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"Meng He, you listen to me ... Boss, I will explain with Kangheng is innocent ..." Wei Pengtian followed the explanation of Manta in Meng Qian.

After the award, there is a 15-minute rest time, mainly the stage needs to be adjusted, and give everyone a buffer time, 15 minutes later is the release of the new game.

Meng Qian came to the background in the 15-minute time, giving Kang Heng sent a blessing, "Congratulations, Hey, this is given to you Wei Peng's brother, 200 hours free obligation overtime coupons, there is also a chance to turn during use Double, if lucky, maybe it is a final obligation to overtime. Thank you for your care of you all the way. "

"Meng Zhong ... is really not what you think ..."

Meng Qian took the shoulder of Wei Pengtian, "This is your good brother, Kangheng's good brother."

"You are a small child!" Looking at Meng Qian left the background, Wei Pengtian gave him a foot, "You don't mean that Meng is always the most important brother in your life? What is your name on the stage ?! "

"I originally wanted to say Meng Qian brother, but I remembered the mouth. He said before telling me that I didn't mention my relationship with him in public. Otherwise, some people will say it is a shady, and they will kill all of us. Work hard, so you are cheaper. "

Wei Pengtian didn't know why a favorite of a favorite, "Cheap me? Laozi's overtime pay you lost me!"

Kang Heng's face is disappearing to give him the 200-hour overtime coupon to Wei Pengtian's hand. "Are you a pig brain? No wonder the game is so dish."

Wei Peng suddenly, then he was written on the card, "Wei Pengtian, thank you for your care."

Going back, Wei Peng is not laughing, "Ok, I may be a pig brain."

Kangheng looked at Wei Pengtian, turned over his card, "200 hours of overtime pay will be in Kangheng's championship bonus, as you give him a gift, after all, you are also his brother."

Wei Peng Tian: ITM ...

After 15 minutes, the stage is fine-tuning. Meng Qian is still sitting in the audience. Today's new game will be hosted by Gu Junhui. Now Meng Qian is to make the employee have never come out. Attitude.

Gu Junhui came to Taiwan to simply describe a new game is a new concept that is completely different from the current popular game, and said that the development cycle of this game is two years.

Meng Qian is very careful to pay attention to every detail of Gu Junhui. The wind group will regularly develop in the future, and it is necessary to select some executives with stage charm. For example, Ding Mingyuan, Meng Qian found that his speech is very uncomfortable. Speech on the big stage, the people listening to the thief are uncomfortable.

After a paving, the true capacity of the new game finally appeared on the big screen.

This is a game poster. There are a lot of stylish young people dance on a stage of a campus, there are three big characters above the poster: Audition.

"This is the new game of our big wind and entertainment," Audition ", a new type of game of music dance class, this game is more leisure, simpler than" God "and" The Battle of the Gods ". However, there is an unlimited exploration and wider social significance.

For example, we can see that there is a dance square, player square, commercial plaza, and our own home after entering the main interface of the game.

"Audition" wants to achieve more than just a game, but a breakthrough in game life, we want to let the players find the shadow of life in the game, and achieve a true sense of truly through the game, with belonging Virtual world. "

Gu Junhui began to describe a vivid virtual world on the stage. Players can build their own home with their partners. You can play with friends. You can also make friends in the four seas in the game, talk about all kinds of topics here, of course Less the core of the game, dancing here, and feel happiness through music and dance.

Meng Qian listened to the neckstown under the stage, and his ability to tell Gu Junhui's story has been further recognized.

"Said so much, many people are definitely curious, how can this game play? Is there any difference between him and what we usually play with the dancing machine?

Then we will showcase gameplay on site, let us first use the applause welcomes our "Audition" game spokesperson! "

The gaming spokesperson, it is a later generation, but now there is still a popular thing, with the focus of the spotlight, the scene remembered a shouted applause, the "Audition" game spokesperson is one of the four kings. Guo King.

