noon, Meng Qian's throat was finally comfortable, and invited to the downstairs restaurant to eat from the leaders from all departments.

Like entrepreneurs, go back to calm down and think about the government departments for a while, and there are some problems and some inevitable concerns and ideas.

At the beginning of the dinner, everyone first appreciated Meng Qian's professionalism and pattern, in general, this time Meng Qian's performance is more confident is his professional and pattern.

It is the problem of praise, leading the common (set tào) road, Meng Qian patiently answers everyone's question and take the initiative to give them more details, under Meng Qian's explanation, everyone's doubts gradually Solved, a lot of things slowly scrambled, in a harmonious atmosphere, the end is the leadership asking Meng Qian needs support.

This kind of polite ingredient is inside, if Meng Qian really needs to mention, but can't mention too much, then it is not understanding.

And Meng Qian took a thing through this opportunity, "There is a thing (love qíng) does hope that the leaders of the departments can pay attention to the 3G development in our country, and the 3G era will affect the development of some technologies and products. Judging from our Great Breeze Group in the experiment of neon and Gaotai, 3G will play a very important impact on the development of science and technology.

But I learned from a few operators to our 3G development still have many policies. I hope that leaders can consider opening some green channels to 3G development. We strive to overcome the problems faced by the 3G era, as soon as possible. Welcome 3G era. "

When I met the operators such as Mobile Telecom Unicom, Meng Qian mentioned 3G questions several times. After all, 3G is now developing in Asia, but in Huaxia is a standard thunder and heavy rain, and about Huaxia 3G is relatively late, and there are many online networks, saying is because of some business reasons and policy reasons.

However, Meng Qian personally discovered after this era, in fact, this is indeed a technical reason, not that simple is because everyone will lead to the 3G layout in order to seek private interests.

After all, the 2G Times Huaxia is in a thorough state. The 3G era is just beginning to catch up. Therefore, it seems that we have established his own standards and the standard time is similar to the standards of rice and Europe, but in fact, China is in 3G technology or It is a relatively backward, this is one of our 3G to develop late.

If the 3G technology at this time is 5G technology at this time, it is impossible to drag it for so long. Establishing a standard does not represent your product, this is two concepts.

Because communication technology has always been a global (sex xìng) technology, such as the later generations say Huawei 5G, how can someone can use Huawei 5G, someone can use Qualcomm 5G, in fact, 5G standard necessary patent provides enterprises 21, 5G is actually a product of a global company.

Huawei is only the first place in the 5G standard patent provider with a 17%, and many core standard patents are provided by Huawei, but Huawei is impossible to get 5G independently.

And Huawei can develop so good, but also thanked ZTE and Datang, in the 5G standard necessary patent, Qualcomm row, the seventh, the ninth, the ninth, the ninth, Huawei's 5G standard It is 17%, and after the addition of ZTE and Datang, the total ratio of three companies in Huaxia has exceeded 30%, which provides greater support for the 5G development of Huaxia, and is also supported by Huawei 5G.

This is also an important reason for the West to engage in ZTE. Everyone talked about 5G only to know Huawei's achievements, many people ignored ZTE and Datang's achievements on 5G.

Moreover, the communication does not only have signal technology, but also related to hardware equipment, so in 2002, although there is a 3G standard, the overall 3G development of China is still (very tǐng) big. , The light is a big problem.

In the future, the Chinese 3G is chasing time. 4G is a head and advanced period. 5G is a counter-period, how much is more confident, more accurately, 4G is the chasing period of Huaxia, 5g is more, and it has reached the hand.

Huaxia really wants to become a global situation in communication this market, the key is 6G.

Although Meng Qian is ready to develop 4G in advance, 3G's development is also unable to fall, especially many foundations of 3G development, such as equipment, will play an extremely important role in 4G development, if 3G development speed can't keep up The development of 4G will inevitably be affected.

Meng Qian only mentioned such a demand, and the leaders naturally be placed in their hearts, and this thing (love Qíng) is the same as the unselfish performance of Meng Qi, 3G, profit, is profitable. All relevant companies in the country. More than just the wind group.

With the commitment of various departments, Meng Qian is relatively practical, and the 3G era private enterprise can do (love qíng) is relatively small, and some national levels are needed.

After lunch, Meng Qian took He Yuting back to the room to pack things, staying in Yanjing a week, Meng Qian, I have to go back to Hangzhou in the evening.

However, when he was preparing for a little more, the door of the room was rings again.

Open the door, Meng Qian is still a little unexpected, "Weekly."

"Meng, I didn't bother you?"

"Nothing, I always ask for a week."

The people are Zhou Weikun, the President of IBM Huaxia District, is also one of the top ten people. This Zhou Weikun will definitely be a person. He is called the top ten professional managers in China later, and the number of votes in the vote Forever Tang Jun in Microsoft.

Before Meng Qian also thought of told Zhou Weikun, it was forgotten because it was too busy in the past few days. After all, Zhou Weikun didn't have to see Meng Qian, although he was very powerful, Zhou Weikun has been working in IBM. It is a person who puts IBM's home, and Meng Qian has seen him a lot of reports. He is very difficult to be shaken about IBM's sense of IBM (love qíng).

I don't know how many companies have dug, and Meng Qian has never thought of him to dig him.

But since Zhou Weikun is willing to come to find himself, Meng Qian is still very willing to talk to him.


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