"Co-research and development?" Ericsson's Chief Technical Official Ai Huason showed a short of enthusiasm after listening to a simple statement that should be simple and Sun Yashang.

"Yes." Sun Yafang gave Ai Huaden a affirmative answer, "Mr. Ali thinks how big is 4G and 3G continuity?"

Ai Hui Sen's consciousness shook his head, "no very big."

"Our opinion is true." Should be a call, "3G standard now everyone is hot, but everyone is in fact, the standard itself has been settled, and the next is the fight, but the rice ATT Soon high-profile announced a 4G R & D results, each company should have something to think? "

The four business representatives have settled their eyes, or they were blocked by Ai Warson because he was the only chief technology officer. Everyone was represented by him by default. "4G dispute is already on the road."

"In fact, everyone has started 4G research and development, we are also the same." Sun Yaxian clamped the words. "Now the industry chain is still in your hands, the ace of the rice is a monopoly in the computer industry. In fact, this is also a balance.

But now the core research in communication technology has begun to force in communication technology, not just ATT, but also high-pass, I think it should pay special attention to this company.

It is also because we have told Qualcomm to Qualcomm, and we realized how to be a scene if the words of the 4G era fall in the hands of rice.

Although the entire 3G era is competition but it also has a fair, it is entirely because you can make equal dialogue with Mi State, and once you lose this equality dialogue, the consequences may be better than we imagined. "

"Once the country monopolizes the computer and communications industry chain, the entire IT industry has to bow to rice." Sun Yaofang said the words, Also said clearly, since everyone talked about this problem, then there is no need to cover Cover it.

The eyes of the other three companies have a subtle change, who doesn't know the terribleness of the consequences. Noting that everyone's expression, I also realized that today I want to have something to say, Sun Yaxie began to talk about cooperation models, she mentioned, is the two major weapons of Huawei, high-priced learning and weak cooperation Weak cooperation.

The so-called high price learning is very understanding, Huawei is very reluctant to spend money to big business, so many big companies are also willing to teach. After all, they seem to have such a small business, teach him a little knowledge, but he can't turn it. Can earn so much money.

The other is a weak cooperation. This thing is more complicated, and a relatively common example is to find a business to find the company to talk about cooperative research and development. I am a little R & D foundation. I hope to engage in you. Such a speed that everyone has developed.

How is the cooperation method is generally a joint venture company, you are a big company, you are a big shareholder, my Huawei is a small business, I account for a small share. Looking back, everyone is, but the decision of the joint venture is in your hands. How do you say that you have said, my Huawei is coming to drink some soup with your brother.

Then many companies are hooked, they feel that they are the shareholders of the joint venture company, and the right to voice is in their own hands. This is not equal to the acquisition of Huawei R & D team. Although the rear of the research and development results are everyone, but the leading My own hands, the problem is not big, do it, there is a psychological reason for the previous mentioned, many European entrepreneurs Xiao Zhu Huaxia, think that it is easy to control a Chinese company.

However, these companies didn't expect that Huawei founded the company to find corporate cooperation, from you, learned from him, and finally integrates the techniques learned to Huawei. The patents in the joint venture are you Saying, but the patents who have returned to Huawei after the technology have nothing to do with you.

At the beginning, Siemens was such a classic case by Huawei pit, thinking that through Huawei entered the Huaxia Market, holding 51% of the shares, and finally discovered that his technology was squeezed, there was a fart, in Huaxia. Communication business is nodded.

However, this kind of gameplay is only one of the many games of weak cooperation. In the face of different companies need to use different strategies, after all, the big business is a smart person, in short, the gesture should be low enough, the benefits should be enough, weaken to be extremely, develop Low-key, I have to know how to settle people, or if I am troublesome.

It is not a few words that can be completely summarized. It is like the moment, Sun Yashang puts forward that Huawei and ZTE want to engage in research and development together with four companies, although Huawei and ZTE are low enough, a pair only one cup Down, fear of a large attitude of rice, but four companies still have obvious hesitized.

If you want to promote cooperation, you need to add code. At this time, it will turn to Meng Qian's drama. "Dear, in October last year, our Huaxia Information Industry is assigned a 155MHz band for TDD. Does you know."

A few people hesitated, and finally nodded.

"Do you know that we will accelerate 3G development speed?"

