This chapter says that there are so many words, send a single chapter to respond to two things, the first thing is actually a single chapter in response, I don't know why so many friends always learn from the future and equal to the future equal sign.

The protagonist is definitely used to learn from the future product when designing the product. This time it is mentioned in this product. It is just a reference. It is not completely moving. It is the protagonist who can't afford it. Not a fool, some friends always think that the protagonist refers to the Jedi survival is the same Jedi S. Survival, the protagonist mentioned that Google browser is the same Google browser, of course it is impossible.

Therefore, I have to say that the picture of God is rough, and the Jedi survives will be far from the abstore, in fact, I am not very willing to say these but some friends think that what is it, I can only do this. Dressing over and over again, even if you have always repeated or someone pointing out that this product is impossible when I mention another future product ...

To be a product, it is definitely used to use the future. It is in line with the current background. It is impossible to move, and it is necessary to mention that some techniques are inevitable. It is not to say that this technology is extremely, as a 3D game engine, employee mentioned Is the light shadow effect is not normal, this is the core foundation of the 3D game engine, doing a 3D game engine does not study the light and shadow effect, what is the 3D game engine.

The European and American game factory didn't have a 3D game in 2003. The World of Warcraft in 2004 did not work hard in the light and shadow effect. Why did it get a hardware to talk about the light and shadow effect?

And it also specifically found the contrast of the Unreal 2 engine developed in the same year. It is obviously compared to the current technical level of the current situation, which is better than the current technology. This is the relationship between the future products. Buddy.

The light and shadow effect of people in people will not be restricted by hardware, and the team will not be done by hardware restrictions? Or do you think that because of your family is better than people, I will meet the hardware bottleneck right away? The protagonist team is better, it's too good ...

There is also a friend who said that the easiest neural network is running in this era. First confuse the concept of neural network, and after the 90s, it began to run the neural network in the application (if there is a doubt The skirt is discussed with me).

So there is no problem with others, the protagonist is limited to hardware, this logic I really don't understand.

Moreover, the team also puts forward the graphics card revolution, and the team is clear that the better hardware to be developed will limit. Otherwise, why do they have to make a card revolution, if pure software can hang others, they also let the protagonist to do what hardware.

Borrowing is just a reference, such as the gameplay, such as Google's simpleness, this is two things like a future generation, if it is a Google browser that will move, it is impossible for a year, no Say 30 million lines of code, so many details of the things are too time.

The browser made by the protagonist just borrowed some of the best advantages in the moment, plus the team, plus some techniques to buy at the time (this later will mention it), this browser will also have millions of lines of code, very Rough (and there are many problems, the two chapters will be mentioned), the abuse IE6 is enough, and I'm really garbage), I really want to get the future, and are definitely a drop-back product.

And the interface optimization, I have consulted a few friends who made UI, they tell me the most lack of interface design that the world is the user's feelings, because the user feels not disconnected, it is necessary to change again and again. After the trial, it was summarized. At that time, there was no long-term development, and everyone did not have this experience.

Therefore, it is certainly useful to use this experience as a heavy yield, and the main horizontal optimization is sure to use around the user's feelings rather than purely, it is certainly useful, no user will refuse better user feelings. (This is the reason why I spent a point in the wind interface to explain the reason for the user's feelings, that is, the interface optimization to express the protagonist is made around the user.)

The second thing is to take the name. Anyway, I am very accepting the number one, but I want to say that people have a problem, this is, the character is set, I have set a name to the protagonist Like meaningful, you will find the role of mythical background, so he must do this, otherwise people collapse.

As for the problem that is not conducive to promoting or writing, I personally think is that I have seen it, just like Huawei's mountain sea, some people feel romantic, and some people feel that they do not meet the hardships of technology companies.

As a boss, it is also normal to take some personal preferences when I take the name, and I realize that I also realize that I will take the name, I will like someone who doesn't like it, I was smashed directly with a microelectronics. I took a microelectronics and still was awkward.

In recent time, I will be discovered by a book. I will be disliked. I will go to the author to go to the author. I have found that many authors have resonance. It turns out that everyone has encountered such a problem. Oh, I still specially Let's, Apple started this name in the United States.

So I want to understand, I will sprinkle, how to take the name, some people like someone, I don't like it, after all, everyone is different, but the protagonist must have his people and his initial heart, he wants to name the mythical background, he wants each The name is meaningful, this is his initial heart, then you must stick to it.

Thank you for your favorite friends. I am sorry for my friends who don't like it, but I still want the protagonist to give the product name, give each product name to the meaning, insist on him.

Finally, I said a word, I just saw a passage, especially feeling, giving me a big heart, can be said to help me get out of this book for a long time, and I also give this sentence to everyone. : Most of the people who blame you, don't want you to do yourself, but want you to do what he likes, but every person who blames you is not the same, in fact, people only do itself Can you live a wonderful thing.

So, thank you all the way to support me to make my friends, thank you, I hope everyone can do itself.

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