Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 279 Layout Europe

"The kernel of Meng Zheng, the kernel of the Zhipeng browser, are you ready to open source?" Odin came to Meng Qian's office and said it was very straightforward.

These two days of Meng Qian also got some questions about the character of these people. This is the negotiating style of Odin, and there is something to say, don't engage in the curved channel.

"Do not open source." Meng Qian shaped a direct reply.

"That Meng always means in the invitation letter, what does it mean?" Odin finally asked her question.

Meng Qian's mouth is slightly rising, "We only free to your company."

Au Dede is a bit tight, "What does Meng always mean?"

"From the current situation, our strong wind group is a direct competitor of your company, right?"

Odin has to nod, "it is true."

"But I have further analyzed the current market, I think the relationship between us may not be so nervous, even, we can become a good partner."

O'Ddin is staring at Meng Qian's eyes. "Everyone is a browser, how to become partners? And Meng Bi should be very clear, our company only concentrates on doing browsers, do not involve other industries, this will lead to us without other The industry can work together. "

Meng Qiao shook his head, "though we did it, but our market did not seem so contradictory, this time we only launched a browser in 17 countries, but it is because we can only be here now. The country is online, and we have suffered a lot in the development of Omei, but according to what I know, Opera has encountered many problems in the development of Asia.

So I am thinking, the browser is produced such a production, who can eat such a big cake in the global market? Especially the East and West Enterprises will encounter obvious dilemmas when entering the other party's territory. In this case, why don't we change a thinking, abandon the traditional competition ideas, consider strong union? "

O'Ddine really seriously thinks about Meng Qian's proposal, "Can Meng Men's more specific?"

Meng Qian nod, "We all have your own kernel, we all have their own advantages, but at the same time, we also have their own wicks. I am now the first thing to consider is complementary, we all have you have a deep tillage. Market, but now in Microsoft's system binding strategy, our market development has encountered unequal competition.

At this time, if we continue to fight, the final result is very likely that our wind group will become the next scene, and you don't have any great counterattack, because it is directly, if you have the ability to fight Microsoft's system Binding, this has been manifested in these years.

In order to better competition, I even considering the implementation of cooperative research and development, the recent performance of the Ju Peng browser proves that when the output is sufficient enough, it is possible to seize the market, but how to ensure the production advantage for a long time? In this era of unfair competition, can we consider temporary and put down the competition, everyone will take a better supply, develop better production, and improve our common market competitiveness? "

O'Ddine fell into the Meng Qian's office, and the negotiations with Europeans were indeed the same as Asians, especially the East Asian negotiations.

"Meng Da, I want to ask you a matter, I don't know if it is inconvenient."

"Mr. Odin asked,"

"I heard that your browser research and development cost is 5 billion, the research and development cycle is more than a year, but we have a salary of Huaxia employees, spend so much money in a year, your browser research and development team has a few Thousands? "Microsoft's employees found in China's wages, and Opera's people also realized.

This time I changed Meng Qian silent, he knows that the truly meaning of Otin is to further know the specific insider of the R & D of the Ju Peng browser. However, this 5 billion flowers can really say that because it will be dug out later "Mr. O'Don, the browser research and development team of our wind group did not even have thousands, only a few hundred people.

But one thing, first, when calculating our strong wind group employee salary, you can't refer to our average salary, because our company's employees are more than 145 hours.

Of course, even if it is not enough to be 50 billion, this money has a large part, flowers in the purchase of patents. "

O'Don's eyes have changed significant changes, "the core of the wind group is actually not completely original."

"You is a browser, you should be very clear, there are many things in the browser's core, 100% pure original kernel, even if your company is four major kernels, can't you do it? But you will not have so many patents so many patents, and you can use it. "

"It is no wonder that the browser has not heard any patent prosecution after coming out, so your browser kernel is a part of the existing patent, which is effective in innovation in these technologies."

"The most important thing is our employees because they fight."

"The diligence of the Chinese people, I have been here." There is sincere respected expression in Otind, "Whose patents do you buy?"

"In addition to Microsoft, don't only open source,"

"It is also." Odin can not help but smile, "Great wind group can use the open source kernel to use the core patent and create a set of browser kernels, this is the future?"

"Because the wind group is ready to confront to Microsoft." Meng Qian's expression became cold, "Mr. Octo, the future market is really big, but by Microsoft use this means to monopolize the market, you really Will you? We should create a relatively fair competitive environment before talking about competition? "

This is actually very pulling, if you can monopolize, Opera is not allowed to monopolize, what fair, but in the stage of monopolizing oppression, that is, it is necessary to hange up, and the so-called teacher is not the first station to morality.

People, all like this, while Qiu Feng hopes that yourself get rich.

And Meng Qian wants to cooperate with Opera. In fact, more gambling. He gambling is Opera's ability. To know that in 2003, Opera's employees talented 500 people, but such a company, Not only in the Microsoft Scenic Wars, it also created a market value of 2.5 billion meters in the next five years, and even became the world's largest mobile phone browser card.

And Opera resources have always been a mystery. He is not only one of the most "poor" board members in W3C, but the only company in the later generation almost all hardware companies and system companies in the world, although everyone is very curious about him. How did you do it, but he did it.

Therefore, in order to compete with Opera, Meng Qian feels better to cooperate. On the one hand, Meng Qian does feel the feasibility of cooperation, the market is true, the technology is also true, Meng Qian has been exhausted in this browser. His prophet, the Ju Peng browser is actually a lot of shortcomings, just a time still reflects, but this is clear.

In addition, Microsoft really spends a rebound, and the company will not be able to hold Meng Qian, because Meng Qian's prophet can help things can help.

On the other hand, Meng Qian also has a very important purpose. The first two years of wind groups are mainly looking for allies in neon, and in these years, the wind group needs to lay the right European ally.

Meng Qian seems to Opera's resources and its future in Europe.


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