Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 276 is holding up to 90,000 miles

Time Go back on January 3, Microsoft high-profile announced the results and said that Meng Qian looked at the world about Microsoft, excited and excited.

Sitting in his opposite, Xiao Bo and Gu Junhui oppressed his eyes, Xiao Bo learned as the predecessors of the advanced company, and he opened, "Meng Qi, when the microsoft's head is the most prosperous, will it be a little unsuitable?"

"Is not suitable? According to the Great Breeze Group's plan, we are pure to death with Microsoft. I am not suitable for his competition." Meng Qian responded.

However, his arbitrarily made Xiao Bo and Gu Jun Hui's respective consciousness, or Xiao Bo saw, "Meng Da, how do you think that the company is a bit too big, want to make a more direct opponent?"

"Meng always thinks, we have passed the stage of ?" Gu Junhui added a sentence.

"What is the situation today?" Meng Qian looked at the two, "How is it so sensitive?"

Xiao Bo knows helplessness, "Not because you usually talk to always love half half leave half let us understand, we are used to thinking about it, after all, I don't have it, it is estimated that Microsoft can't be like this. "

Meng Qian smiled and shook his head. "I like to say half, more is to give you a bigger time to play space.

As for this matter, there is really no matter what you think, is a good business competition opportunity, you think, Microsoft will promote global high-profile promotion, this time if you can step on the momentum of Microsoft, this effect It is conceivable that how many promotionals are saved?

Microsoft is certainly not so suffering, but nothing is competitive, normal business competition we started with Microsoft, as long as he didn't touch his bottom line, he would not completely ignite the table, and won't ran to their Congress. Request support, the problem is not big, we are used to treating Microsoft as an opponent, do not have to be cautious, because it is destined to be a long-term opponent. "

Xiao Bo Knowledge and Gu Junhui thought about it and said that she asked Gu Junhui. "How did Meng always do?"

"Microsoft is not to celebrate the feast, it is estimated that when the public opinion is the hottest, we broke out a wave of user feedback at that time. As for what you want to attract a lot of users in a short time, what do you have any good idea? ? "

Gu Junhui, asked, seriously thinking about it for a long time, some embarrassment, "The browser is our new independent product. If you want to explode the number of users in a short time, you can only burn money."

Meng Qian turned his head to see Xiao Bo, "What do you think?"

Xiao Bo kneaded his finger, "I want to break out a short time, I can't think of a better way."

In fact, Meng Qian is also thinking about it, asking them two only to have some hope, "Then I have worked hard today, discuss a plan."

"Good." Xiao Bo is naturally gone with Gu Junhui.

When I waited for the Banquet of Microsoft, the hymn was once, and in this time, the hymn recommended the browser to all users and launched a browser new user award event.

Because this year, there is no binding mobile phone this way. The national networking system of the ID card is still not perfect, so there is no way to use the simplest and rude downloads, otherwise there will be many people brush.

Finally, Gu Junhui thought that after using the wind signal to log in to the browser, use the browser to get rewards, the rules are also very simple, that is, using the browser website will have rewards, but the reward is very small, each randomly Money, if the user keeps the brush station, it can be accumulated, and the total activity time is 12 hours.

If you have patient brush for 12 hours, you can also brush a small tens of dollars. According to the auspicious figure of each country, there will be a certain difference. This is mainly to avoid everyone's brush, and the user uses 100 wind signals and use. 1 wind signal brush is actually no difference.

And in order to seem to have more money, this reward is a wind credit and game card, because the browser does not need to select a specific user base, the browser is a batch of users. The number and feedback from these users can cause the public opinion response.

So those who are not rare and gaming and game card do not participate in this event. It doesn't matter for the wind group, but this is a big money to save the big wind group, because many players are improper than money , Actually spend a billion, really affecting some point cards are far from this number.

More thieves, if this money is placed in the usual sale, the wind group can get the money, because you want to pay a penalty for agents, especially foreign agents, and there is not much in the hands of the wind group.

As for the agent, it will not be unhappy, of course, but they have no way, after the corporate brand has been made, the agent is used to enterprises, you can do more, some people want to do, such a realistic, and Meng Qi's taking care of the agent. Some companies have begun to kick out some of the agencies in some areas, and the wind group did not do such a wolf and lungs, so in order to promote the product is rare to sacrifice. Everyone is a little interest, agents are still acceptable.

In the end, there are 17 in the world, with a total of 17 countries through the approval of the energy-line browser, the total amount of bonus pool in this 17 national wind group reached 200 million. And the money that truly spends out for millions of money.

Another quick outbreak user's channel is the browser of Internet cafes. After all, the big house is all the wind cafe management system of the wind group.

When the browser official line, when the user sees the browser of the wind group, the new experience started.

First of all, the browser icon of the wind group is very special. It is a pair of specially designed wings, and the browser's name is called the browser. It is meaningful in the Internet. The browser of the wind group is the big fish. It is about to turn to Dapeng, and the rock straight is 90,000.

After opening the Xu Peng browser, the most direct impact is still the interface. Microsoft is now in the market is Microsoft's first classic, IE6, a powerful but vulnerability huge return, bonus, APP download address XBZS ● Hold 6 years The browser, people who have used IE6 must remember the days that three different five download patches, but IE6's overall functionality really wants to have a lot of breakthroughs before generation.

Just in front of the Ju Peng browser

IE6 uses the traditional dark gray tone this year, giving people an inexplicable depression, and a large area under the address bar is completely wasted without being used. The function keys are very thick, like it is A piece of brick.

And the browser, the browser, the first change is the pressure-like color, which uses more comfortable sky blue, followed, reducing the invalid area, such as adding the collection sector below the address bar, just equipped with the browser, there will be a few tied Setting, of course, can be deleted, including the official website, Kyushu platform official website, platform, etc.

At the same time, the entire simple painting wind made everyone feel that there is a consistency with the style of the style, which is a very important consistency of all the products of the Great Breeze Group, and the company's style is very important. Sector.

Peng browser is equipped with a large number of auxiliary tools, such as screenshots, labels, translations, weather, fonts, reading modes, etc.

More importantly, the flow rate and web page refresh speed is used. The only way to affect the speed of the web refresh is the network speed. However, in this era, the browser is good, especially the pictures of the browser. Refresh speed, not only linked to the network speed, but also hook with the browser core.

When the user felt the Ju Peng browser, he completely refreshed everyone's views on the browser.

"Can the original browser still use so comfortable?"

"I have experienced anything over the years, I have always thought that IE is very good."

"We have been forced by Microsoft for so many years."

As Meng Qian guess, because Microsoft's propaganda of IE browser causes IE browser to be in the world's major media, at this time, with the user's large area of ​​IE browser, some original just follow the style. The media horses bought by Microsoft began to turn, because the media smell the taste of the traffic, a round of ambulance of the Ju Peng browser, IE is spurred by people, it becomes globally.

Microsoft spent tens of millions of meters of publicity fees and Microsoft's global influence, which became the best publicity foundation for Ju Peng browsers.

A few hours later, a French News Agency from the Western World News Agency issued a news, because its interesting title and content successfully swept the world and gave a global hot search list:

"IE browser or the biggest winner, users to download" IE browser "

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