Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 275 Browser Events

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In 2003, New Year's Eve was January 31, so in January, all over the country began to enter the festive atmosphere of the New Year, the wind group also reduced a certain task arrangement, so that the employees slowly slow down the rhythm. New Year.

However, in this month, in addition to the annual meeting, the wind group also had two more important things, the first thing happened to the browser event at the beginning of the month.

Speaking of browsers, because there are too many browsers in the later generation, so many people may not think that the browser is a technology content, and even feels that the browser is just a normal application software.

In fact, in fact, in 2003, a browser, especially a full-scale development browser is a big event.

Since the 1990 Tim invented the first web browser, the browser's development was started from the net viewer 1.0 that appeared in 1994. The Netscape Browser as the most browser, the market share is as high as 90. %.

However, the good view is not long, because Netscape has to face Microsoft this opponent, Microsoft acquires Spyglass, released the world's well-known IE browser, and Microsoft's method of defeating net view is also very simple, system binding.

Each computer with a Windows system comes with IE browser, Net view naturally is not Microsoft's opponent, and after the net view was helpless, a batch of browser companies appeared in the rain, and the result is facing More opponents, Microsoft has developed better. From January 3, 2003, Microsoft just came out, Microsoft's IE browser market share reached 95%.

After a round of competition, the IE browser has become an absolute king. In the past few years, the browser that has emerged has also exited the market. From 2003, IE browser has achieved 95% market share. Its peak, because the next two years, Firefox appeared, and in a few years, Chro is now.

On January 5, 2003, Microsoft announced a grand celebration after the market share of IE browsers, and made a crazy propaganda, and they can't let the world know its success.

After all, netizens didn't have a prophet. Many people think that IE browser can't be defeated, because in everyone's opinion, other companies do not have a browser, it is impossible to be better than IE, but Microsoft has system binding, now There have been 95% of market share, how can someone possible to defeat him?

This is like 2019, some people say that there will be a company to develop a kind type game to defeat the king's glory, many people will not believe, because everyone thinks that Penguin WeChat and QQ bindings are difficult to break through other companies. In addition, the king has such a big market share, in addition to lol mobile game, everyone is hard to imagine what game may defeat the glory of the king.

This is the interesting place in the technology industry. Many you feel impossible. After turning over history, you will find true happening, the technology industry, everything is possible.

Therefore, many times, the more people don't understand the people in the technology industry, the more I can't go beyond the country.

In addition to unmanned enemy, many media also played the title of unattended challenge, but I don't know if it is a manuscript written by Microsoft.

In the celebration feast of the IE browser, Joseph's Joseph's Joseph, accepts the thumbs up from everyone.

"To be honest, Netscape is really a respectable opponent."

"This is not my credit, this is the credit of the whole team."

"At the beginning, we responded in time, but our Microsoft has mastered the core system, and no one is our opponent in computer applications."

Joseph seems to be modesty, and some other companies have a little envious, Microsoft relies on a system, it is really rampant.

So the people still can't help but want to take a few words, "Mr. Joseph, I heard that ILL has developed a browser and reduced the memory of memory, but also enhanced, I don't know if Ie browser will have this year. Great update? "

"Illa? For four years, how many browsers have been developed in ILLA? Every time it is better than us, the function is better than us, and the ILL has 25% of the market share, now only 2.5%. "Some of the slightly more Joseph not only ridicule," I still don't understand what the browser is.

Users use browsers, for the Internet, how much is the browser on the Internet? You account for a few megaby memory, add a few auxiliary functions, and the meaning is the meaning?

Not big, users need a safe, convenient, simple browser, we control the needs of consumers, this is enough, ILLA has been trying to defeat us from the perspective of the product, I can be This is clear here, with our cognition and understanding of the product of the browser, no one can beat us simply by the browser product gap, unless someone replaces our Windows system, but I I believe that it is more impossible. "

In the face of Joseph's confidence and even the big, many people can only smile, Microsoft's proud world knows, from top to bottom, it will not miss so much trend, but I learned Microsoft Culture and Microsoft. The management is actually understandable because Microsoft has been instilling an idea to employees, and Microsoft is the leader of the world's science and technology development, so as a leader, of course, others come to listen to us, which we listen to others.

If you want to let Joseph continue to continue, "the valuable company's MSN also uses the method of binding system. How can I always have a letter?"

The scene is once somewhat embarrassed.

I don't know if it is because of such a guide on the scene, after the feast, I have just appointed Ballmer of Microsoft CEO in 2000.

Internally praised Joseph, then Ballmer's eyes fell to Kevin, "How is Kevin, MSN's competition? How do I heard that the new version is still attractive?"

Kevin frowned, he knows that IE browser is a successful case of binding system, but MSN is a failure case of binding system. Many people now look at Kevin is not very cool, think he is a stain of Microsoft, Plus tonight is because MSN's failure Joseph will be shot at the scene. Everyone will see him more unhappy. "MSN is not the same, we are just in the same user group."

"Yes, then I hope that you can also grab the user group of Fengxin, can you do?"

Kevin was silent for a few seconds. He faced everyone's eyes. He also said that it was exported. "I think the company is not paying attention to our MSN project group, and the wind group is using all of us to compete with us."

"Do you determine that the Great Wind Group competes with you? It is said that the benefits of hyacinth is less than 20% in the gains of the wind group. This year may be lower, 10% do not necessarily have."

"The browser project group company also did not give too much help, and when I was just established, there were powerful opponents such as Netscape, why only your MSN project group has no results, and it has been in need."

Kevin suddenly felt very tired, "it's right."

At this moment, Ballmer's mobile phone suddenly rang. He looked at the mobile phone. There were some changes in the table. After a few seconds, it was a message, and Bauer missed a call, and then quickly a market The Director came to the room.

"What is going on?" Ballmer asked directly.

"Just confirmed again, it is the wind group of Huaxia, which released a browser and quickly promoted through the award and binding, and has attracted millions of people."

"Through some means to promote browsers, many companies have done, but users should have become accustomed to our browser, why should I labide emerged on the information?" Ballmer said indiscriminate.

The market director is embarrassed. "Because, because the netizen has evaluated after using the browser of the wind group, IE browser is **."

In an instant in the room, this is the second embarrassment tonight. Insight is Kevin sitting in the corner. I felt that I heard the ** was such a refreshing thing.


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