Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 267 management hidden dangers

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"We always haven't returned yet?" Meng Qian sat opposite Zhou Weikun.

"I just stayed in Yanjing in the market, I went to see the team of Yanjing, I made a training." Zhou Wein explained a sentence, "I heard that Meng Gong is in the evening." aircraft?"

"Yes, what is Zhou?"

"I will go early tomorrow morning, Meng is in the event of this annual meeting, it is stunned. In the past few days, the top industry president has come to visit Meng, I also have earned, and I heard that Meng Mong put forward. Many views of the construction (sex xìng) are brought to rice countries like our IBM. "

"We will always be a guilty to ask for guilty?" Meng Qian ridiculed a sentence, because he did not understand what Zhou Weikun mean.

"Ha ha ha." Zhou Weikun laughed two times, "Meng Mong wants more, business competition is natural, everyone is more important than anything, telling the truth, I am looking forward to what Meng Mong will bring? Music.

Today, I will find Meng, in fact, there is something. "

"Zhou Tong said, what is wrong, is it." Meng Qian was more confused.

"I have a student who wants to see Meng, so I have to ask for the teacher to make a very thin face for the students." Zhou Weikun was a myth, a very important reason is that he cultivated a bull of cattle (( Students who force bī) bī), most of these students have worked in Microsoft Britkel.

Even many people may not know a thing (love Qíng), Huawei spent 4 billion to study to IBM, and the responsibility of Huawei teaching, I also give Ren Zhengkai, I don't have a small stove, I am Zhou Weikun, some extent, It is not considered Hua Weikun's officers.

Zhou always said more me. "Now Meng Qian is really no longer who wants to see, there is no certain (body shēn), it is difficult to see Meng Qian, but according to future generations Most of the student of Zhou Weikun is also a big energy. Meng Qian still thinks that Zhou Weikun will see yourself is not so simple, but I still don't touch his purpose, Meng Qian has only cooperated first, "Zhou total student wanted me, hit Greeting is it. "

"If you can't say this, Meng Zhong (Japan rì) , I want to meet Meng Gong, I always have to give sincerity."

Meng Qi wants to think, no longer mutual guest (set tào), "What is your student calls, when will I come to see me?"

"He is coming, it will arrive later." Zhou Weikun seems to be a very (love ài) laugh, and people who have seen his photos know that he laughs really (very tǐng) is good, "This guy is good, It is a bit of a wind and fire, and people have sent it to me. "

"It seems that Zhou always likes this student."

"Be a teacher, you always have to spend more about students."

"Also, then I am not borrowing the light of weekly student, I can have a chance to talk to Zhou." Meng Qian did not touch Zhou Weikun, and did not touch, anyway, there is an opportunity to follow Shou Weikun's management master chats and has no loss, IBM Huaxia District goes out to make management teaching to the company, can be invited to be a few billion orders.

"Meng Gong really said, it is a very humble young person, you can talk to Meng Chen, why isn't my pleasure."

It is said that Zhou Weimun is ridiculous, and Meng Qian is a feeling, so Meng Qian has directly thrown his own problems. "I am not humble, but there are still a lot of shortcomings, such as the issue of corporate management, the wind group still has many problems. I don't know if I can take this opportunity to travel to the week. "

Zhou Weikun shook his head, "I don't want Meng Gong, the management method of the wind group, I really study it, the entire Huaxia can currently manage this bomb (sex xìng) management, and institutionalize such a combination of such It can be said that the phoenix is ​​angry, and it is understood that the management system of the Great Breeze Group is the general ((fuck cāo) cāo) knife? "

"All are rumors, the company management system is sorted out with the company's colleagues. Everyone has a version of this version now."

In the face of Meng Qian's self-satisfaction, Zhou Weikun directly chooses not in this question, "On the issue of corporate management, I also expect to be a communication with Meng Mong, I want to ask a few questions in Meng Meng, can you. "

"Week to say,"

"I saw a data, the true and false is not clear, the wind group's personnel flow (sex xìng) seems to be very large, far beyond the proportion of normal enterprises, and 80% is the company's active removal?"

Meng Qian laughed, "It is true, our wind group is a strict enterprise, we will provide employees to work hard and grow, but we will not give employees to mix (Japanese rì) opportunities, in three During months, the Great Breeze Group offers a large number of training and practical opportunities to help new employees grow rapidly, become a formal employee, we will also have a large number of welfare policies and security measures, every (Rì) care, weekly, small gathering, Monthly built has never fallen.

But what you want to get this is that you can complete the indicators you sent to you.

There is a phenomenon in many companies. When the employee is interviewed, it is very strict. After coming in, I will start mixing (Japanese rì), and then the company thinks that people are still okay, and there is a feeling (love Qíng), you can use it first Let's take it, plus many companies may not know what to let employees do, this is the so-called interview post-doctoral, work primary school students.

But in our strong wind group, there is no such statement, because we have a very detailed assessment standard, we know what each employee should do, from the recruitment to work, we must clearly know any of our recruitment to recruit him. What is, after recruiting, go to the assessment and system. "

"The assessment of the wind group is the main character or the ability?"

"Everything is, but there are also bottom lines. When a sales staff is in business, there is a business online invoice to the company to reimburse the extra income, is not a deception?"

"Of course."

"An employee can complete a task 20 days but deliberately dragging to the project for 30 days, and take two hours to see the network to avoid the company will shorten the work period. Is it negative?"

This time, Zhou Weikun hesitated for a while, "count."

