Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 277 Foreign visit visitor team

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"What is going on!?" For Microsoft, this is obviously a sleepless night, and the browser stepped on the IE browser. It is picked up a global public opinion impact, and Microsoft is now unable to stop this.

In Microsoft's office, many people ran in and out, bringing some latest news from time to time.

"Is 5 billion?" Ballmer looked at the latest data almost wants to vomit blood. "The R & D cost of the Songpeng browser is only 500 million soft sister coins ?! Self-developed cores only 500 million soft sister coins !?

Several core employees of the IE browser R & D team are now in the office, watching the eyes of Ballmer murder, the heart is not panic, Microsoft has more than 100 million meters from IE4 to IE6, each year's investment funds exceeds 100 million meters, though there is It also includes operations such as operation, but the money spent in R & D should also have 100 million meters, not to mention the IE4, Microsoft has been a three-year basis. The three years of research and development investment is also a big number. Not counting the initial acquisition fee.

The birth of IE6, pure research and development costs should have about 300 million m.. As a result, the wind group spends 5 billion to make the independent kernel to hang IE, and several people in the IE browser R & D team are naturally issued. It is the problem of everyone's ability. If you can't understand the problem of corruption, you will never be greedy.

"Boss, Great Wind Group said that pure independently developed kernel does not mean self-research, I guess that he is sure that KHTML kernels, and claims to be independent research and development." Someone immediately found a reason.

"KHTML kernel? Then you tell me why their browser interface and can be different from the KHTML kernel browser on the market, and why do you have such a KHTML kernel?"

"This, from our experience, 500 million soft sister coins develop a browser core to the development of the browser, absolutely impossible." Several core technicians were filled with grievances.

"I know." There is a person suddenly caught a point. "The salary of the Chinese people is less than ten times lower than us, the same employee's same R & D cycle, their employee salary is much cheap than us."

This statement comes out, many people really feel that because the R & D costs are large, they are spent on employee salary.

But Ballmer apparently didn't think this reason made him psychological comfort, and the problem behind this reason, "What is the R & D capability of the wind group coming? A group of salary is only one tenth of employees, why R & D capability But more than you? Is I going to move Microsoft's R & D center to Huaxia? "

Everyone is silent, they are clear in their hearts, and things are developing to this point. I don't know anything.

As for the R & D capability of the Great Breeze Group, it is naturally moving from the future. The subsequent browser cores are open source, especially all browsers in Google, almost all browsers are all useful, which is also domestic browser. Based on the outbreak, there is an open source internal nuclear energy.

Although Meng Qian can't remember the entire kernel, some of the core things he had, plus the future browser design direction, he is still very clear, he is a architect, solving a lot of research and development work.

Looking at the silent people, Ballmer may break out at any time. "I don't want to listen to any reason, I just want to hear you tell me what you plan to do?"

"Boss, the browser of the Great Breeze is not no problem. You see this, the browser of the Great Wind Group has a large amount of compatibility." Joseph finally found a "good news" in a bunch of information on the table.

Many people don't understand why some websites have to be opened with IE browser. In fact, the reason is compatible, different browser core design is different, which leads to everyone will have compatible problems.

China did not know because of the IE browser in this age, in fact, in Omei, because netizens on the browser big mixer, the netizens used a variety of kernel types, so Oimi Many old netizens have experienced the same website to open a completely different page effect with different browsers.

This situation has been relatively better solved because of the development of technology. In addition, the domestic browser is used by Google's Chro, so everyone doesn't know that it is a core problem that the browser has always been. One, this also leads to some websites to open with IE browser, which is because only IE browser is compatible.

So Ballmer's compatibility with the online exposure is not to feel happy, including several technicians, although it is understood that Joseph's current heart is definitely poor, causing his brain that may not respond, but everyone is still Looking at Joseph, the more compatible problems with the Silitan browser, the more you really have, so much compatibility problems will there be so much compatibility.

"However." There is a technician who thought of. "We may use the system to create a little trouble to the wind group, his browser is good, you must run on our Microsoft system."

"We just finished the lawsuit!" Ballmer screamed, in 2001, Microsoft just finished the monopoly of several years, and finally naturally the Microsoft lost. At this time, if Microsoft continues to suppress the opponent through the system monopoly, only I am afraid that there will be a lot of trouble.

"You immediately give me a detailed research report on what browser of the wind group, I only want an answer, how much time we need to press the product to suppress their browser, now the system and the market are still In our hands, I hope that Microsoft does not raise a group of waste. "Ballmer gradually accepted reality.

The technicians have no way, and they have picked up huge stress, but their heart is actually very clear, this is not so simple.

However, when Microsoft is considering attacking the wind group from the angle of the product, the wind group is already considering another thing. Yanjing Time In January, Meng Qian met a foreign speaker in the wind group, including the old friend of the wind group, the representative of NTT, and representatives from Norway Opera, representatives from Russian Engine company Yandex, etc. people.

In these people who come today, Opera is also a browser, Opera browser, is also Ou Peng browser, the old three of the Netscape and Microsoft Competitive Age, with independent development Gecko kernel, Gecko kernel is also a browser The four major open hill cores, the true independent development kernel, of course, under Microsoft's system binding policies, the Ou Peng browser has not developed.

Therefore, such a group of visits seems to be a bit strange, there is a browser, but there is more than a browser. In fact, these companies have a common copy, that is, W3C, World Wide Web Alliance members, and today These companies of the Great Breeze Group have been a member of the board of directors of the World Wide Web.

And this is what Meng Qian asked them.

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