After further communication, it is interested in the cooperation, because everyone's biggest enemy is indeed Microsoft, Microsoft is not dead, and everyone will eventually pave the way for IE.

But such a big thing (love qíng) must not make a decision immediately. Ododia said that I need to communicate with the other high levels of the company. Meng Qian means that he communicates.

After O'Din, Meng Qian did not have a chance to rest, and immediately saw representatives from Germany SAP, SAP, European, the only business in Europe, more than 50 billion meters, known as the final card of the European Technology Industry.

Meng Qian wants to find allies in Europe, naturally it is impossible to let go such a company.

After the representative of SAP, I sent my mobile phone to Meng Qian and said that the phone is the CEO Husou at this time. Hasso is the CEO of SAP1997 to 2003 and is also the company R / 3 total architect.

After Meng Qian took the phone, he said a little cold and said a few words. It was unfortunately because of the work, it couldn't personally arrived in Huaxia. I was enough to visit Meng Qian. Then Hass did not talk about it. Talk to the technology.

Meng Qian guess Hassi should hear that this chairman is also a general architect of several core products of the company, I want to try my own depth.

Fortunately, Meng Qi Jin is not afraid of fire, just accompano it, after confirming Meng Qian's strength, Hassi's tone is like a bit more polite, "Mr. Meng, I heard that the wind group Is the design idea on ERP software and CRM software authorized? "

"Of course, technology is developed, and it is better to take it out with you."

"So, can we purchase authorization to the wind group?"

"Our design can enter SAP's eyes, is our honor." Meng Qian officially held a sentence.

"Meng Mong is too modest." Hasor said this time sometimes change, Meng Qian estimates that the table (love Qíng) of Haso will definitely not look good, Oracle has added R & D funds to make its own design, SAP This is also the case, especially the ERP system, SAP, the long-term world first, decided to purchase authorization to the wind group, to say that he is absolutely impossible, "That specific acquisition details, our market directors Laura with Menglang Total docking. "

"Mr. Haso is a little more." Meng Qi's right hand holds her mobile phone, and the left hand is touched. "I think the wind group has a bigger business with SAP to talk about."

In the opposite, a short silence is caught, "What is the business of Meng always said?"

Meng Qian responded with a very firm tone. "I hope SAP can try our big wind group database."

Haso has been silent again. SAP has more than 10,000 service companies worldwide. The number of customers now has more than 5,000, and has a large number of world five hundred international giant business customers, once SAP uses the Database of the Great Wind Group, Its influence can be imagined.

This is the reason why Hasor is silent. This is too big, it is impossible to promise, but if Meng Qian's words, Haso is committed to the scruples of scruples (love Qíng), seeing the opposite side, Meng Qian had to take the initiative, "Mr. Haso, everyone knows that SAP has been using Oracle database, but in the past two years, you start using IBM and Microsoft's database.

The external rumor said that this is because Oracle's ERP software and CRM software development leads you to become a competitor. It is, IBM and Microsoft are also doing corporate software, not to mention in the mall, competitors procurement is normal. (Love Qíng), this reason is really savvy.

I guess, the contradiction between your company with Oracle, is definitely not just a competitive relationship is so simple? "Meng Qian is in betting, history SAP shifts from Oracle database to Microsoft and IBM databases, is said because Oracle's competitive relationship with SAP.

But Meng Qian is now gambling, is the loneliness of SAP, from all current information analysis and Meng Qian, from the perspective of the future generation (love Qíng), the next few years is an important period in the Omei Technology industry. .

The future generations mentioned Europe, and will always say that Europe is the allies of the rice country, and even directly said that the millet of the country, but after the 1993 EU was established, more than ten years have remembered that in this history period, everyone mentioned Europe Especially mentioned in the EU, everyone will say that the EU is the opponent of rice.

Later generations have rarely mention this concept, because of the later generation, the EU is also Europe, because of their own fallen plus rice, there is no longer opponent. Then it is aware of all the allies.

It is also in the past few years in the next competition. In these years, the company has gradually formed more and more industry alliances. Of course, Europe is the same, but the problem is that when the SAP is invested by its own industrial needs, he can't find it. Go to a reliable allies!

SAP must have realized the relationship between the interior of the rice country, so he has to start trying more databases, have to start touching more companies, because many technical support must now find Mi countries.

Going to the future SAP has also formed a strategic cooperation with IBM. This is a bigger (sex xìng), which is a risk of sharing, and is in Europe, which is a rearward road that takes himself in Miki. .

"What is the reason?" Harso has been thinking about Meng Qian after thinking, considering the history of the wind group, suddenly wants to see Meng Qian's statement.

"I think SAP is to find a truly relying on the company. The two years of performance in front of the Oracle database decline, the database performance is full of disease, obviously not a partner that can make people feel relieved.

I suggest that Mr. Haso can come to understand the database of our Great Breeze Group, and we have enough confidence in our products. And our wind groups provide a more equitable cooperation agreement with partners. "Meng Qian did not speak too much, Haso will definitely understand, this all can't understand, don't be the CEO of SAP.

"What is the fairness of Mr. Meng?"

"We will not only provide better and lower products for our partners, but we are happy to give our partners to provide some exclusive technical support, and more critical is that all of our wind groups have never followed allies. There is any restriction among. "

Hasow's eyes in Germany SAP headquarters, give a positive signal, "We don't know much about the database of the wind group. If Mr. Meng does not mind, can I first show us in your company's team? "

"Of course, there is no problem. I believe that our wind group will become the most reliable partner of SAP." Meng Qian immediately accepted.

Next, let them understand the product, Meng Qian is still confident, because next year, Miki is the more stiff to Europe, the more opportunities to Meng Qian, what he has to do is In addition.

Haso suddenly felt in the company after a while, Haseli also felt that it was a good idea to cooperate with a Chinese company, because the future of science and technology is a national dispute, this truth Hass is also understanding, compared to Miki, Huso Naturally think that Huaxia does not have such a big threat (sex xìng).

Cooperation with Huaxia Enterprises, Hass's consciousness believes that their initiative will be larger, and follow-up worries will be less. In fact, in this year, many Huaxia companies entering Europe are using Europeans to Xiaoxia.

For example, if you have to happen in Meng Qian's office (emotional Qíng), the Europeans also use Europeans to despise the people of Chinese people.

They are (love ài) Lixin and Nokia representatives, come in with them, as well as NTT representatives of neon countries and soft silver representatives.

At the same time, Meng Qian also more than two people. They are the current chairman of Huawei, Sun Yaran, and ZTE's current executive director.

The next thing to talk is to communicate (love qíng).


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