Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 273 moves life into the game

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In 2003, New Year's Day, 9:55 am, Jinshen is in your own Internet cafes, and many people have discovered the "Audio" client, silently waiting.

Jin Yu installed a melon in the pocket, and wandered around him, be a qualified squad. Many people in this era will put the melodies in the pocket, it is convenient, and it is very little to see that young people will do it.

"How long is it going to play?"

"A song for three or four minutes, left half an hour."

"For five dollars, is it worth it?"

"There is a thousand, no matter what to say, the big wind entertainment has given a lot of lottery activities."

"This is, at least the big wind entertainment all the lottery will announce the winning rate, this is the only company I have ever seen, and the game ID before before, will be announced, protect the true information of the other party, but also give everyone The opportunity to verify. "

"Well, the winners of the grand prize before, so I am still interested in the lottery activities launched by Great wind."

"Ten ten o'clock, fast game."

Log in to register, everyone is already very skilled.

"Enter the game world, choose Dance Square." There is a quick speed in the Internet cafes that the gameplay will begin to explain to others, reducing everyone's time spending.

"Which room will we enter?"

"I will fight ten, don't have to be together, I have a single brush, and I have just finished the prize" The Battle of the Gods "and dragons."

"But you can build a room, we can't get a room."

"I have entered the room of others, the room is much more, it seems that many people are coming to the lottery."

"What song is your room?"

"Zhou Tea's Peninsula Iron Box."

10 minutes later...

"What is the lying in the trough, how do I get the bottom!"

"What are the demon ghosts? The hand is so fast?"

"You can't do it, I have two first first."

"Let me see, your uncle, you play human mode, silly bī), you."

"Laozi still didn't believe it, so I can't play this game."


20 minutes later.

"Finally, the third, this thing is still practicing the practice."

"You are the third? Yes, I am only fifth, I will try it."

"You try the flower of Sakura, there is also a special effect."

"Special effect? ​​What special effect?"

"I am going, is this cool?"

"There are a lot of special effects in the game, 10 times perfect, 20 perfect have special effects, and there is a solo dance, it is a bit mean. This game."


After 30 minutes.

"Drip, Fu Su Su Su asks to add your friends."

"Well? There is a personal plus my friend."


"Don't know, I look at the information, it seems to be a sister."

"Little brother, you are so powerful, can you bring me."

"I wiiled, what is this? Your kid actually took two first?"

"I learned the speed of the old man in more than ten years, you know a piece of hair."

"Let your sister send a picture to see!"

"Rolling, you come over."


40 minutes later.

"How many?"

"I don't know, no number."

"This is not a record, I am going to you, is it, is it stupid, hurry to evaluate."

"I have forgot this, it is fun, fun."

"Hey! I rely on your pig's brain, choose not fun to draw!"

"I forgot, the next consciousness is more fun ..."

"Forget it, you have five dollars on your luck, I still have to prove your own speed today."

50 minutes later.

"I built a guild, everyone added it, and the first batch of construction will definitely be beneficial."

"Yes, the first batch of" The Battle of the Gods "is full of fire."

"I just built a good guild applied."

"It seems that there is automatic match, some people come to add."

"No, what is the construction of the official meeting, isn't it only ten?"

"Who is talking?"

"Someone talks? Didn't hear it, the guild hurrys people."


1 hour later.

"I opened a team game, the team's gold coins reward high, can change the gold coin costume."

"Take later, the game is not fully understood."

"There are Laozi to take you, Xiao Suu said that you want gold coins to buy clothing."

"Little Su Su? Are you doing so soon?"


70 minutes later.

"This clothing is good, change this."

"Good look, look good, so look."

"You are revealing, is there a little taste, I don't know?"

"What kind of do you do, hurry to open the game."

"Waiting for the will wait, pick the costume."

"A bunch of big masters pick the clothing, do it with the mother ... lying in the slot, this, this black short skirt, this look!"


100 minutes later.

"Come to Player Square, here is a bit meant."

"This is ... I simulated everyone in the city."

"Direct speech in the city, you can talk to strangers, you can choose private chat, you can also choose to speak, you can talk to you, you can chat with you."

"You can also enter a specific topic scene, everyone can talk about common topics together."

"Use the network to put the shame and embarrassing in real life, close the relationship between strangers, big wind entertainment is too cattle bī)?"

"And also automatically shield some swearing words, you see, I can't display the warning if I swear."

"This design is too cattle, and the wind entertainment will always be in the forefront of the creative!"


3 hours later.

"Leisure Square can have some small games outside the dance."

"Small games can get some game props, interesting."

"I have a little a little understanding that I said at the press conference yesterday," Audition "is not simply a dancing game, he made the entire game into a world, but this world's protagonist is a group of people who like dancing."

"You have a literary, simple, this is a big concept of this game, and you can also take such a big world."

"I feel I can stay in this game all day."


8 hours later.

"Tiandu is dark, we are at least" the battle of the gods "to brush each task."

"Also, first brush" the battle of the gods ", otherwise the mission is broken."

"I said with Xiao Suu."

"You are almost!"


9 hours.

"Do you find that" Audition "is not to think about this thing."

"It's really, it's a bit on the head, and I don't play it without playing."

"It's very similar to a reality, I can't say it."

"I just want to say a big wind and entertainment bī), really too cattle bī)."

"Are you written by your game comments? It is recommended to write this?"

"I chose fun."

"me too."



Yanyin time ten o'clock, in a office in Nintendo, rock and palace is sitting together to look at the players' evaluation of the "Audition", and they also spent an afternoon playing this game. .

What happened in Huaxia, the same country in Goryo and Neon.

"Great wind entertainment has to open a new game of a fire." Rocks gave his evaluation.

"This is Meng Qian, this is the wind group." Miyamao looked at the world interface in the computer desktop, "The world knows that he will win the market by innovation, but he is able to successfully lead the era. "


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