Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 278 Wanwang Alliance

Wanwei Union, everyone is usually called W3C. It is a most famous international standardized organization established in 1994. It can be said that the core standards related to the Internet are basically made by the Wanwei Union. If you want to engage in interconnections, you must follow the World Wide Union. Standard work.

W3C is a neutrality, standard formulation organization, which has been led by the Cooperation of the European Popular Physics Research Institute, supported by the Ministry of National Defense and the European Commission. As for neutrality, no one knows.

However, it can be determined that Microsoft and IBM and other W3C will have a new standard to defeat the opponent directly in accordance with the new standard.

Therefore, the W3C itself may be indeed neutralization, but the member of W3C can do what kind of thing can do through rules.

As for Huaxia, I entered W3C very late. In 2006, W3C set up the first office in Huaxia, and I started no say in China. Later, as Huaxia Internet broke out, BAT successively entered W3C, and the words of Huaxia were gradually. And until 2013, W3C included Yanjing Airlines into the list of main agencies, and Huaxia became one of the four main organizations of W3C.

But in the history of Huaxia Enterprise in W3C in the board of directors, there is only one family in history, that is, Alibaba, and has to wait until 2015.

Therefore, the large number of basic standards established in the three years have started to develop, and there is no relationship with Huaxia. Huaxia Enterprises have no opportunity to use this organization like Microsoft IBM to seek private gains, can only be used as leeks.

There is another impact that W3C has established a huge global interconnection circle, and the circle has experienced a balanced development for more than ten years.

That's why BAT has developed in China, but it seems that it has always been difficult to develop a market in foreign countries. Especially the penguins and whiteness have not established their own advantages abroad. The horse and photo vanes will mention penguins in later generations. The income is basically relying on the domestic market.

Is the BAT technological innovation is not innovative in other countries? A key point is that in the first ten years of international interconnection, BAT has not entered the game, missed this circle, and ordinary individual doing business, but also to talk about the circle, not to mention the interconnection giant.

Therefore, Huaxia Internet Company has been advertised in innovation ability. It is very difficult in international competition. Only Alibaba is not bad, this is a lot of basic reasons.

After all of the afternoon, Meng Qian took a short group exchange with eight business representatives, indicating that everyone's face reasons, although everyone knows, all the people in each other, eight people in the evening, the entire representative of their respective companies All the groups called, Meng Qian first invited everyone to eat dinner and let them take a break. After all, it is tired, and today does not communicate in the past.

Wait the next day, because the past day is almost the same, Meng Qian directly said that the topic, Meng Qian is going to talk about today, is one of the most important standards that W3C's future formulation, HTML5.

HTML is a language description method for building a web. At the beginning of 2003, this standard is HTML4 that may often see.

But Meng Qian discussed HTML5 in 2003, it is actually particularly deliberate, because in 2003, the emergence of XForms technology made W3C to abandon html, but HTML was abandoned by W3C, many companies did not abandon more I didn't want to abandon. These include these companies that come to the wind group today. Because the HTML standard is advantageous for them, it also mentioned above, companies can make private interests by playing standards.

Therefore, in 2004, the WHATWG organization was taken by Microsoft, Apple, Conghua, and Opera. The establishment of this organization is to study HTML5, until 2006, benefit from the achievements of WHATWG organizations and some giant companies, W3C After research, put the center of gravity in HTML again, then there was an HTML5 standard.

There is no W3C office in Huaxia in this year, and I want to enter W3C. First, I will apply for an email, write a clear company, I want to enter W3C, what is the specific strength.

Another way is the recommendation of the old member, so in the above-mentioned big context, Meng Qian gave a group of WHATWG organizational members to the WHATWG organization, because everyone has probably knows that HTML is to be abandoned by W3C. Suddenly some people say that the technology that can promote the development of HTML5 standards will have their own curiosity.

At the same time, because the company is a wind group, some companies have their own selfishness, Meng Qian is indeed mentioning other things in the invitation, so, these eight companies have come to the wind group, that is, for HTML5 is also for other things.

Although Meng Qian invited a company not coming, it can be so much, Meng Qian is also content. After all, the global influence of the wind group has not yet reached that.

In addition to NTT, Opera and Yandex, the other five companies are neon national soft silver, Gaoli Samsung, Germany SAP, Swedish Ericsson and Finland Nokia.

On the morning of January 9, Meng Qian first made Ding Mingyuan to grasp the scale of the eight business delegation to the research results of the Great Wind Group on HTML5, which mentioned several core advantages of HTML5, including multi-threaded operation, cross-platform advantage Powerful features in the multimedia and positioning fields.

Ding Ming is not suitable for a stage speech, but it is very suitable for technical speeches. When he talks, it can believe his professional ability.

And Ding Ming is very powerful, it seems to have been said a lot, and in fact, the core thing is not revealed.

"When I was eating last night, I listened to a few mentioned that W3C's trend seems to be resistant to HTML5, but our Great Breene Group believes that HTML5 will be more suitable for the development trend of the interconnection." Ding Mingyuan completed the technical explanation, Meng Qian's way, "So we The wind group wants to enter the HTML5 working group, and the next seminar is still a few months, maybe we can change something. "

W3c has a board, an advisory committee, a committee, a workgroup, an interest group and other departments, and a working group is similar to a project group.

These don't hesitate to create a new organization, to engage in HTML5 standard enterprises, see the techniques proposed by the Great Breeze Group, have some tilting in the heart of the wind group to enter W3C.

At the same time, Meng Qian also took advantage of another company's research and development muscles, so that everyone saw the research and development results in the Great Breeze Group in another field.

Several corporate representatives have said a few sentences, Meng Qian also cooperated with a plentiful words, so-called for the development of the interconnection, everyone is a ghost.

Join W3C to pay a member fee of millions of meters each year, and everyone squeezes the head and wants to go, where is it so many saints ...

Big Bife Group's own application, in addition to the recommendation of these companies, especially Opera is still a board member, entering W3C, this is basically ten nine stable, but the key is that from the business relationship, there are several companies with the wind. The group is a competitive relationship, such as Opera.

The other party is willing to be willing to do this, it is still not good.

So I have a lunch in the afternoon, Meng Qian began "opening a small meeting", his first business representative, is from Opera's vice president O'Dodia.


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