This crowd shook his head.

"I have a message here, I may be very interested." Meng Qian did a cautious expression, and specially looked at the representative of NTT, "our wind group has been working hard to promote the 3G development of Huaxia, but we don't Perseverance only chooses our own standards.

After a period of efforts in our wind group and several other enterprises, in order to promote the development of China 3G, we will further open the telecommunications market, in view of the local experimental experience of W-CDMA and our neon countries. The actual results after cooperation.

W-CDMA will become a priority introduction technology in our Huaxia. "

Everyone was shocked, Meng Qian was directly smashed a king.

Although Huaxia's TD-SCDMA standard is actually a document in the box, because the Huaxia at this time does not work abroad to promote our 3G standards abroad, other countries can actively choose China's 3G standard.

But although the world is not seen in the 3G standard in Huaxia, the world can be seen in China's market tiger. The Huaxia Telecom Market has been known as the world's largest telecom market from the 3G era. Many people don't understand why, this will be a big poor, and how people will become a biggest telecom market in the world. .

That's because China is the only country with such a big market. It has the absolute control power. The CDMA2000 in the rice country is only used by telecommunications. cut.

It can be because Huaxia has absolute control power to the telecom market, and the rice and the European Union have a patent. It is too difficult to enter the Huaxia market. Especially in 2003, China is still tangled. Don't hurry to put your own Techniques are all resistant to Omei standards.

And Meng Qian revealed this information, in Ericsson and Nokia, this is the silver of white flowers, the Huaxia Telecom market is further open, especially for W-CDMA, as a priority to know inside, can not grab the opportunity .

As for this, it is true. It is indeed true. Once, the world has never chooses three standards together. There is no way, Huaxia's 3G technology level Meng Qian can't save it, it is better to put the market early. Let it be made first, put 3G first.

Ai Huaben couldn't help it. "Mr. Meng said true?"

"I said, the relevant news will come out soon, I still don't like this to make such a lie.

Just wait until the official news comes out, I want to come to our Huaxia to do business, there is a lot of business ... "

Meng Qian gave Aissen and others a look.

So everyone decided to investigate ZTE and Huawei.

After sending the representatives of the four companies, Meng Qian got a sigh of relief. "This matter, I can help it, and then I will follow them after two."

This scene will happen today. The key is that the front time of the wind group, Huawei, ZTE and Datang opened a meeting. After Meng Qiao generously donated the world, the three companies that were more deeply deeper than technically precipitated quickly. A preliminary conclusion.

Everyone believes that the direction of the wind group may really have research, but the communication standard is, never just a simple, the technology is good, 5G Times Huawei can compete, because the foundation is enough, at least Huawei is the world's largest Communication equipment, with a large number of countries with a partnership basis, and because of the state power.

But now I have to fight for 4G times in advance. The foundation of the company and the foundation of the country are not enough. Even if the main core patents of 4G a few years are presented in Huaxia, there is no use.

At this time, everyone realizes that I have a more foundation for 4G, including equipment, including the market, including more basic patents, so Huawei and ZTE have proposed this idea to engage in these companies. Let the grandson go to their facilities, they have the direction of the Great Wind Group.

If the direction of the wind group is really right, the large amount of basic technology and core technologies are in China, the words are big, if the direction of the wind group is not right, it is a pure study, no loss.

In addition, accelerating the global competitiveness of the equipment, this thing Meng Qian is temporarily helping too much.

But don't do this, everyone still has controversial, especially Datang Telecom, it is not supported. After all, the country needs to sacrifice some markets, but Meng Qian is strong, because he knows his prophet technology The direction is right, and also knows that China 3G is really no, he also knows the WiMax incident that will happen in a few years, will be greatly helpful in China's 4G development.

At this time, it is necessary to make full effort to enrich our foundation.

"Although the national open market has played a big homework, the wind group also played the role of the bridge that was not overlooked." Sun Yarou has pushed into Meng Qian. "One of us is very important is to work hard."

"We really like to show weakness from top to bottom." Meng Qian couldn't help but ridicule, the rise of Huaxia's rise in China and Mi Dynasty, the opposite policy, and the company has 100 points, there is 150 points. There are 100 points of Huaxia to say that they are only 50 points.

Should be smile, "This is called a lot."

Three people looked at the eyes, tacit love.


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