At the scene, there is a familiar music. In 2001, because the movie "romantic cherry blossom" is fire, it's a song of Sakura, Guo Tianshi danced. La Shuo's song, but in him On the big screen behind, it is the role in the strengthening group to complete this song through the direction key.

With the song of the Sakura, the scene of the Sakura enters the side of the song, and many people have swayed with songs, especially some of Guo Tianwang's fans send a burst of screams.

After the game, the scene once again appeared again. This is a new game conference mode of the star performance plus on-site interaction plus on-site display, and the release will be pushed to **.

After the dance, Gu Junhui first interviewed Guo Tianwang and asked his feelings and ideas. As a spokesperson, he must tell the game.

Guo Tianwang said that he usually actually played games, but it was attracted after touching the dance group, because it is very interesting to think that this game is very interesting, you can combine music dance and games, such a practice not only brings players The gaming experience is also a valid channel for the communication of music.

After a praise, Guo Tianwang spoiled in the applause, and then he was forwarded to Gu Junhui for further explanation, such as this game contained more than 1,000 songs.

The next link is the character image of the game, and a major specialty of "Audition" is the image of the characters. Because whether it is "God Biography" or "The Battle of the Gods", some of the ancient gods, the demon. What, although the image is designed, it is more pleasing, but it has a feeling of nothing.

But "Audition" is different, although the character styling is still a more dynamic, but it is the model foundation of modern people. When seeing these people above "Audition", it will give players stronger generation and kindness. sense.

As for the clothing store, Gu Junhui did not showcase directly on the spot, but mentioned this thing, as for what kind of clothing, let the players go to the game.

Finally, the game's online time is at 10:00 on the next day.

On the evening, the "Audition" conference's downtime was quickly passed to the Internet, and the game content and game content of "Audition" were also quickly passed on.

However, from the beginning of the netizen response, everyone's dispute is relatively large.

Especially some gamers of "God Biography" and "Battle of the Gods", the opinions are still a bit big.

"What game? Casual game? This is not like the wind and entertainment consistent style."

"I feel a particularly cheap game, spent two years of development? Is it a bit funny?"

"This game is prepared for female players? It's a bit disappointed. I haven't heard that the big wind entertainment may have a 3D game this year, or like a hard-core game style, this very small family The game makes people feel uncomfortable. "

Everyone has their own preferences, for some kinds of players who specialize "God Biography" and "Battle of the Gods", suddenly faced such a game, how much is indeed, after all, the wind entertainment It is a new game, and I have to wait another year for them.

However, when some people expressed disappointment and even some people put forward to write a book name to protest, Great wind entertainment did a marketing activity: challenge dislike.

The content of this event is to let everyone play a magical dance group, then evaluate the game or not fun, if you evaluate it is not fun, players who have brought out their opinions can get a reward, reward is a lucky draw, the prize is the least 5 dollars Great wind entertainment game universal point card or wind credit, the highest is 1000 yuan.

If you only give 5 dollars, many people may be too lazy, but at least it can attract a group of people to participate, especially in this time, more than a small and cheap, but also compare this era of drawing. And in fact, Meng Qian really did not make a fake. According to the probability of code design, it really has a chance to get 1000 yuan award.

"Great wind entertainment is not equal to white delivery?" Online discussion, "It is not fun to be a subjective thing, evaluate, nothing, as long as you can write, you can get 5 Powder, no one will comment is not fun. "

"The brain is not normal to comment."

"Just, fun will also say it is not fun, big wind entertainment is equal to sending money."

"Because there is a limit." So there is a problem, "" Only the first 100,000 comments can draw, and must take at least 10 full-time people to comment. "

"But even if everyone is at least for the least five yuan, there are more than 500,000 people."

"Yeah, and more than 100,000 people are a lot, but they are idle, I will try my breath tomorrow."

"That is, the wind group has money, I heard that it is a few billion to make a year, 500,000 Mei rain, since the boss is willing to make money, we will make this money, we don't lose money."

"The right to say, brothers, see Tomorrow, Tomorrow."


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