Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 286 Pure land plan


Meng Qian has made a big concept introduction with the people who said with Perelman (love qing) with the scene of the scene, "So, the first purpose of the Pure land plan is to give more thinking Researchers who have to engage in purely research work provide a platform.

Why do you have such a platform?

We have contacted too many attitude researchers in these two years, but it is also because of this, we realize some problems.

Many times, the company's profit (sex xing) has certain natural contradictions (sex xing) for research, even if our wind group is the same, we have encountered someone to tell us, he wants to study the rocket (shoot shè) If the problem is that our wind group has never considered the cultivation of rockets (love qing).

What should we do in the face of such talents? Push him to the right business and institution? But what should I do if there is no suitable business and agency? Do we force him to do something else (love qing)?

Moreover, in the process of our talents, our truly encountering many researchers (body shēn) are reluctant to serve enterprises, they only want to do their research, but they need money to support them. Life, what should I do?

Many of these people finally lost to reality, but we must admit that these people have been distracted from reality in facts, in fact, the major wealth of human science and technology development.

For these reality (love words), we have begun to consider it is a public welfare (sex xing) research institution because public welfare (sex xing), that is, there is no contradiction between the pursuit of profits. "

There have been some discussion on the stage.

Meng Qian continued, "To this end, the concept of the Pure land plan is born, and we have established a public welfare research center for more people who want to engage in scientific research.

Second, we will establish a public welfare (sex xing) education institution, we call the Pure Land College, the students can enjoy professional public welfare education resources after interview.

So is our pure land plan be started? "Meng Qian is open another picture," Yes, today mentioned here (love qing), is because the Pure land plan has entered the startup countdown, we will officially hold a conference and starting ceremony after the year .

The first pure land laboratory has been in the design stage, and has now entered the design phase.

At present, corporate institutions involved in the Pure land plan include, Hua Jing, Yahai Wei, Huawei, Yan Da, Tsinghua, Fudan, Jiang Da, Harbin Institute of Technology and our strong wind group.

Our decision today is open here, because we have been discussing, everyone unanimously believes in a more fair principle, several companies can act as sponsor, but we should put this plan before officially launching the Pure land plan. Do one open.

To join us to join our team and build the management team of the Pure land plan as soon as possible, including interview, (Japan Ri) often operate, financial management, patent management, providing our researchers A more assured, more comfortable research environment.

And why do you want to announce to the world, because our hopes can make the Pure land plan into a global (sex xing) public welfare organization, we look forward to the Pure Land Laboratory and the Pure Land Academy can provide all countries around the world to provide researchers around the world. A different choice. "

"What is the patented technology produced in the pure land laboratory?" There is no problem with someone else.

"Asked the idea, since the Pure land laboratory is a public welfare organization, we naturally encourage researchers to feed back (love ài) to the society after obtaining social help, so we recommend that researchers in the pure land plan can develop their own research and development. Free supply to the world free of charge.

But we don't plan to take mandatory measures, and many scientific research results are very difficult, so if researchers are not willing to share, we must also give them understand and support.

For those who are willing to share, the patent belongs should still give corresponding individuals or teams, so we will put the open source alliance as a partner platform of the Pure land plan, as long as we get the party's (Yun Yun), we will be on the open source league website Publish and open some scientific research from the Pure land plan. "

"Open Source Alliance?" The following appeared a large-scale discussion. This increasingly famous open source website naturally has already been smashed out of the wind group.

"Bind the Pure Land Plan and the Open Source Alliance, this is what it means to make an open source alliance." The following will mention this problem.

"But the Open Source League is an open source website, even if it is big, the wind group is nothing."

"Why is not good, influence, you don't underestimate the influence of open source, just like many scientific research workers don't want to go to work, this world is not proud of the world, and for these people, open source community is They are the best attribution.

Now the Pure land plan is out, these people are equal to finding a property. Although this belongs are the quality (sex xing), but the global influence of the global influence is natural. "

"Even if you do this, people Meng Qian have not had problems, providing a platform for a type of research talent, but also provides more technology for the whole society, and I will not open the source. It can also be used.

