YANDEX, Russian local engine, is another company in the first one, the future Russian local giant company, but this will be a small company, and the W3C is just a small member, the market value is not 2 100 million meters.

So yandex is a minimum business with other seven companies, because he is a business that is a strong wind group.

There are two points for Yandex to help, one is about the technology of the engine, with the world of Ju Peng browsers, the point of view of the navigation page of the Ju Peng browser is followed by many people.

One point, it is the engine of Haiwei, this name makes Meng Qian specially played, because he always associates a little information in the later generation, but the name is a new tree, Meng Qian does not express his opinion.

YANDEX is very keen to see the product advantages and by inquiry, it is Meng Qian, so I want to ask Meng Qian to guide them.

There is another thing that Yandex will be a bit lack of money. The YANDEX engine has been burning money from the launch of the line in 1997, and all the way to 2003 began earnings, so Yandex wants to find someone else.

As for why you want to find a big wind group invested, from the back of the communication because the other party's recognition of the research ability of the wind group, the big wind group investment is the shareholder, and the shareholder will help us always better.

To be honest, Meng Qian is not very well understood by Yandex, and there is no study in the later generations. It is just that he has heard that he has developed in the world. When the W3C's board member, other trouble Meng Qian basically does not understand.

So Meng Qian considers that his rebirth should not be very big on the development of enterprises on Russia, so this investment is still invested, Meng Qian is very refreshing, promised to send a team to Russia for two days. Investigate, I will talk about injection.

As for the skills of teaching technology, Meng Qian said that it is necessary to discuss the shareholders of Haowei, temporarily do not respond.

And Meng Qian is looking for Yandex, and there is also his purpose, that is, Meng Qian wants to learn more about Russia's domestic research, and many people in the Soviet Union's scientific and technological talents have learned that Russia continues to maintain talent loss after disintegration. Side.

But Meng Qiao has missed the early countries to go to Russia, but Russia still has a foundation, especially in the field of mathematics and computer, and Russia's heritage is really thick.

So Meng Qian thought that there was another way to use the advantages of Russia, how to implement it, he used to send people to Russia, and he wants to find a Russian local enterprise in the W3C.

"Mr. Finover, how is the development of scientific and technological personnel in your country? I heard that the Russian government has taken a lot of measures?" After chatting, Meng Qian seems to come.

Yandex's chairman of Alfrad Fernotti is full of helplessness, "Everyone is working hard, believes the result will become good."

Fernoldti is obviously safeguarding the ingredients of his own country's face. As the rebirth, it is clear that there is no improvement in the Russian situation in the past few years, and the government has nothing to do. Although the country has indeed increased research funds. Investment, the result is all greed, Meng Qian does not believe that Fisovotiti will believe in the Russian government.

But since Phone Hohti is to maintain, Meng Qian said, "I heard that Russia although the scientific and technological talents shrink, most of the science and technology talents are still in China?"

"Our technical personnel internal flow and external flow ratio are 9 to 1, and we lose scientific and technological talents, 90% have been in China, or from politics or merchants, only 10% of the truly abroad."

In the survey data before Meng Qian, there was any proportion of the Russian technology talents lost in the middle and external flow. Most of them did not go abroad. It was just out. Russians didn't seem to be very cool international media, especially Western media deliberately ignored this. Data, very deliberately ridicule Russian technology talent outflow.

Just people like Fetotti don't know if there is no real thing, although the real outflow technology talent is only 10%, this 10% is almost elite.

However, I know that Fisoto is mind, Meng Qian will not be broken, "said that, Russian talent reserves still have a foundation."

"But most of the people who strongent will return to the original position. Now the key is to keep the existing talents." Fernoldti is helpless again.

"As far as I understand, the core of the talent problem is still money, the fund is not enough, the treatment is not high, right?" Meng Qian always keeps the attitude.

"The big environment is also a factor. Of course, Mr. Meng said that there is no mistake, the core is still money, if the money is in place, maybe many people don't care about the environment."

Meng Qian took advantage, "Mr. Fernotti, does not meet, your country has always respectd the level of mathematics and computer fields, now the wind group is also a development, I plan to go to Russia to create our wind The Group's first overseas research center, I don't know if there is any good opinion of Fisoti? "

Fernottima police alert, "Mr. Meng said, is an overseas branch, or a pure research center."

