After Wang Daxi, Wang Daxi has laid the opening ceremony, the wind group has arranged the five R & D centers to share, after the Great Breeze Group, Yahai Wei, Huawei, Dongping, Blue Star, all the enterprises sent representatives to speaking, It is mentioned that there are many dry goods.

The real core technology is certainly impossible to say on this stage. After all, it is the secret of various companies, but everyone can say that it is still relatively deep, such as Huawei shared a lot of learning technology from abroad, For example, Dongwei shared their views on the market difference between domestic and foreign software.

For example, Blue Star shared material research and development related equipment knowledge, where can buy, cost problems, research and development, so that small businesses who do materials research and development have the opportunity to learn something unknown in the past, can better locate their own business Direction of development.

Let Meng Qian pleasing that most of the small business representatives of small companies are very serious, very few have such an opportunity to treat Meng Qian gave them to them. This year's information is relatively occluded, and the development of these people who have taken the company in China is not awkward.

For small businesses, many of them are like a headless flies. In a sense, they need more directions than big companies. The big businesses are no longer, and they are still in the hands of the main industrial pillars. Many small There is only one hot heart, and there is no other.

There is also these students in the scene, why the wind group should invite so many students, especially the Chinese students, because Meng Qian also hopes to see more things to the domestic elite students, let them know more about the country. The situation is seen in the potential of the domestic market.

Perhaps, this group originally stayed in the university elites in the country participated in such meetings and activities, it would be more inclined to return to China, even if only one person thought, maybe, this person can create the next wind group, In this era, what is impossible?

After the company's representative shared, the market expert's economic expert began to speak, and after several Meng Qian invited, the Academician's representative of the Academician of the Hua Xi, and everyone is relatively in-depth sharing in their respective professional fields. Of course, there are still several obvious water. Any occasion is impossible to ensure that everyone will treat it with your heart.

Three of these sponses especially make everyone feel significant.

The first is to analyze domestic demand, mentioned that the domestic IT industry is huge, the potential is greater, but now more than 50% of the project comes from imports, which not only has high end production, not only high-end production, the medium and low-end production also rely on imports, this is Many entrepreneurs seem to be business opportunities. The high-end production can't do it, can't do it in the middle and low-end, the export can't be done, and the domestic demand market can't do it.

The second is a detailed interpretation of the entire industrial chain. It is not possible to say that the technology of various companies is too deep. It can be said with the problem of the industrial chain, and the speech mentioned that China is in the entire IT industry chain. What is the disadvantage, what is the lack of depends on which countries, mainly to the industrial chain, and have a great value for a lot of confused entrepreneurs. After all, from a company, it is difficult to have the opportunity to put the entire industry. The problem of chain is so thorough.

The third is policy issues, and the state will further support private enterprises throughout the IT industry after supporting private enterprises, and combined with a series of policy support. Doing business in China knows a truth and following national policies.

In addition, Meng Qian also invited several times before the development of neon countries, now in domestic entrepreneurial or working people to share, after all, neon countries have experienced the fight against rice, but also experienced real estate bubbles, also experienced The financial crisis is more experienced.

And these things in the future are equally experienced, so Meng Qian is looking for them to share the failure experience.

The entire forum has continued for four hours, and the two cups were prepared in the middle. As a result, everyone didn't want to waste time, never rest, nearly five o'clock, there are still many people who want to mention the problem, Sun Xiaomi is going to show the time is not early If you have any questions, you can continue to communicate privately.

After controlling the atmosphere of the live scene, Sun Xiaomi began to announce today's next content, and the first global university technology contest award ceremony.

Xiao Bo is on the stage, first introduces this game content, and then expresses the gratitude to the contest, and also praises the entrant. It is very official.

After the saying, Xiao Bao began to announce the three winners this year.

"The first global universities of the wind group, the winning papers of the chemical team are:" Clinical manifestations of DNA repair mechanism ", the author of the paper, in MIT, Fati from Switzerland.

The awarded text of the physical group is: "The major experimental breakthrough on the space folding model", the author, studying in Oxford University, Ben King from the UK.

The winning papers of the mathematics group are: "Software Virtualization Application and Security Algorithm", the author, at Stanford University, from Huaxia, Shen Lin.

Let us welcome three winners to go up with applause. "

The awards naturally got Meng Qian, sent three gold-plated medals to the three people, and Meng Qiao took a photo with three people, then three people will have a 15-minute speech time, mainly to make a simple in their papers. Interpretation.

After this end, today's conference is almost, there will be some partial activities tomorrow, but this evening, only Meng Qian's summary speech is left.

"Seeing everyone so selfless sharing, I really feel very touched." Meng Qian started his speech in a chat style, "I have said that I have said that I want to say it before IT Fortune. Even if I don't participate in the annual meeting, I have already heard it.

So I didn't continue to show me today. If you think that this activity is meaningful, even if we don't do this, you don't have this event, but I'm doing such an activity. Tance, so Everyone remembers the introduction of the big wind group produced for everyone, I feel that I can buy it from our big wind group, remember to take care of our business. "

"Hahahaha." Many people laughed at the scene.

Of course, everyone is clear, engage in such an event, affirmation, the wind group is not a charity, always returned, the students' big wind group is the talent reserve, but these companies have to do such a activity for the wind group. More getting is not the industry status, industry influence, and some real production sales.

Most of many companies like later generations, mostly doing the nature of the platform, build a platform for everyone, and income their own expenses.

"But in today's event, I still have an important thing I want to take this opportunity to make a declaration to the world."

Meng Qian said, there was a huge laboratory concept map on the big screen, and there was a school behind the laboratory, writing four words on the top of this conceptual figure: Pure land plan.

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