"But such (love Qíng) is in the wind group can be accepted, the water is not a fish, and the management is too harsh only to play, so we have been deeply cultivating how to develop more detachable systems. Accurate assessment standards, let the system manage people, let the standard clothing, some small smart, us, as long as we grasp the bottom line, the company is a close eye. "

Zhou Weikun was approved, and then asked some questions about the management of wind groups. Meng Qian had answered the answer. Anyway, managing this thing is very complicated. Say that something is not in the kernel, and currently IBM is an example of global enterprises in management, and is not to go to the wind group to steal.

There were probably more than half an hour, Zhou Weimun asked directly, "In Meng's opinion, what is the biggest problem in the management of the Great Wind Group now?"

"I personally feel that the development of management is too fast, and the development of the wind group is too fast, and when I started, I am very young staff. Now less than three years, many people's comprehensive ability can't pick up the big one. But the company now needs more managers to come out for my share, and I have to choose airborne.

But Week is definitely known that a very important americ in management is to avoid airborne soldiers, strengthen the talent training and talent promotion mechanism within the company.

Especially for large enterprises, the more airborne soldiers, the more enterprises, this also leads to our wind group to develop a lot of vacancies in high-level management, many management things (emotions qíng) or I personally also affect my time, but also dragged down the efficiency of the company.

It can be empty, I have too many interviews. On the issue of corporate culture, there are very few people who can realize uniform (sex xìng), choose a high-level management, and the company is a huge hidden danger, so this Contradiction has always made me a headache. "

"Meng always said that it is not this, but I personally think that the biggest problem of the wind group is now not this, because the development of enterprises has become a established fact, even if you don't want to keep down, you can only survive. For the soldiers, although this thing (love Qíng) is a bit passive, this passive has appeared, but it is much better, and it is strict as possible on the issue of recruitment executives.

Instead, the Great Breeze Group now has a very serious hidden danger, and Meng Mong may not realize it. "

Meng Qian is half a trip, "Zhou Chang said that?"

"Of course. The problem now is that this is too smooth."

"Is it too embarrassed?" Meng Qian's consciousness repeated Zhou Weikun.

"Yes, in the development of management, we have found a very interesting phenomenon, looking at a hundred years of history, those who have collapsed companies are often in a certain industry, the best business, These companies have almost no exception before collapse, and they are reflected as a model of management.

However, the reality that allows the management researchers to collapse for a long time. These models are almost dead. The people who really stay will have the opportunity to go to understand, they are definitely a long period of time. Followers, not leaders. "

"Is this?" Meng Qian urgently asked.

"This is because I'm going too, modern management puts forward a very important theory is the dynamic management theory. After summing up all enterprise management mode, we found that all of this world has a drawback, no Any kind of management method can be once again, and there is no management model perfect.

The so-called successful management model has three points, in line with corporate culture, in line with the development of the industry, in line with the characteristics of the times.

The industry and times have been changing. Many companies only pay attention to corporate culture but neglect behind the latter, which leads to gradually lagging behind the management.

But for Too many companies that have got too many success in the market, there has been brilliant achievements in the development of enterprises, which will allow entrepreneurs and even employees within the enterprise to think that their home management model is very Ok, it will not be considered.

And you can't change the problem in your management mode, it will continue to accumulate, until one day, these problems have arrived in an indispensable point, and the enterprise has never been here, then the collapse of the company will become a sympathy. Things (love qíng). "

Zhou Weikun explained very clearly, Meng Qian also understood very well, and exposed a recognized table (love Qíng), "Can companies go out to take out these hidden problems when developing smoothly, how can they take out these hidden problems?"

"This is the error correction mechanism mentioned in modern management. Enterprises need an error correction mechanism to constantly find problems in the enterprise system and destroy the problems in the enterprise system, and the existence of error correction mechanisms is actually played. Most of the enterprises Enterprises only pay attention to treatment, very few people pay attention to prevention. "

"Can Zhou can say more deeply?"

Zhou Weikun was silent for a few seconds. "This problem is not a sentence. It can be clear, this way, if Meng always believes in me, I went to the wind group in a few days, with Meng Gong's in-depth communication."

Meng Gong's alert, this Zhou Weikun will not want to do the business of the wind group? But think about it, Zhou Weikun said, and in managing this issue, Meng Qian still admitted that he must be professional, so it is not taboo.

If people really can help themselves, even if they have to pay, Meng Qian is also willing, and always go to better people in the process of enterprise development, can't rely on themselves, and some things really explore If you can't come out, the company's executives have opposed it when he spent 4 billion. It can be reached later. The company executives began to say that this time is too worth it. "Then, it's better, we take a time."

Zhou Weikun looked at the arrangements behind him, "December 10 (Japan rì)?"

Meng Qian also confirmed his own itinered with He Yuting. "No problem, then on December 10 (Japan rì), I am waiting in the company."

The two people have been shaking a attitude, which is here, Zhou Weikun's phone is ringing, "My student is coming."

Zhou Weikun took the phone to let his students directly upstairs to Meng Quan room. After about five minutes, He Yiping opened the door, Meng Qian saw a woman wearing fashion, makeup, (body shēn) hot woman, in This dress wearing a short skirt will be pointed out in the era of point, this dress is rare.

However, the most fascinating is not the accident of Zhou Weikun, is actually a (sex xìng), but Meng Qian always feels the inexplicable eyes of this woman in front of the woman, it seems to have seen.

Until the other party's self-reported home, Meng Qi hit it out, the woman in front of me, is the first female manager in the Xiangjiang Broker, who is behind Chen, is called the first female manager in history. The Xiangjiang Media called the first executive of the Emperor Entertainment, Hoiwen.


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