As a sponsor, the wind group does not make a list of people? This is the same as the company's donation, although many donations are to make a name, but people are at least in a real donation, nor is it too much moral kidnapping? "

"And this thing can really develop globally, it is not only helpful to the global influence of the wind group, but also is also helpful to our global influence on our Chinese, at least our Chinese business should support it."

"Indeed, after the international, Huaxia business representative is Huaxia, all have two sides (sex xing), in general, I think that the wind group (love Qing) is still very meaningful, strong wind group I have also got some benefits, and I also have passed. We can't just let people do a good job, but it is not good for people. "

"Meng Wei ... Meng Da." Yun Wei raised your hand, "Is there a chance to enter the Pure land laboratory?"

"Of course, we have reached a preliminary consensus, our interview will not be very strict, as long as you have an attitude, you can apply, and according to different (body shēn), such as students, we will have different interview criteria. "

"That is this means that we can use the equipment and information in the laboratory as long as we can enter the pure land plan through the interview."

"The purpose of the Pure land plan is to provide you with such a platform, otherwise we do this (love Qing) is what?"

"Is the Pure land plan need to sign a contract? If a person stays in the laboratory, I have been looking for a job in the laboratory. Is this possible to be licensed with (Yun Yun)?" And some people put forward a problem.

(Yun Yun) Xu. "Meng Qian laughed," the Pure land plan is not prison, everyone's stay is free, if you think you want to enter the company, then we go, but our Pure land plan Have your own management standards, if you violate the management regulations after the interview, we will also take certain measures, including forced persuasion.

Even if there are some particularly serious problems, I believe that some people have already thought of a (love Qing) when I mention the Pure land plan, will not have a business intention to send people to dig.

This is a serious violation, we will not only persuade, but also the membership enterprises of all the pure land plans will incorporate the company into the blacklist, and we will also make this company to be punished by legal means and media means. "

Of course, Meng Qian's selfishness is more bigger than everyone's imagination, such as when the Pure land plan is influential, Meng Qian is preparing to build an international public welfare standard agency.

Therefore, the pure land plan is not clean, but Meng Qian's mentality has changed, he has always told himself to be a gentleman, do how dirty, at least I can clean.

But with your pro (body shēn) experienced the international competition, I saw more and more inside, and Meng Qian is more and more understanding that the West does not have the bottom line in the West, in the past, be a common little people, Meng Qian Can clean (body shēn) good.

But now, since you put something, you have to face the cruel competition, you have to face dirty, what should I do, continue to use clean attack dirty?

Resentment with morality

If you are, Meng Qian knows that this is impossible (love qing), this world (body shēn) and goals have already opened themselves, so Meng Qian is willing to be a small person.

Anyway, I have been a gentleman who has made itself, this world is born, just experience a small person's life.

In the future, regardless of how Meng Qian (Yin Yin) insurance, as long as you can do your opponent, Meng Qian will accept it, even if it is nailed to have a shame column of history, Meng Qian will laugh.

When everyone wants to ask questions, there is a relatively clear understanding of the pure land plan, Meng Qian began to take the last ace, "the Pure land plan will realize a one-year-round board management system, the first board of directors Members have conducted internal elections after receiving more members.

But there is a thing (love qing), our initiator has reached a unified, that is, the first principal of the Pure Land, we have already set, let us applause welcome. "

In the eyes of everyone, a man wearing a hat stepped into the stage, and when he took a hat, many people were excited at the scene.

"Grigo Pereman!"

After proved Pang Guess, Grigo Pereman became more legendary on the original legend, but people in the circle also knew he had social disorders, did not like throws to show, every day Corporate research.

If you want to select a few people in the world, you will definitely have the location of Grigo Pereman.

Nowadays, Grigo Pereman actually goes out to the principal of the Pure Land College, which is an advertisement of the most explosive power of the Pure land plan for research circles, especially mathematics.


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