"Mr. Fernotti felt differentiated?"

Fernoldti began to consider his own attitude. "Mr. Meng should have learned about our domestic conditions?"

Meng Qiantan responded, "That is nature, since this idea, of course, it is necessary to send people to the field, but we have used it to exchange too little with Russia, and the content of the consultation is not complete. Mr. Norotiti, your company as a Russian local company that rely on Russia, it is certainly a problem. "

Seeing Meng Qian's attitude is still very sincere. Fernotti is very sincere. "Although the world knows that our Russian scientific and technological talent stream is lost, this does not mean that our country really does not pay attention, just like Mr. Meng We have begun to mention that we take protection measures to some extent, Huaxia has experienced the loss of talents over ten years, but the situation is not only the same as us.

We need to face things before and after experiencing the disintegration, but the important people of technology understand, so the country is impossible to stay in the meaning of Talents. Every year, there are so many outstanding students stay abroad, is this? Is this Huaxia hoping?

Everyone has their own unpackor. "

Meng Qian nodded, and later, many media did a lot of media to describe Russian people's loss. It is the same as Russia, how can it be, ** **, the brain still there will be.

"So for existing talents, especially elite talents, we have our protection mechanism. So, including Omei, Neon, Israel and your Chinese, in fact, there have been the same idea with Meng Mr., but true There are very few companies in the Russian founding research center, and there should be only two or three companies in Huaxia.

Therefore, if Mr. Meng wants to set up a research center, do not open our official government, you need to tell us that you can bring us what you can bring for us, if you bring us what we want, so if you bring us what we want, there is a chance to set up research. center.

However, if the Great Breeze Group is a branch company, it will be much easier. After all, it can bring us employment and economic development, but the branch can dig how to dig, it is not good to say. "

Meng Qian touched the chin asked a direct and critical issue. "What help does our strength group can bring to your country?"

Fernoldti is a little hard, he is sure that the industry, games, and social confirmation is not Russian need, the software, the Russianself is also software big country, the country is more impossible to purchase the system of the wind group, I heard that the wind group also The chip design, but just started to go, although it made a candlelon sensor, how can I see it or I can engage in cooperation.

Seeing Fino Hobiti thought about frowned, but even if he still wanted to have an answer, Meng Qian took the initiative to ask, "Russia has a big problem in the development of light industry?"

"Ah?" I still thinking about Fernotiti, "Well, it is true."

"Russia is a heavy industry big country, but the light industry has always been a soft rib. It is first because Russian is only a population of 140 million people. Second, because Russia is a resource big country, the first-line worker has less, and allocated to the resource excavation. After all, the resources are exchanged and fast. Easy, Ning Reliable resources exchanged from foreign imported light industry products, right? "

Fernoldti naturally does not deny that "Mr. Meng said that the development of light industry has always been a matter of Russian headache, just ... Great wind group is developed with light industry?"

Meng Qian smiled and gave Fernoldti, "In the past few years, the CIMS plant and the soft manufacturing system fire, but in addition to systematic and softening, what is the development trend of automated production, Mr. Faustri know?"

"The development trend of automation production? Integration?" Fernoldti just said, watching Meng Qian's face suddenly realized what, his face changed, "intelligent!"

Since neon, neon proposes an intelligent manufacturing system IMS International Cooperative Research Program in April 1990, intelligent automation production has become an important research topic and has become a major trend in automation. In the 1990s, neural networks and fuzzy controls began to gradually show strength in automation production.

"Mr. Fino Hovert thinks that your country will not be interested in this thing?"

"Of course!" Fernoldti looked very excited. "The light industry has always been our Russian short board. We also pay a lot of considerable price, but as Meng, we have a lot of objective reasons, Population issues are a thing that is impossible to change.

Develop automation production, especially integrated automation, intelligent automation, is indeed a direction. "

Meng Qian smiled nodded, "It seems that I have to go to Russia for a while, and I can still say that Mr. Novotit."

"Mr. Meng is polite, Mr. Meng came to Russia and must remember to say, I took Meng Miss Mang to feel our Russia."


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